5 Books To Help With Your Personal Devotions
There is a delicate balance in the daily devotional life: we want to keep both discipline and freshness in our time with God. Very easily routines turn into ruts and...

Use A Journal This Year
Use A Journal This Year It was quiet in the house and I was sitting in my favorite chair, reading and reflecting. The little, leather books around me were not...

A Devotional Truth for the Evening
Every close to the day is a reminder that God has not failed or forsaken us. Weariness should remind us that His strength was sufficient. Memories should remind us that...

3 Books to Use In Your Devotional Time
Books are wonderful tools. When it comes to the daily quiet time there are a number of wonderful books that may be used with great benefit. Occasionally I enjoy reading...

3 Things You Could Write Today
Writing is work! It takes time and more mental energy than most tasks. I am currently reading the biography of Jonathan Edwards. Edwards was one of the greatest theological minds...

Genuine Prayers = Meaningful Prayers
How to Make Prayer More Meaningful The new year brings with it fresh thoughts about our devotional life. We all need to give more time and attention to prayer. To...