
Miracles of Christ Parallel

The Miracles of Christ | Study Guide

The Miracles of Christ | Study Guide In difficult days and facing dire circumstances, it is always good to remind ourselves that God is greater than all! Scripture records over...

A Special Announcement From Scott Pauley

When the Lord led me into evangelistic work one of the great desires of my heart was to help provide resources that would encourage and equip others to give the...
Themes and Key Verse of the Bible | Study Guide

“Journey Through Scripture” Ready Reference

Just this week as I was reading God's Word I noticed a reference that Jesus made to the reading of Scripture. In Luke 6:3 Christ spoke to religious people when...

Announcing New Guest Blog Posts!

Last year we provided a free resource each month to encourage and equip believers. In 2018 I would like to make available a different type of resource. Each month a...
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“The Greatest Thing In The World” by Henry Drummond

What is the greatest thing in all the world? Henry Drummond was a Scottish evangelist who was mightily used of the Lord. D.L. Moody called him the most Christ-like young...

Seven Bible Stories to Use With Muslims

We are only days away from 9/11. So many thoughts and emotions come to our minds as we approach this day of memorial. For those of us who know Christ,...

Free Audio Book of Philippians

This months resource is one of my favorites. In fact, it is my favorite book of the Bible! One of my instructors in college said that his favorite book of...
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Amy Carmichael’s Dream

Amy Carmichael was an amazing servant of Christ. As a young woman she sat in a meeting where D.L. Moody was preaching on the elder brother of Luke 15. When...
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Revival of Bible Reading Bookmark – 7 Suggestions for Getting the Most from God’s Word

Each month this year we are offering a free resource to help encourage Christians and churches. These tools are designed to encourage prayer, Bible reading, witnessing, and personal ministry to...
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A Special Announcement & New Resources

At the end of this post I have a special announcement to make and a number of free resources to offer you. Permit me to explain why this is on my heart......