Departures, Delays, and Detours September 26, 2017

Someone said to me not long ago, “You must really love to travel!” Anyone who has spent much time on the road will tell you that the initial thrill and adventure wears off fairly quickly. Something else has to keep you going.

Life itself is a journey – full of goodbyes, unexpected circumstances, and change. These realities can be both frustrating and sad. How do you keep moving forward?

The way to deal with departures, delays,
and detours is to keep your heart set on the destination!

Sometimes the road is long. Some days the journey is tiring. But Someone is waiting for you at the end.

My response to my friend was this, “I don’t always love to travel but I love what I get to do when I get there.” And so it is with life. You will not always love every mile of the journey, but I assure you that you are going to love the destination.

Remember that we are all just travelers. The hymn writer expressed it best: “This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through!”

Travel on.

♦Recommended Resource: My friend Pastor Jimmy Reagan has published an encouraging book on the journey we are all making through life. This study on Psalm 120-134 is called The Pilgrim Psalms – Our Pilgrimage to God’s Presence. I have enjoyed it and hope that you will get a copy for your own study. You may order it on Amazon.

Our quarterly newsletter will be published later this week. To receive this email update from our family please subscribe here. It would be a joy to share some of our journey with you.

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