

What Are Your Eyes Saying?

Recently, while studying Proverbs 4, I began to wonder about the physical connection between the various members of the body and the heart; this theme is woven throughout the chapter....

Higgaion: A Note We All Need

Unlike my wife, I do not read music. Though the notes on the page mean little to me, I know a good note or a bad note when I hear...

What was He Thinking?

The only way that we can truly know what another person is thinking is through their words. Words are an expression of the mind. In the words of Jesus, "Out...

How to Conquer Fear

Fear is real and it is paralyzing. A world in flux has produced a world filled with fear. Frequently I hear someone quote 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not...

Take The Day Off!

Take the day off...Those are beautiful words. (Since you don’t work for me you should probably still show up for work today!) Why is it that we only seem to...