One of the most dreaded words in air travel. It glares in yellow letters from the airport monitors. The very word sounds like what it represents – a long indefinite period.
Few updates bring more downcast looks. Frustration rises. Immediately the questions begin to come…Why? How long? Is the new time accurate or just hopeful? What can we do differently? Will I make my connection or appointment? Whose fault is this anyway? Where can I get another cup of coffee while I worry?
Pace if you want to. Fret if you will. Look for someone to blame. Join the ranks of those who are fussing about the inconvenience. But in the end we all just have to sit down and wait. Some things are out of our control.
I am writing these words on a flight that I was not originally supposed to be on, trying to get home. This frequent travel experience has taught me some much needed lessons for life’s journey. Are you living though one of life’s many “delays” today? Think on this…
Nothing is sure. Our times are in God’s hands (Psalm 31:15). The original time may have been what we planned but that does not necessarily mean it was right. The only sure thing is that God is on the throne and is working His plan in our lives.
Everything must be given to God. In the Old Testament we read, “Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5). The New Testament echoes the truth, “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). Better to talk to God than complain to others.
Something good may come of it. Very often delays are divine appointments. Look for them! We don’t always know the reasons for the delays of life but sometimes they are right in front of you.
Anything could have happened. It can always be worse. A delay can become a cancellation. An on-time departure does not guarantee safety. Thank God for what He gives you and what He keeps you from.
One thing should be done: wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14). God will show you what to do as you look to Him. Waiting does not always mean inaction – it just means not acting until you know what step the Lord wants you to take.
So the next time you find yourself “delayed” pause and consider the One who is always on time. He has everything under control.
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Amen! I’ve learned to be thankful in the delays. I know that the Lord is working even though it is sometimes hard to wait.
Oh Brother Scott this is so good
That’s very true.
It was happening to me 2 days ago. I had a connecting flight ✈️ with Jet blue from Nashville, Fort Lauderdale to Philadelphia. My flight was delayed from Nashville to Fort Lauderdale because of that I missed the second flight ✈️ I was so frustrated and mad. So they put me up in a hotel then another connecting in the next morning from FLL to Boston to Philadelphia. In Boston they got us in the airplane then deplane us due to bad weather. finally got back on the plane from Boston ✈️ to my Philadelphia . It was so frustrating. I think Lord was teaching me a lesson about Patience.
Thank you Brother Pauley this thought.