Lessons from the Road: 10 Tips for Itinerant Preachers
Itinerant ministry, like any work, has its unique challenges and its special blessings. There is ample evidence in the New Testament that itinerant ministry has a valid place both in...

Life’s Delays
Delayed. One of the most dreaded words in air travel. It glares in yellow letters from the airport monitors. The very word sounds like what it represents - a long...

From The Back Of My Journal
I am nearing the end of another journal and, God willing, will begin another soon. This is always a reminder to me of the passing of life and the importance...

Truths for Travelers: Lessons Learned On the Road
As many of you know I spend a good deal of time on the road. Another frequent traveler, the Apostle Paul, once wrote, “all things are yours” (1 Corinthians 3:21-22)....

Departures, Delays, and Detours
Someone said to me not long ago, "You must really love to travel!" Anyone who has spent much time on the road will tell you that the initial thrill and adventure...