A Word About This Year’s Southwide Baptist Fellowship August 1, 2022


It was my privilege to moderate last year’s Southwide Baptist Fellowship in Raleigh, NC. God gave us a very special meeting and real encouragement from His Word. (You may watch the 2021 messages here.) Now, we are just over 10 weeks away from the 2022 meeting!

Pastor Tim Rabon is serving as this year’s moderator, and Pastor Kenny Kuykendall is serving as the host pastor and vice moderator. These men are Spirit-filled men and will do a wonderful job of leading our gathering on October 10-12. The meeting will be held at the Cross Roads Baptist Church in Lawrenceville, GA.

This year’s theme is “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58). We know that the Bible messages, Christ-honoring music, seasons of prayer, and time of fellowship with other Christian workers will be a great refreshment to all who come. I hope you will plan to bring your family and others from your church family.

  • Hotels are now available at southwidebaptist.org/accomodations. Our friends in the area suggest that you make your room reservations as soon as possible.
  • Speakers are being posted through the Southwide social media and on the website. A full schedule will be posted shortly.
  • Many helpful resources will be available in the exhibit hall. If you would like to participate as an exhibitor you may register as a partner on the website.
  • Tammy and I plan to host all evangelists and their wives who can be with us on Tuesday for lunch. This was a wonderful time of fellowship last year and we are excited about seeing many of you that day.

Several special things are being planned for the 2022 Southwide and I want to encourage you to join us for the entire meeting. You may find more detail and register online at southwidebaptist.org. We hope to see you this fall in Georgia!


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