Free Audio Book of Philippians August 25, 2017


This months resource is one of my favorites. In fact, it is my favorite book of the Bible! One of my instructors in college said that his favorite book of the Bible was the one he was reading at the time. Without doubt, all Scripture is wonderful. But many years ago I was challenged to adopt a “life book” and immerse myself in it. That book became the little New Testament letter of Philippians.

I love this book for many reasons. Its theme is Jesus, and the joy that He alone can bring. It was the truth behind the name of our blog – Enjoying the Journey. It is the prayer of my life, that God would allow me to live and labor in the joy of His presence.

This month I am giving you the greatest thing I can give anyone – the Word of God! The download is a simple devotional reading of the book of Philippians. The recording is divided by chapters for easier use. We worked hard to finish this project with the prayer that God would use His Word to encourage many people.

Listening to the Word of God is for the purpose of memorizing and meditating on the truth.

I would like to give you a few practical suggestions for using the recordings…

  • Download the four chapters on your computer or mobile device so that you have them easily accessible. Play them whenever you have some time throughout the day.
  • Listen to the book of Philippians for the next several days and see if you don’t fall in love with it as I have. If possible, follow along in your own Bible.
  • Choose a book of the Bible yourself for concentrated study. Ask the Lord to guide you to a book that can become your own “life book.”
  • Read through your book out loud. This was a good exercise for me. It causes your eyes, ears, mind, and mouth to all be engaged in the process. If you read the same passage again and again you will discover truths you never noticed before!

Today I celebrate my 41st birthday. I am praying that God will help the rest of my days to be characterized by His joy. I don’t want to just finish my race, I want to “finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24).

I hope you will enjoy my gift to you. It is the Word of God…and it is powerful.

Click HERE to download the Philippians audio MP3 files.

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  1. NATHAN POFF on August 25, 2017 at 9:46 AM

    Happy Birthday, brother Pauley! I pray that God will allow you to see the fullness of His love for you today in Christ Jesus our Savior. Thank you for the recording of Philippians. God’s word is quick and powerful. Love you, brother.

    • Scott Pauley on August 25, 2017 at 1:55 PM

      Thank you my friend! Trust you will enjoy the Scripture recordings.

  2. Shelley Hendry on August 25, 2017 at 11:06 PM

    Dear Mr Pauley,
    Thank you very much for your faithful Ministry. Just wanted to let you know that I was teaching a speech class recently and my son Nathaniel was one of my students and in answer to the question “Please tell the class who is your favorite speaker and why they are an inspiration” my son Nathaniel described your ministry in his life! Thank you and happy birthday!

    • Scott Pauley on August 26, 2017 at 2:18 PM

      That means so much to me. He is a special young man and God has something great for him. We love your family. Thank you for being an encouragement.

  3. Christine Balakitsis on August 26, 2017 at 9:12 PM

    Thank you! Appreciate your ministry very much – looking forward to seeing you at GLBC Helena in October! Also, Philippians is my favorite NT book.

    • Scott Pauley on August 30, 2017 at 10:00 AM

      Thank you so much. I look forward to being with you all soon!

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