How Do You Remember Things?
One of God's greatest gifts is memory. If you have lived long enough, you have discovered that it can be both a blessing and a curse! Spurgeon said that "by...

5 Pieces of Advice I Was Given
In nearly twenty years of serving on a church staff I sat in hundreds of staff meetings and training sessions. Some were functional and others were philosophical. One of the...

Selah | Hitting the Pause Button
Selah | Hitting the Pause Button There are moments when we all need to hit the pause button. Life races on and, if we are not intentional and careful, we...

What Will Change In Your Life When This Is Over?
Did you know that the word "quarantine" actually comes from an Italian word that has biblical roots? It means 40 days - a reference to the 40 days of purification...

Don’t Forget These Things On Your Christmas List!
Everyone is busy this week. Shopping. Eating. Cooking. Eating. Traveling. Eating. Wrapping. Eating. It is easy to forget the things that truly matter in the hurry and haste. Perhaps you...

Will You Do This In the Morning?
In recent years I have come to realize the importance of the morning hours. There is something special about the quiet - and the coffee! - before the noise of the...

6 Things to Do in the Last 6 Days of the Year
The final week of the year is perhaps the strangest week of the year. It is like living in limbo. One year seems all but gone and the next is...

90 Days and Counting
28,835. That is the estimated number of days the average American now lives. Sounds like a long time, doesn't it? Until you start figuring up how many days you have...

Too Busy to Pray?
Aunt Goldie is with the Lord now. I rode my bike past her house hundreds of times as a boy. In the summer she was almost always sitting on the...