Three Practical Ways to Enjoy Your Journey
As we conclude our study of the great journey's of the Bible, we look at one verse and three simple ways to enjoy our own life-long journey with the Lord.

Our Final Flight
Journeying With The Church: Soon Christ is coming and we are going. The church will be caught away to be with our Lord forever. We are getting ready for our final flight.

Our Lord’s Last Journey
Journeying With Christ: The same Christ who came to earth and went back to heaven is coming again! When He was here the first time He promised His return and told us what to expect. The last leg of His journey will happen soon.

Meeting God At Patmos
Journeying With John: We all love to meet God in good circumstances and on good days. The Lord sometimes chooses to meet us in the loneliest moments of life. Regardless of your circumstances you can hear from the Holy Spirit.

Helping Others On Their Journey
Journeying With Gaius: The greatest way to enjoy the journey is to help someone else on theirs! Everybody needs encouragement and those who are trying to move forward need a friend. One of the lesser known characters of Scripture is our great example in today's study.

God’s Providence In Your Life
Journeying With Onesimus: You can't outrun God! He knows where you are and goes where you are. In each of the three characters in today's story you will see yourself, and you will hear some message God has for you. He is at work in your life.

Help for Road-Weary Travelers
Journeying With Paul: The Apostle Paul spent most of his life "on the road." There were times he grew weary and days he was discouraged, but one truth kept him. Listen to his story and you will find some help for the journey of life.

Finding God’s Will On Your Journey
Journeying With Saul: Along the road to Damascus God changed Saul's direction forever. In this study we learn eight words that asked, answered, and acted on can help you to find God's will for your life.

Divine Appointments Along the Way
Journeying With Philip: Sometimes God takes you out of your way to put you into His way. Along life's path He makes appointments for us. May God teach us all to be alert to those around us and awake to the Spirit who lives in us.

Traveling With the Gospel
Journeying With the Early Church: Christ's last commission was not to build buildings, open the doors, and let all the sinners find us! Rather, we are to go with the gospel. In one Bible verse we can discover where to begin and determine by God's grace that we will not stop.

Come Home
Journeying With The Father: The story of the prodigal son is really the story of a wonderful father. The distance between where we are and where we need to be can only be covered by the love of our Heavenly Father. The prodigal ran away, but when he turned toward home the Father ran to meet him!

My Favorite Bible Story
Journeying With The Prodigal: In one of the most famous of Christ's stories we are given a vivid picture of what life looks like apart from God. When we step away from God we are always journeying in the wrong direction. Today we observe four things that are true for us all.

A Church On the Move
Journeying With The Apostles: From the beginning of Christ's time with the disciples to the end He was preparing them to stay "on the move" with the gospel. It is a reminder that God never intended His church to be stationary or stagnant. The church is to advance the cause of Christ in this world.
Three Practical Ways to Enjoy Your Journey
As we conclude our study of the great journey's of the Bible, we look at one verse and three simple ways to enjoy our own life-long journey with the Lord.
Our Final Flight
Journeying With The Church: Soon Christ is coming and we are going. The church will be caught away to be with our Lord forever. We are getting ready for our final flight.
Our Lord’s Last Journey
Journeying With Christ: The same Christ who came to earth and went back to heaven is coming again! When He was here the first time He promised His return and told us what to expect. The last leg of His journey will happen soon.
Meeting God At Patmos
Journeying With John: We all love to meet God in good circumstances and on good days. The Lord sometimes chooses to meet us in the loneliest moments of life. Regardless of your circumstances you can hear from the Holy Spirit.
Helping Others On Their Journey
Journeying With Gaius: The greatest way to enjoy the journey is to help someone else on theirs! Everybody needs encouragement and those who are trying to move forward need a friend. One of the lesser known characters of Scripture is our great example in today's study.
God’s Providence In Your Life
Journeying With Onesimus: You can't outrun God! He knows where you are and goes where you are. In each of the three characters in today's story you will see yourself, and you will hear some message God has for you. He is at work in your life.
Help for Road-Weary Travelers
Journeying With Paul: The Apostle Paul spent most of his life "on the road." There were times he grew weary and days he was discouraged, but one truth kept him. Listen to his story and you will find some help for the journey of life.
Finding God’s Will On Your Journey
Journeying With Saul: Along the road to Damascus God changed Saul's direction forever. In this study we learn eight words that asked, answered, and acted on can help you to find God's will for your life.
Divine Appointments Along the Way
Journeying With Philip: Sometimes God takes you out of your way to put you into His way. Along life's path He makes appointments for us. May God teach us all to be alert to those around us and awake to the Spirit who lives in us.
Traveling With the Gospel
Journeying With the Early Church: Christ's last commission was not to build buildings, open the doors, and let all the sinners find us! Rather, we are to go with the gospel. In one Bible verse we can discover where to begin and determine by God's grace that we will not stop.
Come Home
Journeying With The Father: The story of the prodigal son is really the story of a wonderful father. The distance between where we are and where we need to be can only be covered by the love of our Heavenly Father. The prodigal ran away, but when he turned toward home the Father ran to meet him!
My Favorite Bible Story
Journeying With The Prodigal: In one of the most famous of Christ's stories we are given a vivid picture of what life looks like apart from God. When we step away from God we are always journeying in the wrong direction. Today we observe four things that are true for us all.
A Church On the Move
Journeying With The Apostles: From the beginning of Christ's time with the disciples to the end He was preparing them to stay "on the move" with the gospel. It is a reminder that God never intended His church to be stationary or stagnant. The church is to advance the cause of Christ in this world.