Enjoying the Journey (Anniversary Series)

Finishing with Joy!
December 11, 2023
Philippians 4:17-23
The Christian life is to be a joyful journey from start to finish. A final look at the closing verses of Philippians reveals powerful promises that we can claim. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
The Christian life is to be a joyful journey from start to finish. A final look at the closing verses of Philippians reveals powerful promises that we can claim. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 7
December 8, 2023
Philippians 4:14-16
As we conclude our study of How to Stay Happy in Jesus, we are challenged to live a life of selflessness. In a world full of takers, choose this moment to be a giver.
As we conclude our study of How to Stay Happy in Jesus, we are challenged to live a life of selflessness. In a world full of takers, choose this moment to be a giver.

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 6
December 7, 2023
Philippians 4:10-13
A happy life is a life consciously lived in the presence of Jesus. It's in His presence that we are reminded of God's perfect provision. Tune in to today's episode as we continue our study through Philippians.
A happy life is a life consciously lived in the presence of Jesus. It's in His presence that we are reminded of God's perfect provision. Tune in to today's episode as we continue our study through Philippians.

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 5
December 6, 2023
Philippians 4:10-13
God is not bound by our circumstances. No wonder Paul was able to be content in a prison cell! Listen to today's study to find out another key to contentment.
God is not bound by our circumstances. No wonder Paul was able to be content in a prison cell! Listen to today's study to find out another key to contentment.

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 4
December 5, 2023
Philippians 4:8-9
As we continue our study of being happy in Jesus, we realize the necessity of staying content in Christ. Learn today how to be satisfied with God's sufficiency.
As we continue our study of being happy in Jesus, we realize the necessity of staying content in Christ. Learn today how to be satisfied with God's sufficiency.

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 3
December 4, 2023
Philippians 4:5-7
A key to staying happy in Jesus is being prayerful. Prayer brings all of life into the presence of God, and His presence brings His peace. Learn from this episode the benefit of bringing everything to the Lord.
A key to staying happy in Jesus is being prayerful. Prayer brings all of life into the presence of God, and His presence brings His peace. Learn from this episode the benefit of bringing everything to the Lord.

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 2
December 1, 2023
Philippians 4:1-4
If you want to stay right with your Heavenly Father, you must stay right with His children. As we continue our study, we find staying happy in Jesus requires unity with other Christians.
If you want to stay right with your Heavenly Father, you must stay right with His children. As we continue our study, we find staying happy in Jesus requires unity with other Christians.

How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 1
November 30, 2023
Philippians 4:4
The great challenge in life is not finding joy, but keeping it! The Lord gives a prescription for a life of joy. Learn these open secrets to happy days.
The great challenge in life is not finding joy, but keeping it! The Lord gives a prescription for a life of joy. Learn these open secrets to happy days.

Taking the Next Step, Part 5
November 29, 2023
Philippians 3:20-21
Someday, you will take your last step on earth and your first step into eternity. In this episode, we learn to take every step living for that last step.
Someday, you will take your last step on earth and your first step into eternity. In this episode, we learn to take every step living for that last step.

Taking the Next Step, Part 4
November 28, 2023
Philippians 3:17-19
To take the next step, we must take proven steps. Proven steps are ones made by other Christians who direct us to the Lord. Learn from today's episode the importance of spiritual influence.
To take the next step, we must take proven steps. Proven steps are ones made by other Christians who direct us to the Lord. Learn from today's episode the importance of spiritual influence.

Taking the Next Step, Part 3
November 27, 2023
Philippians 3:15-16
Frequently in Scripture, two things which seem to be opposite work together. Discover in this episode how God wants us to take new steps while still taking the same steps.
Frequently in Scripture, two things which seem to be opposite work together. Discover in this episode how God wants us to take new steps while still taking the same steps.

Taking the Next Step, Part 2
November 24, 2023
Philippians 3:10-14
A step Christians should take every day is one toward personal fellowship with Jesus Christ. Hear today how important it is to intentionally walk with the Lord.
A step Christians should take every day is one toward personal fellowship with Jesus Christ. Hear today how important it is to intentionally walk with the Lord.

Taking the Next Step, Part 1
November 23, 2023
Philippians 3:10-14
Every believer is stuck at the last place they refused to take the next step of obedience to God. What is the next step and how do we take it? God's Word answers these questions and gives guidance for the journey.
Every believer is stuck at the last place they refused to take the next step of obedience to God. What is the next step and how do we take it? God's Word answers these questions and gives guidance for the journey.

Getting Past Your Past and Over Yourself
November 22, 2023
Philippians 3:2-9
Past failures and past successes are often a hindrance to God's present work and future plans for us. Learn how to lay aside the luggage of life and move forward with the Lord.
Past failures and past successes are often a hindrance to God's present work and future plans for us. Learn how to lay aside the luggage of life and move forward with the Lord.

The Same Things
November 21, 2023
Philippians 3:1
Novelty is the way of the world. Everyone is looking for something new. Scripture teaches that "there is no new thing under the sun." Learn the power of repeating and remembering God's truth.
Novelty is the way of the world. Everyone is looking for something new. Scripture teaches that "there is no new thing under the sun." Learn the power of repeating and remembering God's truth.

The Secret to It All
November 20, 2023
Philippians 2:13
Desire is the drive of life. In this one verse is the secret to the victorious life: God works in us both to desire and to do his perfect will. Learn to discern His work in you!
Desire is the drive of life. In this one verse is the secret to the victorious life: God works in us both to desire and to do his perfect will. Learn to discern His work in you!

Encouraging Others
November 17, 2023
Philippians 2:19-24
Others must be encouraged! God names several individuals in this Philippians 2 who were a blessing to many. Learn how to add your name to this list of encouragers. Seek to minister to others.
Others must be encouraged! God names several individuals in this Philippians 2 who were a blessing to many. Learn how to add your name to this list of encouragers. Seek to minister to others.

Esteeming Others
November 16, 2023
Philippians 2:1-18
Others must be esteemed! When we live for the needs of others we are actually testifiying to the reality of Christ in us. The love of God in believers is one of the most attractive thing about the Christian faith.
Others must be esteemed! When we live for the needs of others we are actually testifiying to the reality of Christ in us. The love of God in believers is one of the most attractive thing about the Christian faith.

Evangelizing Others
November 15, 2023
Philippians 1:12-13, 27
Others must be evangelized! Those who know are responsible to tell those who do not know. The gospel was never meant to be held; it was meant to be shared. Jesus did not come only for us - He came for others.
Others must be evangelized! Those who know are responsible to tell those who do not know. The gospel was never meant to be held; it was meant to be shared. Jesus did not come only for us - He came for others.

November 14, 2023
Philippians 2:3-4
One word summarizes the mind of Christ. One word epitomizes the Christian life. That one word is "others." Discover the power this one word can have on your life and the lives of those around you.
One word summarizes the mind of Christ. One word epitomizes the Christian life. That one word is "others." Discover the power this one word can have on your life and the lives of those around you.

The Mind of Christ
November 13, 2023
Philippians 2:5-11
The great battlefield in life is in the mind, and having the mind of Christ is the only way to true victory. Paul's exhortation is best understood through Christ's example. We must allow the mind of Christ Jesus to be developed in us.
The great battlefield in life is in the mind, and having the mind of Christ is the only way to true victory. Paul's exhortation is best understood through Christ's example. We must allow the mind of Christ Jesus to be developed in us.

Peace in the Conflict
November 10, 2023
Philippians 1:28-2:3
Spiritual conflict is constant. Human conflict is inevitable. Is there a way to have peace and make peace in the midst of such turmoil? Yes! See the Scriptural principles for spiritual relationships.
Spiritual conflict is constant. Human conflict is inevitable. Is there a way to have peace and make peace in the midst of such turmoil? Yes! See the Scriptural principles for spiritual relationships.

Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 4
November 9, 2023
Philippians 1:20
When we magnify Jesus, we are not changing who He is, we are simply enlarging His image for others to see Christ more clearly. Discover today how you can let others see the Lord through you!
When we magnify Jesus, we are not changing who He is, we are simply enlarging His image for others to see Christ more clearly. Discover today how you can let others see the Lord through you!

Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 3
November 8, 2023
Philippians 1:20
Christ deserves and desires to be magnified in every area of your life. Listen to today's episode to hear how the Lord can be magnified from the inside out.
Christ deserves and desires to be magnified in every area of your life. Listen to today's episode to hear how the Lord can be magnified from the inside out.

Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 2
November 7, 2023
Philippians 1:20
How often is Christ the subject of your conversations? If you want to know what's on a person's heart, listen to them talk! Today, hear how the Apostle Paul determined to magnify Christ in His conversations, regardless of his circumstances.
How often is Christ the subject of your conversations? If you want to know what's on a person's heart, listen to them talk! Today, hear how the Apostle Paul determined to magnify Christ in His conversations, regardless of his circumstances.

Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 1
November 6, 2023
Philippians 1:20
One statement summarizes the entire life and labor of the greatest preacher to every live. It is the secret to joy in jail or in any difficult circumstance in life. Learn how to live for one purpose.
One statement summarizes the entire life and labor of the greatest preacher to every live. It is the secret to joy in jail or in any difficult circumstance in life. Learn how to live for one purpose.

The Furtherance of the Gospel
November 3, 2023
Philippians 1:12
The Gospel of Christ was always meant to advance. Learn how to share with others the joy you have found in Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Christ was always meant to advance. Learn how to share with others the joy you have found in Jesus Christ.

The Fellowship in the Gospel
November 2, 2023
Philippians 1:5
Have you ever considered all that is ours in the Gospel? It extends to all of life. Discover the wonderful fellowship that is yours through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you ever considered all that is ours in the Gospel? It extends to all of life. Discover the wonderful fellowship that is yours through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Faith of the Gospel
November 1, 2023
Philippians 1:27
From start to finish the life of joy is a life of faith. The faith of the Gospel is not just what we believe, it is how we live in victory. Return to a life of simple faith in Christ.
From start to finish the life of joy is a life of faith. The faith of the Gospel is not just what we believe, it is how we live in victory. Return to a life of simple faith in Christ.

Good News in a Bad World
October 31, 2023
Philippians 1:27
Discouraging reports surround us. In the midst of that darkness, the light of the gospel still shines. Find the power of preaching the gospel to yourself and to others every day.
Discouraging reports surround us. In the midst of that darkness, the light of the gospel still shines. Find the power of preaching the gospel to yourself and to others every day.

Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 4
October 30, 2023
Philippians 1:5
We conclude with Part 4 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
We conclude with Part 4 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.

Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 3
October 27, 2023
Philippians 1:6
We continue with Part 3 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
We continue with Part 3 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.

Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 2
October 26, 2023
Philippians 1:5
We continue with Part 2 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
We continue with Part 2 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.

Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 1
October 25, 2023
Philippians 1:3
Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.

Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 3
October 24, 2023
Philippians 1:9-11
God wants us to pray for growth so that He gets glory. The more fruit He produces through our prayer life, the more praise He receives. Tune in to today's study and take the next step in having a fruitful prayer life!
God wants us to pray for growth so that He gets glory. The more fruit He produces through our prayer life, the more praise He receives. Tune in to today's study and take the next step in having a fruitful prayer life!

Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 2
October 23, 2023
Philippians 1:9-11
Have you ever not known what to pray? In today's episode, learn why and how to pray for both inward and outward growth!
Have you ever not known what to pray? In today's episode, learn why and how to pray for both inward and outward growth!

Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 1
October 20, 2023
Philippians 1:9-11
Enter into the private place of prayer with the great Apostle Paul. Listen to his heart and you will hear the very heart of God. Take his divinely inspired prayer requests and make them your own!
Enter into the private place of prayer with the great Apostle Paul. Listen to his heart and you will hear the very heart of God. Take his divinely inspired prayer requests and make them your own!

Where It All Begins
October 19, 2023
Philippians 1:1-4
Prayer is the foundation of the blessed life. Learn how communion with God and intercession for others opens up the joyful Christian life.
Prayer is the foundation of the blessed life. Learn how communion with God and intercession for others opens up the joyful Christian life.

Introduction to Philippians, Part 2
October 18, 2023
Philippians 1:1-4
As Paul pens the opening words to the church at Philippi, he lists multiple pairs. Through these pairs, we are reminded of God's design and our duty. Listen to today's episode to learn what the Lord desires for you!
As Paul pens the opening words to the church at Philippi, he lists multiple pairs. Through these pairs, we are reminded of God's design and our duty. Listen to today's episode to learn what the Lord desires for you!
Finishing with Joy!
December 11, 2023
Philippians 4:17-23
The Christian life is to be a joyful journey from start to finish. A final look at the closing verses of Philippians reveals powerful promises that we can claim. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
The Christian life is to be a joyful journey from start to finish. A final look at the closing verses of Philippians reveals powerful promises that we can claim. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen."
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 7
December 8, 2023
Philippians 4:14-16
As we conclude our study of How to Stay Happy in Jesus, we are challenged to live a life of selflessness. In a world full of takers, choose this moment to be a giver.
As we conclude our study of How to Stay Happy in Jesus, we are challenged to live a life of selflessness. In a world full of takers, choose this moment to be a giver.
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 6
December 7, 2023
Philippians 4:10-13
A happy life is a life consciously lived in the presence of Jesus. It's in His presence that we are reminded of God's perfect provision. Tune in to today's episode as we continue our study through Philippians.
A happy life is a life consciously lived in the presence of Jesus. It's in His presence that we are reminded of God's perfect provision. Tune in to today's episode as we continue our study through Philippians.
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 5
December 6, 2023
Philippians 4:10-13
God is not bound by our circumstances. No wonder Paul was able to be content in a prison cell! Listen to today's study to find out another key to contentment.
God is not bound by our circumstances. No wonder Paul was able to be content in a prison cell! Listen to today's study to find out another key to contentment.
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 4
December 5, 2023
Philippians 4:8-9
As we continue our study of being happy in Jesus, we realize the necessity of staying content in Christ. Learn today how to be satisfied with God's sufficiency.
As we continue our study of being happy in Jesus, we realize the necessity of staying content in Christ. Learn today how to be satisfied with God's sufficiency.
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 3
December 4, 2023
Philippians 4:5-7
A key to staying happy in Jesus is being prayerful. Prayer brings all of life into the presence of God, and His presence brings His peace. Learn from this episode the benefit of bringing everything to the Lord.
A key to staying happy in Jesus is being prayerful. Prayer brings all of life into the presence of God, and His presence brings His peace. Learn from this episode the benefit of bringing everything to the Lord.
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 2
December 1, 2023
Philippians 4:1-4
If you want to stay right with your Heavenly Father, you must stay right with His children. As we continue our study, we find staying happy in Jesus requires unity with other Christians.
If you want to stay right with your Heavenly Father, you must stay right with His children. As we continue our study, we find staying happy in Jesus requires unity with other Christians.
How to Stay Happy in Jesus, Part 1
November 30, 2023
Philippians 4:4
The great challenge in life is not finding joy, but keeping it! The Lord gives a prescription for a life of joy. Learn these open secrets to happy days.
The great challenge in life is not finding joy, but keeping it! The Lord gives a prescription for a life of joy. Learn these open secrets to happy days.
Taking the Next Step, Part 5
November 29, 2023
Philippians 3:20-21
Someday, you will take your last step on earth and your first step into eternity. In this episode, we learn to take every step living for that last step.
Someday, you will take your last step on earth and your first step into eternity. In this episode, we learn to take every step living for that last step.
Taking the Next Step, Part 4
November 28, 2023
Philippians 3:17-19
To take the next step, we must take proven steps. Proven steps are ones made by other Christians who direct us to the Lord. Learn from today's episode the importance of spiritual influence.
To take the next step, we must take proven steps. Proven steps are ones made by other Christians who direct us to the Lord. Learn from today's episode the importance of spiritual influence.
Taking the Next Step, Part 3
November 27, 2023
Philippians 3:15-16
Frequently in Scripture, two things which seem to be opposite work together. Discover in this episode how God wants us to take new steps while still taking the same steps.
Frequently in Scripture, two things which seem to be opposite work together. Discover in this episode how God wants us to take new steps while still taking the same steps.
Taking the Next Step, Part 2
November 24, 2023
Philippians 3:10-14
A step Christians should take every day is one toward personal fellowship with Jesus Christ. Hear today how important it is to intentionally walk with the Lord.
A step Christians should take every day is one toward personal fellowship with Jesus Christ. Hear today how important it is to intentionally walk with the Lord.
Taking the Next Step, Part 1
November 23, 2023
Philippians 3:10-14
Every believer is stuck at the last place they refused to take the next step of obedience to God. What is the next step and how do we take it? God's Word answers these questions and gives guidance for the journey.
Every believer is stuck at the last place they refused to take the next step of obedience to God. What is the next step and how do we take it? God's Word answers these questions and gives guidance for the journey.
Getting Past Your Past and Over Yourself
November 22, 2023
Philippians 3:2-9
Past failures and past successes are often a hindrance to God's present work and future plans for us. Learn how to lay aside the luggage of life and move forward with the Lord.
Past failures and past successes are often a hindrance to God's present work and future plans for us. Learn how to lay aside the luggage of life and move forward with the Lord.
The Same Things
November 21, 2023
Philippians 3:1
Novelty is the way of the world. Everyone is looking for something new. Scripture teaches that "there is no new thing under the sun." Learn the power of repeating and remembering God's truth.
Novelty is the way of the world. Everyone is looking for something new. Scripture teaches that "there is no new thing under the sun." Learn the power of repeating and remembering God's truth.
The Secret to It All
November 20, 2023
Philippians 2:13
Desire is the drive of life. In this one verse is the secret to the victorious life: God works in us both to desire and to do his perfect will. Learn to discern His work in you!
Desire is the drive of life. In this one verse is the secret to the victorious life: God works in us both to desire and to do his perfect will. Learn to discern His work in you!
Encouraging Others
November 17, 2023
Philippians 2:19-24
Others must be encouraged! God names several individuals in this Philippians 2 who were a blessing to many. Learn how to add your name to this list of encouragers. Seek to minister to others.
Others must be encouraged! God names several individuals in this Philippians 2 who were a blessing to many. Learn how to add your name to this list of encouragers. Seek to minister to others.
Esteeming Others
November 16, 2023
Philippians 2:1-18
Others must be esteemed! When we live for the needs of others we are actually testifiying to the reality of Christ in us. The love of God in believers is one of the most attractive thing about the Christian faith.
Others must be esteemed! When we live for the needs of others we are actually testifiying to the reality of Christ in us. The love of God in believers is one of the most attractive thing about the Christian faith.
Evangelizing Others
November 15, 2023
Philippians 1:12-13, 27
Others must be evangelized! Those who know are responsible to tell those who do not know. The gospel was never meant to be held; it was meant to be shared. Jesus did not come only for us - He came for others.
Others must be evangelized! Those who know are responsible to tell those who do not know. The gospel was never meant to be held; it was meant to be shared. Jesus did not come only for us - He came for others.
November 14, 2023
Philippians 2:3-4
One word summarizes the mind of Christ. One word epitomizes the Christian life. That one word is "others." Discover the power this one word can have on your life and the lives of those around you.
One word summarizes the mind of Christ. One word epitomizes the Christian life. That one word is "others." Discover the power this one word can have on your life and the lives of those around you.
The Mind of Christ
November 13, 2023
Philippians 2:5-11
The great battlefield in life is in the mind, and having the mind of Christ is the only way to true victory. Paul's exhortation is best understood through Christ's example. We must allow the mind of Christ Jesus to be developed in us.
The great battlefield in life is in the mind, and having the mind of Christ is the only way to true victory. Paul's exhortation is best understood through Christ's example. We must allow the mind of Christ Jesus to be developed in us.
Peace in the Conflict
November 10, 2023
Philippians 1:28-2:3
Spiritual conflict is constant. Human conflict is inevitable. Is there a way to have peace and make peace in the midst of such turmoil? Yes! See the Scriptural principles for spiritual relationships.
Spiritual conflict is constant. Human conflict is inevitable. Is there a way to have peace and make peace in the midst of such turmoil? Yes! See the Scriptural principles for spiritual relationships.
Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 4
November 9, 2023
Philippians 1:20
When we magnify Jesus, we are not changing who He is, we are simply enlarging His image for others to see Christ more clearly. Discover today how you can let others see the Lord through you!
When we magnify Jesus, we are not changing who He is, we are simply enlarging His image for others to see Christ more clearly. Discover today how you can let others see the Lord through you!
Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 3
November 8, 2023
Philippians 1:20
Christ deserves and desires to be magnified in every area of your life. Listen to today's episode to hear how the Lord can be magnified from the inside out.
Christ deserves and desires to be magnified in every area of your life. Listen to today's episode to hear how the Lord can be magnified from the inside out.
Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 2
November 7, 2023
Philippians 1:20
How often is Christ the subject of your conversations? If you want to know what's on a person's heart, listen to them talk! Today, hear how the Apostle Paul determined to magnify Christ in His conversations, regardless of his circumstances.
How often is Christ the subject of your conversations? If you want to know what's on a person's heart, listen to them talk! Today, hear how the Apostle Paul determined to magnify Christ in His conversations, regardless of his circumstances.
Christ Shall Be Magnified, Part 1
November 6, 2023
Philippians 1:20
One statement summarizes the entire life and labor of the greatest preacher to every live. It is the secret to joy in jail or in any difficult circumstance in life. Learn how to live for one purpose.
One statement summarizes the entire life and labor of the greatest preacher to every live. It is the secret to joy in jail or in any difficult circumstance in life. Learn how to live for one purpose.
The Furtherance of the Gospel
November 3, 2023
Philippians 1:12
The Gospel of Christ was always meant to advance. Learn how to share with others the joy you have found in Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of Christ was always meant to advance. Learn how to share with others the joy you have found in Jesus Christ.
The Fellowship in the Gospel
November 2, 2023
Philippians 1:5
Have you ever considered all that is ours in the Gospel? It extends to all of life. Discover the wonderful fellowship that is yours through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Have you ever considered all that is ours in the Gospel? It extends to all of life. Discover the wonderful fellowship that is yours through the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Faith of the Gospel
November 1, 2023
Philippians 1:27
From start to finish the life of joy is a life of faith. The faith of the Gospel is not just what we believe, it is how we live in victory. Return to a life of simple faith in Christ.
From start to finish the life of joy is a life of faith. The faith of the Gospel is not just what we believe, it is how we live in victory. Return to a life of simple faith in Christ.
Good News in a Bad World
October 31, 2023
Philippians 1:27
Discouraging reports surround us. In the midst of that darkness, the light of the gospel still shines. Find the power of preaching the gospel to yourself and to others every day.
Discouraging reports surround us. In the midst of that darkness, the light of the gospel still shines. Find the power of preaching the gospel to yourself and to others every day.
Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 4
October 30, 2023
Philippians 1:5
We conclude with Part 4 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
We conclude with Part 4 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 3
October 27, 2023
Philippians 1:6
We continue with Part 3 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
We continue with Part 3 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 2
October 26, 2023
Philippians 1:5
We continue with Part 2 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
We continue with Part 2 of Three Days I Must Never Forget. Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 1
October 25, 2023
Philippians 1:3
Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 3
October 24, 2023
Philippians 1:9-11
God wants us to pray for growth so that He gets glory. The more fruit He produces through our prayer life, the more praise He receives. Tune in to today's study and take the next step in having a fruitful prayer life!
God wants us to pray for growth so that He gets glory. The more fruit He produces through our prayer life, the more praise He receives. Tune in to today's study and take the next step in having a fruitful prayer life!
Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 2
October 23, 2023
Philippians 1:9-11
Have you ever not known what to pray? In today's episode, learn why and how to pray for both inward and outward growth!
Have you ever not known what to pray? In today's episode, learn why and how to pray for both inward and outward growth!
Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 1
October 20, 2023
Philippians 1:9-11
Enter into the private place of prayer with the great Apostle Paul. Listen to his heart and you will hear the very heart of God. Take his divinely inspired prayer requests and make them your own!
Enter into the private place of prayer with the great Apostle Paul. Listen to his heart and you will hear the very heart of God. Take his divinely inspired prayer requests and make them your own!
Where It All Begins
October 19, 2023
Philippians 1:1-4
Prayer is the foundation of the blessed life. Learn how communion with God and intercession for others opens up the joyful Christian life.
Prayer is the foundation of the blessed life. Learn how communion with God and intercession for others opens up the joyful Christian life.
Introduction to Philippians, Part 2
October 18, 2023
Philippians 1:1-4
As Paul pens the opening words to the church at Philippi, he lists multiple pairs. Through these pairs, we are reminded of God's design and our duty. Listen to today's episode to learn what the Lord desires for you!
As Paul pens the opening words to the church at Philippi, he lists multiple pairs. Through these pairs, we are reminded of God's design and our duty. Listen to today's episode to learn what the Lord desires for you!