It’s Time to Carry the Letter!
Letters were meant to be read and relayed. Thankfully, the letter of Philemon was passed on, and now it is our turn. All of us who have received the good news of forgiveness and restoration must now share it with someone else. Don't keep it to yourself...it's time to carry the letter!

Paying Your Debt
What do you owe? WHO do you owe? We are the beneficiaries of so many spiritual riches through Christ. To have is to owe. Here are at least four people that we all owe...

A Divine Love Letter
The great theme of the little letter of Philemon is love. It is not just human love, but divine. Consider today what this love does, what this love desires, what this love deserves, and what this love demands. God's love calls for a response.

From Debt to Credit
Today we conclude the story of how one man went from living in debt (spiritually) to living on credit! Christ paid the sinners debt through His death at Calvary and makes a way so that we can live now on His good name. What a Savior!

From Sin to Righteousness
Before salvation we are known by our sins, but after salvation we are identified with the righteousness of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ took all of our sin at the cross and now we have the privilege to have His righteous record placed on our account.

From Servant to Brother
There is a world of difference between being a servant and being a member of the family. One of the grandest things about salvation is the privilege that is ours to call God our Father. When we are born again we come into His family and become brothers and sisters in Christ.

From Lost to Saved
"I once was lost but now I'm found" are some of the most powerful words from the famous hymn, Amazing Grace. To be lost is to be separated from God; to be saved is to be reconciled to God. Christ receives those who will come to Him and gives to them eternal life!

From Runaway to Received
Sin moves us away from God's plan and purpose for our lives and it is natural for sinners to run from the Lord. Yet God knows how to find us! Hear the story of how a runaway was received back into fellowship and you will be reminded of the hope of the gospel.

From Unprofitable to Profitable
Life apart from God is always unprofitable. Only the grace of God can take unprofitable sinners and make them profitable in the things that matter most. In this study we watch that transformation in the life of one man...

From Slave to Son
We were all slaves to sin and servants to the Devil...until we met Jesus! Christ sets us free, and even more, He places us into His family. We are not slaves, we are sons.

For Love’s Sake
Every good thing comes to us because of the love of God. Love is the great motivator and Jesus is the greatest example. Today we take a careful look at what love did in the lives of two men, and what it can do in us.

Be A Refresher
There are two types of people in the world: drainers and refreshers. Every one of us should desire to be a refresher to those around us. God gives us an example to follow in the life of Philemon. Here are some Bible ways to refresh others...

How Would You Like to Be Remembered?
How would you like to be remembered? Philemon was identified twice in the book that bears his name by the same word. It is something we all should be remembered for. Let's discover God's emphasis today...

“To” and “Toward”
God works in us so that God can work through us! In today's study we see how the Lord allowed certain blessing to come "to" Philemon with the intent that they would then be showed "toward" others. We are all blessed people - don't let it stop with you!

Its Not Just About You!
In our consumer culture it is common for people to look at church through selfish eyes. "What can this church do for me?" Spiritual people must recognize that the church is bigger than one person. God designed it that each of us minister to one another. It's not just about you!
It’s Time to Carry the Letter!
Letters were meant to be read and relayed. Thankfully, the letter of Philemon was passed on, and now it is our turn. All of us who have received the good news of forgiveness and restoration must now share it with someone else. Don't keep it to yourself...it's time to carry the letter!
Paying Your Debt
What do you owe? WHO do you owe? We are the beneficiaries of so many spiritual riches through Christ. To have is to owe. Here are at least four people that we all owe...
A Divine Love Letter
The great theme of the little letter of Philemon is love. It is not just human love, but divine. Consider today what this love does, what this love desires, what this love deserves, and what this love demands. God's love calls for a response.
From Debt to Credit
Today we conclude the story of how one man went from living in debt (spiritually) to living on credit! Christ paid the sinners debt through His death at Calvary and makes a way so that we can live now on His good name. What a Savior!
From Sin to Righteousness
Before salvation we are known by our sins, but after salvation we are identified with the righteousness of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ took all of our sin at the cross and now we have the privilege to have His righteous record placed on our account.
From Servant to Brother
There is a world of difference between being a servant and being a member of the family. One of the grandest things about salvation is the privilege that is ours to call God our Father. When we are born again we come into His family and become brothers and sisters in Christ.
From Lost to Saved
"I once was lost but now I'm found" are some of the most powerful words from the famous hymn, Amazing Grace. To be lost is to be separated from God; to be saved is to be reconciled to God. Christ receives those who will come to Him and gives to them eternal life!
From Runaway to Received
Sin moves us away from God's plan and purpose for our lives and it is natural for sinners to run from the Lord. Yet God knows how to find us! Hear the story of how a runaway was received back into fellowship and you will be reminded of the hope of the gospel.
From Unprofitable to Profitable
Life apart from God is always unprofitable. Only the grace of God can take unprofitable sinners and make them profitable in the things that matter most. In this study we watch that transformation in the life of one man...
From Slave to Son
We were all slaves to sin and servants to the Devil...until we met Jesus! Christ sets us free, and even more, He places us into His family. We are not slaves, we are sons.
For Love’s Sake
Every good thing comes to us because of the love of God. Love is the great motivator and Jesus is the greatest example. Today we take a careful look at what love did in the lives of two men, and what it can do in us.
Be A Refresher
There are two types of people in the world: drainers and refreshers. Every one of us should desire to be a refresher to those around us. God gives us an example to follow in the life of Philemon. Here are some Bible ways to refresh others...
How Would You Like to Be Remembered?
How would you like to be remembered? Philemon was identified twice in the book that bears his name by the same word. It is something we all should be remembered for. Let's discover God's emphasis today...
“To” and “Toward”
God works in us so that God can work through us! In today's study we see how the Lord allowed certain blessing to come "to" Philemon with the intent that they would then be showed "toward" others. We are all blessed people - don't let it stop with you!
Its Not Just About You!
In our consumer culture it is common for people to look at church through selfish eyes. "What can this church do for me?" Spiritual people must recognize that the church is bigger than one person. God designed it that each of us minister to one another. It's not just about you!