Takeoff and Landing
Air travel has become more than a luxury for our mobile society. It has, for many, become a necessity to business and commerce. Like the Roman roads of Paul's day...

Are You Seeking God’s Direction For Some Decision?
At every stage on the journey we face crossroads - choices that will have long-lasting effects on both ourselves and others. Direction determines destination. There is never a day that...

Departures, Delays, and Detours
Someone said to me not long ago, "You must really love to travel!" Anyone who has spent much time on the road will tell you that the initial thrill and adventure...

Along the Journey
We are in the midst of planning our annual family vacation. Some of my fondest childhood memories surround family trips. There is a certain adventure to it all! My wife...

Another trip. I am sitting in a hotel room in Fort Worth, Texas tonight. Tomorrow we host an Open House at Crown Southwest and begin a Regional Youth Congress. I...

Dealing with Goodbyes
Goodbyes are hard. I was standing in a security line at an airport not long ago preparing to go through the regular process that has become so much a part...