
The ruins of the Temple of Apollo at Corinth. The city was known in antiquity for this magnificent Doric temple. Ironically, this was the city where the preacher from Alexandria, Apollos, came to minister. Corinth was destroyed by the Romans under Lucius Mummius, then later refounded as a city by Julius Caesar, just before his assassination. As a result, many monuments in the city were dedicated to his memory, and that of his familv. Photo by John Buckner

Paul in Corinth

 Paul in Corinth  “And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat, Saying, This fellow...
opposition in ministry, roman persecution

God Uses Opposition!

God Uses Opposition! Recently, a spirit of great discouragement seems to permeate many churches. It’s as if God’s people believe this is the only time of difficulty believers have ever...
Polycarp teacher, Polycarp defended the truth

Christians You Should Know: Polycarp

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly...
John Bunyan

Christians You Should Know: John Bunyan

"Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the...

More To Come

Are you worn down? Nerves on edge? Wondering what is coming next? These have been challenging days for so many, but we should not be surprised. As we near the...

Regathering the Flock

Sometimes God scatters His people. This is seen in the early church when believers were scattered because of persecution (Acts 8:4). But there is a huge difference between the scattering...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Pop Culture and Pop Christianity

Pop culture has received a great deal of attention in recent years.  Television and the Internet gave it momentum and the proliferation of social media has only increased its influence. ...