

Calling All Evangelists!

It is a great privilege to serve Christ in any way. The highest calling on earth is not the calling to be a preacher, but to simply be a follower...

A Word About This Year’s Southwide Baptist Fellowship

It was my privilege to moderate last year's Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. God gave us a very special meeting and real encouragement from His Word. (You may watch...
7 Ways to Make the Most of a Church Meeting, church meetings, going to church, why go to church?

7 Ways Listeners Can Make the Most of a Church Meeting

7 Ways Listeners Can Make the Most of a Church Meeting Last week, I posted an article on 7 Ways Leaders Can Make the Most of a Church Meeting. It...

What Is a Fellowship & Why Should I Come?

Two weeks from today we will begin the 2021 Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. I am honored to serve as the moderator for this year’s gathering and would like...

The Danger of Isolation

Depression is rampant and suicide is on the rise. One of the factors feeding this tragedy is that so many people are very alone. We are the most technologically connected...

An Open Letter To Our Friends

Dear Friend, These are challenging and exciting days to be serving the Lord Jesus. The need of our world is great and Christ is coming soon! We are praying that...

The Last Few Days and the Days Ahead

My heart is full of the goodness of the Lord to us! Over the last few days it was a privilege to gather with so many pastors and Christian workers...

The Danger Of Being Around Good People

I often hear it said, “They are good people.” This is a subjective statement, of course, because it is filtered by the person’s standard of goodness. We know from Scripture...
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It’s Family!

Family was God's idea. It is the perfect expression of the Heavenly Father's heart. "God setteth the solitary in families" (Psalm 68:6). From the beginning He knew that it was...

Three Weeks From Today!

Preacher's are engaged in the greatest work in the world. It is a work that will outlive this world!  1 Timothy 5:17 says, "Let the elders that rule well be...

One Month Away

Last night I had the joy to be in Murfreesboro, Tennessee for a wonderful tent meeting. God met with us in a special way. In just 4 weeks the Southwide...

Daily Fellowship (Daily Living – Part 9)

Recently as I was caring for some personal business the Lord reminded me of a wonderful principle. God's people should be helping God's people. The verse that the Holy Spirit...