A Road Map for Life


How to Continue Using the Psalms

Luke 24:43-45
God uses the Psalms to meet the deep needs of our lives. When you come to the New Testament the Psalms continue to be instrumental to the followers of Jesus Christ. In this concluding study we discover three ways Christians can continue to use the Psalms every day.

Holy Hallelujahs

Psalm 150
Psalm 150. In the final psalm we reach the crescendo of praise. David has led the chorus and now we all must join in the song! "Praise ye the LORD."

The Power of a Hallelujah

Psalm 149
Psalm 149. Praise is powerful because of the glory it brings to God, the joy and victory it brings into our lives, and the testimony it brings to others. Begin to praise God and you will see God at work.

Hallelujahs In the Home

Psalm 148
Psalm 148. Most homes are more like war zones than havens of peace. God intended that they would be a little piece of heaven on earth, but that only happens when His praise fills our family. Hallelujahs must begin at home.

The Hallelujah Witness

Psalm 147
Psalm 147. It is the job of God's people to represent Him well in this world - to make others know how good our God is! There is nothing more attractive than a grateful Christian and no witness more powerful than sincere praise.

Where Hallelujah Begins

Psalm 146
Psalm 146. The final psalms are God's "Hallelujah Chorus," and this psalm shows us where the hallelujah's begin. Our praise begins with His person! He never changes.

Listen to An Old Man

Psalm 145
Psalm 145. David is an aged king, reflecting on a very full life. As we listen to an old man rehearse the goodness of God it will help us to see God at work in our own lives. Pay special attention to the three dimensions of his praise.

What Does Normal Look Like?

Psalm 144
Psalm 144. What does normal look like? Normal to God is strange to the world and normal to the world is strange to God! This study will help us to identify what God expects from His children and what we must teach our children.

Finding Direction

Psalm 143
Psalm 143. Every day we need divine direction. There are decisions to make and situations to navigate that only God's wisdom will suffice. Take this psalm and make it your own prayer today.

God’s Complaint Department

Psalm 142
Psalm 142. Did you know that God has a complaint department? They are not to be aired on social media or rehashed in endless conversations with others - they are to be brought directly to Him. Here's how.

Staying Right In A World Gone Wrong

Psalm 141
Psalm 141. Our world is wandering further and further from God. At times the insanity of sin around us is almost unbearable. Here are five thins you can do to stay right in a world that has gone wrong.

A Fight Song

Psalm 140
Psalm 140. Every warrior knows that a good fight song gives fresh courage for the battle! This psalm is a fight song for the Lord's soldiers, a reminder that our safety and victory comes from the Lord alone.

He Knows Everything!

Psalm 139
Psalm 139. God's perfect knowledge of every circumstance and tender knowledge of our needs should bring great encouragement. There may be much that you do not understand, but rest in this - God knows.

How to Have A Personal, Great Awakening

Psalm 138
Psalm 138. Revivals are not national or congregational in their inception - they are always personal. Spiritual awakenings have to begin somewhere! WIll you allow it to begin in you?

When You Just Want To Cry

Psalm 137
Psalm 137. God's people have broken hearts. Sometimes we weep. Thank God we do not cry alone and the tears do not last forever! Perhaps your memories are working against you today. Just remember that God remembers you.

For His Mercy Endureth For Ever

Psalm 136
Psalm 136. The story of this psalm, the story of Israel, the story of the Bible, the story of our lives can be summed up one way: "For his mercy endureth forever." It is all God's mercy.

The Connection Between Praise and Blessing

Psalm 135
Psalm 135. There is a divine connection between a life of praise and a life of blessing. This psalm is filled with reasons to praise the Lord.

Our Blessing and His

Psalm 134
Psalm 134. We bless the Lord and the Lord blesses us. In this study we discover the way to bless God and the way to receive His blessing on our lives.

A Word for the Brethren

Psalm 133
Psalm 133. The Father wants unity in His family. There is nothing more beautiful than a people who have become one in the Lord. Here is a picture of what that looks like.

God Always Keeps His Word!

Psalm 132
Psalm 132. In a world of broken promises it is a great comfort to know that God always keeps His Word. Listen to His Word to David and Israel and you will find a God that you can trust.

Moving From Childhood to Manhood

Psalm 131
Psalm 131. The goal of life is not simply to get older - it is to mature in Christ. God wants His children to grow up. An aging David shows us three characteristics of true spiritual growth.

The Ups and Downs of Life

Psalm 130
Psalm 130. Are you on the roller coaster of life? When we are "down" it is easy to forget that God is still the same as when we were "up." God gives us four things you can do when you are low.

Dealing with Conflict

Psalm 129
Psalm 129. Life is a battle and conflict is inevitable. Even a warrior like David could grow weary with the incessant attacks of the enemy, but there is real victory found in the Lord.

The Blessing of Fear

Psalm 128
Psalm 128. Did you know that there are special blessings connected to the fear of God? This psalm speaks powerfully to our lives, our families, and our nation.

Only God

Psalm 127
Psalm 127. Without God we can do nothing and with Him all things are possible! The greatest needs in our hearts and homes are only met through Him. Only God.


Psalm 126
Psalm 126. The God who has delivered and conquered can do it again! Again and again He proves His power to His people. In this study we find the what, why, and when of His mighty work.

They That Trust In the Lord

Psalm 125
Psalm 125. There are only two types of people - those who trust in the Lord and those who do not! In this beautiful psalm God shows us the definite benefits promised to those who live the life of faith.

Could, Should, Would

Psalm 124
Psalm 124. In eight simple verses the Lord calls our attention to what COULD have happened without His mercy, what SHOULD be our response, and one thing He WOULD have us remember.

When the World Is Closing In On You

Psalm 123
Psalm 123. There are moments in life when it seems the world is closing in on you. You may be surrounded by criticism and scorn, but you always have somewhere to turn.

The Greatest City In the World

Psalm 122
Psalm 122. What is the greatest city in the world? Is it the seat of government or the financial powerhouse? The greatest city in the world is identified by God, both historically and prophetically. And it has a personal application to each of us wherever we may live.

The Extremes of Life

Psalm 121
Psalm 121. This world, and our experiences, are full of extremes. The Lord is our helper, keeper, and preserver at every extreme. Rejoice in this psalm that God takes care of His children!

We’re Going Up!

Psalm 120
Psalm 120. This psalm begins a section of 15 "Songs of Degrees." They were sung as the people ascended up to the Temple to worship. Entering into God's presence always takes you to higher ground! Learn how you can live this ascending life right where you are.

176 Verses About the Scripture

Psalm 119
Psalm 119. Yes, we are looking at Psalm 119 in one episode! All 22 sections of the longest psalm bring us to one truth - we need Scripture. Don't just listen to today's study; rededicate yourself to daily time in God's Word.

The Heart of the Bible

Psalm 118
Psalm 118. In this study we discover the exact middle of our Bible! The heart of the Bible reveals the heart message of all of Scripture: the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Short Sermon with a Long Reach

Psalm 117
Psalm 117. The shortest of the psalms reaches to all people and to all time. Study these two verses and you will come away praising our merciful, kind God!

God Has and I Will

Psalm 116
Psalm 116. Think of all that God has done! Grateful people should be obedient people. If you say you love the Lord then live every day to give Him glory.

False Gods vs. the True God

Psalm 115
Psalm 115. Our world is filled with idols - things made by men to try to take the place of God. But there is only one true and living God! Today we are reminded to fear Him and trust Him alone.

The Second Exodus

Psalm 114
Psalm 114. The same God who delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage delivered them from Babylonian captivity, and the same God who saved you from sin can deliver you from evil. Do you need a second exodus?

Where the Praise Begins

Psalm 113
Psalm 113. As we begin a series of psalms that were designed specifically for praise we learn foundational truths for the life that brings praise to God. This is where praise begins!


Psalm 112
Psalm 112. This beautiful psalm shows us what the blessed life looks like and how to live it. In times of conflict and confusion God's people can still be blessed.

God’s Work in this World

Psalm 111
Psalm 111. How often do you pause to consider God's works in our world? He IS at work! Join us as we fInd out how, and how we should respond.

Our King and Priest

Psalm 110
Psalm 110. Only One has ever served as both King and Priest. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. In today's study we will see Him and His work in our lives. Praise God for Jesus!

A Word to those Being Persecuted

Psalm 109
Psalm 109. True followers of Christ have always faced persecution and it seems to be increasing in our world. In today's study you will hear both the voice of the persecutors and the Word of God, and discover what you are to say in response.

Singing through the Battle

Psalm 108
Psalm 108. The Lord's soldiers can sing their way through the conflict. His joy is our strength. At the end of this little psalm are 3 prepositions that reveal what we have to sing about.

What Can We Say?

Psalm 107
Psalm 107. It is time for God's people to speak up! In a world of noise there must be a voice of certainty. This testimony psalm will give you several things that you can, and should, say today!

Our Forgetfulness and God’s Faithfulness

Psalm 106
Psalm 106. As we conclude the fourth section of the Psalms we are led to remember our own forgetfulness and God's faithfulness. Men fail God but God never fails man. "Praise ye the LORD."

The Blessing of History

Psalm 105
Psalm 105. In our day history is being ignored, rewritten, and erased. This historical psalm reminds us of the God who transcends time and works in every generation. History is connected to theology.

Creator, Sustainer, and Judge

Psalm 104
Psalm 104. We all need to know our God in a deeper way. As we study this psalm we gain a clearer glimpse of God as Creator, Sustainer, and Judge. He is the beginning, the end, and everything in between!

Don’t Forget to Remember!

Psalm 103
Psalm 103. How forgetful we are! Especially when it comes to the goodness of God. In this study we reflect on all of God's blessings and it leads us to bless God.


Psalm 102
Psalm 102. The Creator of the universe uses a sparrow, a pelican, and an owl to teach us something about ourselves and about Him. Let's go birdwatching today and we will see the Lord at work in our lives.

When The Lord Comes To Your House

Psalm 101
Psalm 101. What if Jesus came to your house today? In a very real sense He IS walking through your house - your heart - at this moment! The Lord gets personal in this psalm and reveals what He wants (and what He doesn't) in His house.

The Power of Praise

Psalm 100
Psalm 100. In five brief verses God tells us why praise is so powerful. Praise brings us into the presence of God and the power of God into our circumstances. Learn the discipline and the joy of praising God.

How To Approach A Holy God

Psalm 99
Psalm 99. The only way any of us can approach our holy God is through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discover several practical, definite things we are commanded to do as we approach God in prayer.

Two Reasons to Rejoice Today

Psalm 98
Psalm 98. Every song has a story and this psalm was written when God's presence came to His people. Regardless of your current situation you can rejoice that the Lord has come...and He is coming again!

Holiness and Happiness

Psalm 97
Psalm 97. There are two responses to the revelation of the holiness of God. It all depends on your relationship! For those who are right with the Lord His holiness brings true happiness.

True Witness

Psalm 96
Psalm 96. One of the greatest missionary psalms in the Bible shows us how to lead others to know and worship our wonderful God. We come to worship God and then we go to tell others to worship Him!

True Worship

Psalm 95
Psalm 95. Would you like to know what true worship looks like to God? Study this brief psalm and you will find instruction on how to worship the Lord in a way that brings Him glory.

Look to the Lord!

Psalm 94
Psalm 94. There is always a temptation to look at circumstances and people around us, but the victory is found when we look away from them and look to the Lord. The psalmist expresses what we often feel and then exemplifies what we should do.

I Am “Very Sure”

Psalm 93
Psalm 93. We are living in uncertain days but our God is a God of certainty. There are a few things that you should be "very sure" of, and they are found in this psalm.

Are You Still Growing?

Psalm 92
Psalm 92. Today we walk through God's garden. Three trees teach us how the Lord wants His people to grow at every stage and situation in life. Are you still growing?

God’s Cure for Troubled Times

Psalm 91
Psalm 91. This is a cheerful psalm! You can keep a song in troubled times if you can keep your eyes fixed on God. If you need encouragement meditate on this Scripture.

Some Things Never Change

Psalm 90
Psalm 90. The oldest psalm in the Bible, written on the verge of the wilderness wanderings of Israel, reminds us that we must obey God at every turn on the journey. Today we find 3 truths that never change - 3 truths we must never forget.


Psalm 89
Psalm 89. How appropriate that the Leviticus Psalms that have showed us the way to live in the holy presence of God should conclude with His faithfulness. Study this psalm of instruction and you will see the God who is always faithful.

Are You Having “One of Those Days?”

Psalm 88
Psalm 88. We all have them: "one of those days." Trouble comes and God seems far away. It is difficult to understand why or when it will pass. Here are 3 things you can do when you don't know what to do.

Living In the Presence of God

Psalm 87
Psalm 87. The greatest place in the world to live is in the presence of God. It was God's presence that made Jerusalem special and it will be God's presence that makes eternity wonderful for the believer. You can live in the presence of the Lord today.

That About Sums It Up!

Psalm 86
Psalm 86. Certain Scriptures are summary passages on specific subjects. Psalm 86 is quoted in at least twenty of David's psalms and summarizes so many of the great themes of this great book. This will encourage your heart!

A Patriot’s Prayer

Psalm 85
Psalm 85. If you love the Lord and love your country you should be serious about praying for the spiritual needs of the nation. Take this patriot's prayer and ask God to work as only He can!

From Strength to Strength

Psalm 84
Psalm 84. Do you need strength today? We need more than what we can muster up - we need God's strength. So many believers seem to live from failure to failure, but this psalm shows us the secret of moving from strength to strength.

The Greatest War

Psalm 83
Psalm 83. The greatest war in the world is the spiritual conflict that rages at this moment between light and darkness. In these few verses we get a glimpse of the battle, the enemy, and the Victor. God is greater.

Where Is the Justice?

Psalm 82
Psalm 82. Our world seems to be filled with injustice. Where is the justice? Real justice is only served when the true Judge brings the final verdict. We must get our eyes off of wicked men and on the righteous God.

Wide Open

Psalm 81
Psalm 81. Are you enjoying all that God has for you as a believer? The Lord Jesus brings all of heaven's blessings to our hearts if we will simply stay open to Him. This study helps us to see how to stay wide open to God.

A Prayer for Us All

Psalm 80
Psalm 80. Today's psalm is one of the great revival prayers of the Bible. It was the prayer of a desperate man, and it is a prayer for us all. Take these prayer requests and make them your prayer today.

When Everything Is Gone But God

Psalm 79
Psalm 79. There are times in life when everything and everyone we depended on have disappeared. It is at those moments that we must remember that all may be gone, but God is not. Today's study begins with a sigh but ends with a song.

Don’t Turn Back!

Psalm 78
Psalm 78. What will you do when the battle comes? The foes around us and the fears within us all say to go back. But this is no time to stop - this is the time to press on. God will give the victory if you don't turn back!

God Still Leads

Psalm 77
Psalm 77. In the dark hours, in the times of confusion, in the seasons when we cannot understand which way to go, God is still leading. Just do the 3 things that Asaph did and keep following. The Lord always knows where He is going.

The True Ruler

Psalm 76
Psalm 76. Men like to think that they "rule" but there is a God who rules the good and overrules the evil. He is the true Ruler - the King of kings and Lord of lords. And in this study we find three things He desires and deserves from every one of us.

Human Politics and Divine Power

Psalm 75
Psalm 75. This world system moves on political agendas, human charisma, and power plays. However, behind it all there is a sovereign God, and beyond all of the human politics there is a divine power. This psalm will strenghten your faith!

What To Do With Your Questions

Psalm 74
Psalm 74. We all have questions that we cannot seem to answer. It is what we do with these questions that matters. The psalmist demonstrates what we can do with our uncertainty. God has a way of taking question marks and making them exclamation points!

Four Things That Help You Live In God’s Presence

Psalm 73
Psalm 73. The Leviticus Psalms teach us how to live in the presence of God. In today's episode we discover 4 things that will help us to come into His presence every day. You may be surprised at some of the things God uses!

David’s Final Prayer

Psalm 72
Psalm 72. As we conclude the second section of Psalms we find the final prayer of David. Hear his heart as he neared the end and you will hear the heart of God. Be ready to add these three things to your prayer list!

A Lesson for Youth and Old Age

Psalm 71
Psalm 71. It is amazing how quickly youth turns in to old age! Life passes so quickly. None of us know how many days God will allow us to live, but He does tell us how to make the most of every day. Here is something that will help you in youth and in old age...

Three Things to Remember Today

Psalm 70
Psalm 70. Do you ever write yourself a reminder note? The Lord placed some for us in His Word. This Psalm is a psalm of remembrance and it reminds us of three things we must remember every day.

In Deep Water

Psalm 69
Psalm 69. We all have our "deep water" experiences. It is good to know that God often does His deepest work in our lives while we are in deep water. In today's study we find 3 things the believer can do when things are uncertain.

The Presence of God

Psalm 68
Psalm 68. The most wonderful thing in this world is the presence of God! His presence brings fear to those who do not know Him, but hope to those who do. Today we discuss how to live consciously in His presence and discover what comes out of being with Him.

Why God Blesses and Why We Praise

Psalm 67
Psalm 67. Everything that God does for our good He also does for His glory. The ultimate end of man is to glorify God. God blesses us in order to make us a blessing; we should give praise with a desire to point others to the God of all blessing.

How Joyful Praise Becomes a Powerful Witness

Psalm 66
Psalm 66. The most attractive thing in the world is a joyful spirit, and the most powerful testimony is a heart filled with praise. Witnessing is simply praising God to others. Learn how to use God's goodness in your life to invite others to Him.

Praise God!

Psalm 65
Psalm 65. True prayer should always lead to praise. In today's study we learn that both our lives and the world around us give us reason to praise God. When you are finished listening you should begin to - praise God!

Enemies, Fears, and Faith

Psalm 64
Psalm 64. Only the fear of God can overcome the fear of man. Yes, the enemy is real...but God is greater! This psalm gives a pattern for all of us to follow: it shows us how to move from fear to faith.

The Pursuit of a Lifetime

Psalm 63
Psalm 63. What are you searching for? It was while David was being hunted that he recorded this powerful psalm about seeking the Lord. Discover the open secret to seeking God early and finding Him in the darkest hours of life.

Great Expectations

Psalm 62
Psalm 62. When life's expectations are based on people we are sure to be disappointed. The only foundations for great expectations is the goodness and greatness of God. Join us as we study the "God only" Psalm!

Will This Ever Get Easier?

Psalm 61
Psalm 61. We have all wondered...Will this ever get easier? At every stage in life there are difficulties to face and enemies to fight. The secret to this psalm and the secret to God's continued blessing is found in the last verse. One word will help you press on.

This Is War!

Psalm 60
Psalm 60. While we are fighting one battle another enemy attacks. This is war! Only the Lord can help you live a victorious Christian life. Every battle, every struggle, every wound should drive us to Him.

Wild Dogs

Psalm 59
Psalm 59. There are few things as ferocious or destructive as a pack of wild dogs. Enemies are like that and David understood such danger. He also understood that God was His defense and deliverer. Don't miss the way this psalm ends!

When Life Is A Zoo

Psalm 58
Psalm 58. What can we learn from a snake, a lion, and a snail? God uses three things in the animal kingdom to teach us about the wicked world around us, and, more importantly, about the God who rules over all.

The Lion and the Lord

Psalm 57
Psalm 57. The "lions" of life come against all of God's people. Attacks will come. But there is One greater than the lions that want to destroy you! Following David's example, we learn to keep our eyes on the Lord in three simple ways.

Daily Christian Living

Psalm 56
Psalm 56. Life is lived one day at a time. Every day there will be fears. Every day there is a fight. And every day God gives us exactly what we need to face them! Discover three things you can do every day to live in victory.

Dealing With Betrayal

Psalm 55
Psalm 55. Have you ever been betrayed? It brings uncertainty, anger, and fear. But you do not have to stay in that bondage! Christ has made a way for us to be free and David shows us the way.

How to Keep From Getting Bitter

Psalm 54
Psalm 54. When things go wrong and others don't do right it is easy to get bitter. David kept a sweet spirit through every disappointment. Find out how in his own words...

Truth Never Changes

Psalm 53
Psalm 53. Truth is timeless because it is rooted in the eternal God. Today's psalm will feel like deja vu because it is almost a word for word repetition of another psalm. And it is repeated in Romans! Why? Truth never changes.

Two Kinds of Men

Psalm 52
Psalm 52. Doeg and David. Two very different men, living very different lives. There are only 2 kinds of men: those who think they are strong and those who know they are weak and have found their strength in Christ. Which are you?

How to Continue Using the Psalms

Luke 24:43-45
God uses the Psalms to meet the deep needs of our lives. When you come to the New Testament the Psalms continue to be instrumental to the followers of Jesus Christ. In this concluding study we discover three ways Christians can continue to use the Psalms every day.

Holy Hallelujahs

Psalm 150
Psalm 150. In the final psalm we reach the crescendo of praise. David has led the chorus and now we all must join in the song! "Praise ye the LORD."

The Power of a Hallelujah

Psalm 149
Psalm 149. Praise is powerful because of the glory it brings to God, the joy and victory it brings into our lives, and the testimony it brings to others. Begin to praise God and you will see God at work.

Hallelujahs In the Home

Psalm 148
Psalm 148. Most homes are more like war zones than havens of peace. God intended that they would be a little piece of heaven on earth, but that only happens when His praise fills our family. Hallelujahs must begin at home.

The Hallelujah Witness

Psalm 147
Psalm 147. It is the job of God's people to represent Him well in this world - to make others know how good our God is! There is nothing more attractive than a grateful Christian and no witness more powerful than sincere praise.

Where Hallelujah Begins

Psalm 146
Psalm 146. The final psalms are God's "Hallelujah Chorus," and this psalm shows us where the hallelujah's begin. Our praise begins with His person! He never changes.

Listen to An Old Man

Psalm 145
Psalm 145. David is an aged king, reflecting on a very full life. As we listen to an old man rehearse the goodness of God it will help us to see God at work in our own lives. Pay special attention to the three dimensions of his praise.

What Does Normal Look Like?

Psalm 144
Psalm 144. What does normal look like? Normal to God is strange to the world and normal to the world is strange to God! This study will help us to identify what God expects from His children and what we must teach our children.

Finding Direction

Psalm 143
Psalm 143. Every day we need divine direction. There are decisions to make and situations to navigate that only God's wisdom will suffice. Take this psalm and make it your own prayer today.

God’s Complaint Department

Psalm 142
Psalm 142. Did you know that God has a complaint department? They are not to be aired on social media or rehashed in endless conversations with others - they are to be brought directly to Him. Here's how.

Staying Right In A World Gone Wrong

Psalm 141
Psalm 141. Our world is wandering further and further from God. At times the insanity of sin around us is almost unbearable. Here are five thins you can do to stay right in a world that has gone wrong.

A Fight Song

Psalm 140
Psalm 140. Every warrior knows that a good fight song gives fresh courage for the battle! This psalm is a fight song for the Lord's soldiers, a reminder that our safety and victory comes from the Lord alone.

He Knows Everything!

Psalm 139
Psalm 139. God's perfect knowledge of every circumstance and tender knowledge of our needs should bring great encouragement. There may be much that you do not understand, but rest in this - God knows.

How to Have A Personal, Great Awakening

Psalm 138
Psalm 138. Revivals are not national or congregational in their inception - they are always personal. Spiritual awakenings have to begin somewhere! WIll you allow it to begin in you?

When You Just Want To Cry

Psalm 137
Psalm 137. God's people have broken hearts. Sometimes we weep. Thank God we do not cry alone and the tears do not last forever! Perhaps your memories are working against you today. Just remember that God remembers you.

For His Mercy Endureth For Ever

Psalm 136
Psalm 136. The story of this psalm, the story of Israel, the story of the Bible, the story of our lives can be summed up one way: "For his mercy endureth forever." It is all God's mercy.

The Connection Between Praise and Blessing

Psalm 135
Psalm 135. There is a divine connection between a life of praise and a life of blessing. This psalm is filled with reasons to praise the Lord.

Our Blessing and His

Psalm 134
Psalm 134. We bless the Lord and the Lord blesses us. In this study we discover the way to bless God and the way to receive His blessing on our lives.

A Word for the Brethren

Psalm 133
Psalm 133. The Father wants unity in His family. There is nothing more beautiful than a people who have become one in the Lord. Here is a picture of what that looks like.

God Always Keeps His Word!

Psalm 132
Psalm 132. In a world of broken promises it is a great comfort to know that God always keeps His Word. Listen to His Word to David and Israel and you will find a God that you can trust.

Moving From Childhood to Manhood

Psalm 131
Psalm 131. The goal of life is not simply to get older - it is to mature in Christ. God wants His children to grow up. An aging David shows us three characteristics of true spiritual growth.

The Ups and Downs of Life

Psalm 130
Psalm 130. Are you on the roller coaster of life? When we are "down" it is easy to forget that God is still the same as when we were "up." God gives us four things you can do when you are low.

Dealing with Conflict

Psalm 129
Psalm 129. Life is a battle and conflict is inevitable. Even a warrior like David could grow weary with the incessant attacks of the enemy, but there is real victory found in the Lord.

The Blessing of Fear

Psalm 128
Psalm 128. Did you know that there are special blessings connected to the fear of God? This psalm speaks powerfully to our lives, our families, and our nation.

Only God

Psalm 127
Psalm 127. Without God we can do nothing and with Him all things are possible! The greatest needs in our hearts and homes are only met through Him. Only God.


Psalm 126
Psalm 126. The God who has delivered and conquered can do it again! Again and again He proves His power to His people. In this study we find the what, why, and when of His mighty work.

They That Trust In the Lord

Psalm 125
Psalm 125. There are only two types of people - those who trust in the Lord and those who do not! In this beautiful psalm God shows us the definite benefits promised to those who live the life of faith.

Could, Should, Would

Psalm 124
Psalm 124. In eight simple verses the Lord calls our attention to what COULD have happened without His mercy, what SHOULD be our response, and one thing He WOULD have us remember.

When the World Is Closing In On You

Psalm 123
Psalm 123. There are moments in life when it seems the world is closing in on you. You may be surrounded by criticism and scorn, but you always have somewhere to turn.

The Greatest City In the World

Psalm 122
Psalm 122. What is the greatest city in the world? Is it the seat of government or the financial powerhouse? The greatest city in the world is identified by God, both historically and prophetically. And it has a personal application to each of us wherever we may live.

The Extremes of Life

Psalm 121
Psalm 121. This world, and our experiences, are full of extremes. The Lord is our helper, keeper, and preserver at every extreme. Rejoice in this psalm that God takes care of His children!

We’re Going Up!

Psalm 120
Psalm 120. This psalm begins a section of 15 "Songs of Degrees." They were sung as the people ascended up to the Temple to worship. Entering into God's presence always takes you to higher ground! Learn how you can live this ascending life right where you are.

176 Verses About the Scripture

Psalm 119
Psalm 119. Yes, we are looking at Psalm 119 in one episode! All 22 sections of the longest psalm bring us to one truth - we need Scripture. Don't just listen to today's study; rededicate yourself to daily time in God's Word.

The Heart of the Bible

Psalm 118
Psalm 118. In this study we discover the exact middle of our Bible! The heart of the Bible reveals the heart message of all of Scripture: the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Short Sermon with a Long Reach

Psalm 117
Psalm 117. The shortest of the psalms reaches to all people and to all time. Study these two verses and you will come away praising our merciful, kind God!

God Has and I Will

Psalm 116
Psalm 116. Think of all that God has done! Grateful people should be obedient people. If you say you love the Lord then live every day to give Him glory.

False Gods vs. the True God

Psalm 115
Psalm 115. Our world is filled with idols - things made by men to try to take the place of God. But there is only one true and living God! Today we are reminded to fear Him and trust Him alone.

The Second Exodus

Psalm 114
Psalm 114. The same God who delivered Israel from Egyptian bondage delivered them from Babylonian captivity, and the same God who saved you from sin can deliver you from evil. Do you need a second exodus?

Where the Praise Begins

Psalm 113
Psalm 113. As we begin a series of psalms that were designed specifically for praise we learn foundational truths for the life that brings praise to God. This is where praise begins!


Psalm 112
Psalm 112. This beautiful psalm shows us what the blessed life looks like and how to live it. In times of conflict and confusion God's people can still be blessed.

God’s Work in this World

Psalm 111
Psalm 111. How often do you pause to consider God's works in our world? He IS at work! Join us as we fInd out how, and how we should respond.

Our King and Priest

Psalm 110
Psalm 110. Only One has ever served as both King and Priest. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ. In today's study we will see Him and His work in our lives. Praise God for Jesus!

A Word to those Being Persecuted

Psalm 109
Psalm 109. True followers of Christ have always faced persecution and it seems to be increasing in our world. In today's study you will hear both the voice of the persecutors and the Word of God, and discover what you are to say in response.

Singing through the Battle

Psalm 108
Psalm 108. The Lord's soldiers can sing their way through the conflict. His joy is our strength. At the end of this little psalm are 3 prepositions that reveal what we have to sing about.

What Can We Say?

Psalm 107
Psalm 107. It is time for God's people to speak up! In a world of noise there must be a voice of certainty. This testimony psalm will give you several things that you can, and should, say today!

Our Forgetfulness and God’s Faithfulness

Psalm 106
Psalm 106. As we conclude the fourth section of the Psalms we are led to remember our own forgetfulness and God's faithfulness. Men fail God but God never fails man. "Praise ye the LORD."

The Blessing of History

Psalm 105
Psalm 105. In our day history is being ignored, rewritten, and erased. This historical psalm reminds us of the God who transcends time and works in every generation. History is connected to theology.

Creator, Sustainer, and Judge

Psalm 104
Psalm 104. We all need to know our God in a deeper way. As we study this psalm we gain a clearer glimpse of God as Creator, Sustainer, and Judge. He is the beginning, the end, and everything in between!

Don’t Forget to Remember!

Psalm 103
Psalm 103. How forgetful we are! Especially when it comes to the goodness of God. In this study we reflect on all of God's blessings and it leads us to bless God.


Psalm 102
Psalm 102. The Creator of the universe uses a sparrow, a pelican, and an owl to teach us something about ourselves and about Him. Let's go birdwatching today and we will see the Lord at work in our lives.

When The Lord Comes To Your House

Psalm 101
Psalm 101. What if Jesus came to your house today? In a very real sense He IS walking through your house - your heart - at this moment! The Lord gets personal in this psalm and reveals what He wants (and what He doesn't) in His house.

The Power of Praise

Psalm 100
Psalm 100. In five brief verses God tells us why praise is so powerful. Praise brings us into the presence of God and the power of God into our circumstances. Learn the discipline and the joy of praising God.

How To Approach A Holy God

Psalm 99
Psalm 99. The only way any of us can approach our holy God is through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Discover several practical, definite things we are commanded to do as we approach God in prayer.

Two Reasons to Rejoice Today

Psalm 98
Psalm 98. Every song has a story and this psalm was written when God's presence came to His people. Regardless of your current situation you can rejoice that the Lord has come...and He is coming again!

Holiness and Happiness

Psalm 97
Psalm 97. There are two responses to the revelation of the holiness of God. It all depends on your relationship! For those who are right with the Lord His holiness brings true happiness.

True Witness

Psalm 96
Psalm 96. One of the greatest missionary psalms in the Bible shows us how to lead others to know and worship our wonderful God. We come to worship God and then we go to tell others to worship Him!

True Worship

Psalm 95
Psalm 95. Would you like to know what true worship looks like to God? Study this brief psalm and you will find instruction on how to worship the Lord in a way that brings Him glory.

Look to the Lord!

Psalm 94
Psalm 94. There is always a temptation to look at circumstances and people around us, but the victory is found when we look away from them and look to the Lord. The psalmist expresses what we often feel and then exemplifies what we should do.

I Am “Very Sure”

Psalm 93
Psalm 93. We are living in uncertain days but our God is a God of certainty. There are a few things that you should be "very sure" of, and they are found in this psalm.

Are You Still Growing?

Psalm 92
Psalm 92. Today we walk through God's garden. Three trees teach us how the Lord wants His people to grow at every stage and situation in life. Are you still growing?

God’s Cure for Troubled Times

Psalm 91
Psalm 91. This is a cheerful psalm! You can keep a song in troubled times if you can keep your eyes fixed on God. If you need encouragement meditate on this Scripture.

Some Things Never Change

Psalm 90
Psalm 90. The oldest psalm in the Bible, written on the verge of the wilderness wanderings of Israel, reminds us that we must obey God at every turn on the journey. Today we find 3 truths that never change - 3 truths we must never forget.


Psalm 89
Psalm 89. How appropriate that the Leviticus Psalms that have showed us the way to live in the holy presence of God should conclude with His faithfulness. Study this psalm of instruction and you will see the God who is always faithful.

Are You Having “One of Those Days?”

Psalm 88
Psalm 88. We all have them: "one of those days." Trouble comes and God seems far away. It is difficult to understand why or when it will pass. Here are 3 things you can do when you don't know what to do.

Living In the Presence of God

Psalm 87
Psalm 87. The greatest place in the world to live is in the presence of God. It was God's presence that made Jerusalem special and it will be God's presence that makes eternity wonderful for the believer. You can live in the presence of the Lord today.

That About Sums It Up!

Psalm 86
Psalm 86. Certain Scriptures are summary passages on specific subjects. Psalm 86 is quoted in at least twenty of David's psalms and summarizes so many of the great themes of this great book. This will encourage your heart!

A Patriot’s Prayer

Psalm 85
Psalm 85. If you love the Lord and love your country you should be serious about praying for the spiritual needs of the nation. Take this patriot's prayer and ask God to work as only He can!

From Strength to Strength

Psalm 84
Psalm 84. Do you need strength today? We need more than what we can muster up - we need God's strength. So many believers seem to live from failure to failure, but this psalm shows us the secret of moving from strength to strength.

The Greatest War

Psalm 83
Psalm 83. The greatest war in the world is the spiritual conflict that rages at this moment between light and darkness. In these few verses we get a glimpse of the battle, the enemy, and the Victor. God is greater.

Where Is the Justice?

Psalm 82
Psalm 82. Our world seems to be filled with injustice. Where is the justice? Real justice is only served when the true Judge brings the final verdict. We must get our eyes off of wicked men and on the righteous God.

Wide Open

Psalm 81
Psalm 81. Are you enjoying all that God has for you as a believer? The Lord Jesus brings all of heaven's blessings to our hearts if we will simply stay open to Him. This study helps us to see how to stay wide open to God.

A Prayer for Us All

Psalm 80
Psalm 80. Today's psalm is one of the great revival prayers of the Bible. It was the prayer of a desperate man, and it is a prayer for us all. Take these prayer requests and make them your prayer today.

When Everything Is Gone But God

Psalm 79
Psalm 79. There are times in life when everything and everyone we depended on have disappeared. It is at those moments that we must remember that all may be gone, but God is not. Today's study begins with a sigh but ends with a song.

Don’t Turn Back!

Psalm 78
Psalm 78. What will you do when the battle comes? The foes around us and the fears within us all say to go back. But this is no time to stop - this is the time to press on. God will give the victory if you don't turn back!

God Still Leads

Psalm 77
Psalm 77. In the dark hours, in the times of confusion, in the seasons when we cannot understand which way to go, God is still leading. Just do the 3 things that Asaph did and keep following. The Lord always knows where He is going.

The True Ruler

Psalm 76
Psalm 76. Men like to think that they "rule" but there is a God who rules the good and overrules the evil. He is the true Ruler - the King of kings and Lord of lords. And in this study we find three things He desires and deserves from every one of us.

Human Politics and Divine Power

Psalm 75
Psalm 75. This world system moves on political agendas, human charisma, and power plays. However, behind it all there is a sovereign God, and beyond all of the human politics there is a divine power. This psalm will strenghten your faith!

What To Do With Your Questions

Psalm 74
Psalm 74. We all have questions that we cannot seem to answer. It is what we do with these questions that matters. The psalmist demonstrates what we can do with our uncertainty. God has a way of taking question marks and making them exclamation points!

Four Things That Help You Live In God’s Presence

Psalm 73
Psalm 73. The Leviticus Psalms teach us how to live in the presence of God. In today's episode we discover 4 things that will help us to come into His presence every day. You may be surprised at some of the things God uses!

David’s Final Prayer

Psalm 72
Psalm 72. As we conclude the second section of Psalms we find the final prayer of David. Hear his heart as he neared the end and you will hear the heart of God. Be ready to add these three things to your prayer list!

A Lesson for Youth and Old Age

Psalm 71
Psalm 71. It is amazing how quickly youth turns in to old age! Life passes so quickly. None of us know how many days God will allow us to live, but He does tell us how to make the most of every day. Here is something that will help you in youth and in old age...

Three Things to Remember Today

Psalm 70
Psalm 70. Do you ever write yourself a reminder note? The Lord placed some for us in His Word. This Psalm is a psalm of remembrance and it reminds us of three things we must remember every day.

In Deep Water

Psalm 69
Psalm 69. We all have our "deep water" experiences. It is good to know that God often does His deepest work in our lives while we are in deep water. In today's study we find 3 things the believer can do when things are uncertain.

The Presence of God

Psalm 68
Psalm 68. The most wonderful thing in this world is the presence of God! His presence brings fear to those who do not know Him, but hope to those who do. Today we discuss how to live consciously in His presence and discover what comes out of being with Him.

Why God Blesses and Why We Praise

Psalm 67
Psalm 67. Everything that God does for our good He also does for His glory. The ultimate end of man is to glorify God. God blesses us in order to make us a blessing; we should give praise with a desire to point others to the God of all blessing.

How Joyful Praise Becomes a Powerful Witness

Psalm 66
Psalm 66. The most attractive thing in the world is a joyful spirit, and the most powerful testimony is a heart filled with praise. Witnessing is simply praising God to others. Learn how to use God's goodness in your life to invite others to Him.

Praise God!

Psalm 65
Psalm 65. True prayer should always lead to praise. In today's study we learn that both our lives and the world around us give us reason to praise God. When you are finished listening you should begin to - praise God!

Enemies, Fears, and Faith

Psalm 64
Psalm 64. Only the fear of God can overcome the fear of man. Yes, the enemy is real...but God is greater! This psalm gives a pattern for all of us to follow: it shows us how to move from fear to faith.

The Pursuit of a Lifetime

Psalm 63
Psalm 63. What are you searching for? It was while David was being hunted that he recorded this powerful psalm about seeking the Lord. Discover the open secret to seeking God early and finding Him in the darkest hours of life.

Great Expectations

Psalm 62
Psalm 62. When life's expectations are based on people we are sure to be disappointed. The only foundations for great expectations is the goodness and greatness of God. Join us as we study the "God only" Psalm!

Will This Ever Get Easier?

Psalm 61
Psalm 61. We have all wondered...Will this ever get easier? At every stage in life there are difficulties to face and enemies to fight. The secret to this psalm and the secret to God's continued blessing is found in the last verse. One word will help you press on.

This Is War!

Psalm 60
Psalm 60. While we are fighting one battle another enemy attacks. This is war! Only the Lord can help you live a victorious Christian life. Every battle, every struggle, every wound should drive us to Him.

Wild Dogs

Psalm 59
Psalm 59. There are few things as ferocious or destructive as a pack of wild dogs. Enemies are like that and David understood such danger. He also understood that God was His defense and deliverer. Don't miss the way this psalm ends!

When Life Is A Zoo

Psalm 58
Psalm 58. What can we learn from a snake, a lion, and a snail? God uses three things in the animal kingdom to teach us about the wicked world around us, and, more importantly, about the God who rules over all.

The Lion and the Lord

Psalm 57
Psalm 57. The "lions" of life come against all of God's people. Attacks will come. But there is One greater than the lions that want to destroy you! Following David's example, we learn to keep our eyes on the Lord in three simple ways.

Daily Christian Living

Psalm 56
Psalm 56. Life is lived one day at a time. Every day there will be fears. Every day there is a fight. And every day God gives us exactly what we need to face them! Discover three things you can do every day to live in victory.

Dealing With Betrayal

Psalm 55
Psalm 55. Have you ever been betrayed? It brings uncertainty, anger, and fear. But you do not have to stay in that bondage! Christ has made a way for us to be free and David shows us the way.

How to Keep From Getting Bitter

Psalm 54
Psalm 54. When things go wrong and others don't do right it is easy to get bitter. David kept a sweet spirit through every disappointment. Find out how in his own words...

Truth Never Changes

Psalm 53
Psalm 53. Truth is timeless because it is rooted in the eternal God. Today's psalm will feel like deja vu because it is almost a word for word repetition of another psalm. And it is repeated in Romans! Why? Truth never changes.

Two Kinds of Men

Psalm 52
Psalm 52. Doeg and David. Two very different men, living very different lives. There are only 2 kinds of men: those who think they are strong and those who know they are weak and have found their strength in Christ. Which are you?