When Jesus cried, “It is finished,” all of Heaven heard it and rejoiced. All of Hell heard it and trembled. All of earth must hear it and believe. This final word of Jesus on the cross is a cry of the Conqueror, a cry of completion, and a cry of commencement. Let’s discover why in today’s broadcast.

Paid In Full
When Jesus cried from the cross, “It is finished,” He was literally saying “Paid in full!” The debt of sin has been canceled. There is no further work required to pay the price of salvation. Jesus paid it all! Trust Him today!

One Word Changes Everything
One word from Jesus changes everything! In our final look at Jesus’ use of the word “today,” we find that it is a word of great expectancy. It speaks to us about God and His present work, about our lives and fleeting opportunities, and about our eternity, which is greater than we can imagine if we turn to Christ by faith.

Don’t Miss Your Moment
“Today” is a word of expediency, as well as opportunity. God has given each of us an opportunity to make the most of today. In this study we will consider right priorities as we again look to Jesus on His most difficult day.

When the thief on the cross cried out to Jesus to save him, our Lord promised that he would be with Him in Paradise that very day. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, but we have been given today. Friend, I urge you to trust Christ, return to God, or begin the task God has laid on your heart…today!

Put It All In His Hands
Some people live their whole lives letting their hurts define and detour them. How much better it would be to trust every circumstance and situation to the loving hands of God, as we see Jesus doing on the cross. His final recorded words demonstrate His complete confidence in the Father.

Consider that even Jesus, in His darkest hour, cried out to God, “Why?” When you find yourself enduring dark days or feeling distant from the Lord, bring all your emotion, hurt, and brokenness to God. And remember that He is at work. The greatest transaction that ever took place happened in the dark when it seemed that Heaven was silent.

Moving from Why to What
Both the darkest and final moment of Jesus’ life are examined in our study today. When Jesus fulfilled the “why” of His coming, when He suffered in a moment the eternal Hell we deserved, when he was separated from His Father – only then could we receive the “what” God had in store for us all along.

The Cry that Never Stops
Our Lord’s forgiveness is immediate and perpetual. It restored the thief on the cross, and to this day remains powerful and available. Walk by Calvary again and listen to Jesus say you’re forgiven. Be inspired to share that wonderful message with someone along your path who is yet bearing the weight of their sins alone.

This cry from the cross is not only a prayer, but also a pardon. If anyone had a reason to bring judgment, it was our Lord. Yet He cries, “Father, forgive them!” Today we’ll grow in our understanding of forgiveness and be challenged to forgive like Jesus.

Praying at the Cross
If you’re dealing with some difficulty today, you can learn to do what our Lord did. Pray! Sometimes Jesus prayed in the peaceful quietness of a garden, but today we listen to Him pray at Calvary. We find Him in the hardest place, on the hardest day, praying for the hardest people. That means something for you and me!

The Cry of His Humility
Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ voice sounds like? Although we cannot hear it with our ears today, every cry we hear Him utter from the cross teaches us about our Lord’s heart. His humility is heard in the words we’ll study today.

The Cry of His Humanity
As we listen to the first cry of Jesus from the cross, we are reminded of his humanity. We see His love for His mother, His physical thirst, His pain. There is great hope in knowing that whatever we are going through, He understands. He has experienced what we experience, and He cares. Trust Him to see you through!

No Answer
The cries we hear first near the cross of Christ were not from Jesus Himself. Pilate’s bewildered “I find no fault in Him,” the Jews angry “Crucify Him!” the Roman soldiers’ mockery… yet Jesus silently suffers in humility and surrender to the will of His Father. What love is displayed in the silence of Jesus!

Famous Last Words
How powerful it is to hear a person’s last words! They carry unique significance. As we begin a study of the words spoken by Jesus at the end of His life on earth, we will consider the final words of several famous individuals. What will these statements reveal about Heaven, Hell, peace, and hope?
When Jesus cried, “It is finished,” all of Heaven heard it and rejoiced. All of Hell heard it and trembled. All of earth must hear it and believe. This final word of Jesus on the cross is a cry of the Conqueror, a cry of completion, and a cry of commencement. Let’s discover why in today’s broadcast.
Paid In Full
When Jesus cried from the cross, “It is finished,” He was literally saying “Paid in full!” The debt of sin has been canceled. There is no further work required to pay the price of salvation. Jesus paid it all! Trust Him today!
One Word Changes Everything
One word from Jesus changes everything! In our final look at Jesus’ use of the word “today,” we find that it is a word of great expectancy. It speaks to us about God and His present work, about our lives and fleeting opportunities, and about our eternity, which is greater than we can imagine if we turn to Christ by faith.
Don’t Miss Your Moment
“Today” is a word of expediency, as well as opportunity. God has given each of us an opportunity to make the most of today. In this study we will consider right priorities as we again look to Jesus on His most difficult day.
When the thief on the cross cried out to Jesus to save him, our Lord promised that he would be with Him in Paradise that very day. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, but we have been given today. Friend, I urge you to trust Christ, return to God, or begin the task God has laid on your heart…today!
Put It All In His Hands
Some people live their whole lives letting their hurts define and detour them. How much better it would be to trust every circumstance and situation to the loving hands of God, as we see Jesus doing on the cross. His final recorded words demonstrate His complete confidence in the Father.
Consider that even Jesus, in His darkest hour, cried out to God, “Why?” When you find yourself enduring dark days or feeling distant from the Lord, bring all your emotion, hurt, and brokenness to God. And remember that He is at work. The greatest transaction that ever took place happened in the dark when it seemed that Heaven was silent.
Moving from Why to What
Both the darkest and final moment of Jesus’ life are examined in our study today. When Jesus fulfilled the “why” of His coming, when He suffered in a moment the eternal Hell we deserved, when he was separated from His Father – only then could we receive the “what” God had in store for us all along.
The Cry that Never Stops
Our Lord’s forgiveness is immediate and perpetual. It restored the thief on the cross, and to this day remains powerful and available. Walk by Calvary again and listen to Jesus say you’re forgiven. Be inspired to share that wonderful message with someone along your path who is yet bearing the weight of their sins alone.
This cry from the cross is not only a prayer, but also a pardon. If anyone had a reason to bring judgment, it was our Lord. Yet He cries, “Father, forgive them!” Today we’ll grow in our understanding of forgiveness and be challenged to forgive like Jesus.
Praying at the Cross
If you’re dealing with some difficulty today, you can learn to do what our Lord did. Pray! Sometimes Jesus prayed in the peaceful quietness of a garden, but today we listen to Him pray at Calvary. We find Him in the hardest place, on the hardest day, praying for the hardest people. That means something for you and me!
The Cry of His Humility
Have you ever wondered what Jesus’ voice sounds like? Although we cannot hear it with our ears today, every cry we hear Him utter from the cross teaches us about our Lord’s heart. His humility is heard in the words we’ll study today.
The Cry of His Humanity
As we listen to the first cry of Jesus from the cross, we are reminded of his humanity. We see His love for His mother, His physical thirst, His pain. There is great hope in knowing that whatever we are going through, He understands. He has experienced what we experience, and He cares. Trust Him to see you through!
No Answer
The cries we hear first near the cross of Christ were not from Jesus Himself. Pilate’s bewildered “I find no fault in Him,” the Jews angry “Crucify Him!” the Roman soldiers’ mockery… yet Jesus silently suffers in humility and surrender to the will of His Father. What love is displayed in the silence of Jesus!
Famous Last Words
How powerful it is to hear a person’s last words! They carry unique significance. As we begin a study of the words spoken by Jesus at the end of His life on earth, we will consider the final words of several famous individuals. What will these statements reveal about Heaven, Hell, peace, and hope?