Journey With Jesus


Seeing The Bible Through New Eyes

Matthew 4:23-25
Studying the geography of God's book, learning the land of our Lord helps you to see the Bible through new eyes! At the conclusion of today's study is a very special announcement and personal invitation to journey through the land of the Bible with us.

Becoming A Person of Action

Mark 1:1; 10:45; 16:20
Today we conclude our journey with Jesus through the gospel according to Mark, the gospel of action. Our God is a God of action and He intends for His followers to be people of action. Our journey through this world continues and we must be busy telling others of Christ.

Watching God at Work

Mark 16:19-20
We continue our look at the closing verses of this book, especially the powerful phrase "the Lord working with them." What a privilege to be part of God's work in this world and to see Him working through us!

God’s Construction Crew

Mark 16:14-18
It is one thing to work and quite another to work on God's construction crew! As we discover God's purpose and connect our lives to that we become part of the greatest work in the world. Today we begin to examine how we can see the Lord at work.

On the Go

Mark 16:15-16
We are all busy people, but are we busy with the most important business in the world? Everywhere that we go the gospel must go. Every believer should be "on the go" for God.

What Size Church Does Christ Use?

Mark 16:14-20
Our generation is mesmerized by mega-churches. But The power of a small church, the power of a large church, the power of any church is in Who it belongs to! Not buildings, resources, or crowds. Christ alone. Look at the first church...

Unbelieving Believers

Mark 16:11-14
How can we tell others to believe on Christ if we are not ourselves living the life of faith? Refuse to live today in unbelief in any area of your life. "Have faith in God."

The First Sunday Meeting

Mark 16:1-10
Christians recognize Sunday as the Lord's Day. The first day of the week is a reminder of the resurrection of Christ! Learn the principles of the first resurrection Sunday and you will find truth that will help you every day.

Secret Disciples

Mark 15:42-47
Two men who were "secret disciples" of Christ ended up being two of the most bold. What made the difference? Calvary. Jesus Christ was not ashamed of us and we should not be ashamed to be identified with Him!

At the Cross

Mark 15:37-41
The whole world was changed at the cross. Individual lives are transformed at the cross. Come to the cross today and get a fresh glimpse of what Christ did for you there.

Dying Words

Mark 15:26-37
The dying words of any man are significant - how much more the dying words of the God-Man! Christ's dying words were words of life. Listen carefully and you will hear Him talking about you.

I Am Barabbas

Mark 15:6-25
Have you ever seen yourself in the criminal who went free? Barabbas is a picture of those who are pardoned because of the substitutionary death of Christ. God help us all to realize who we are and rejoice in who He is!

When It’s Time to Say Nothing

Mark 14:55-65; 15:1-5
The closer Christ got to the cross the less He spoke. Those who are dead to self do not have to argue, debate, and defend. In the heat of trouble we often speak quickly and the words that come out are not helpful. Today we learn that there is a time to say nothing!

Are You Moving The Wrong Direction?

Mark 14:53-54; 66-72
Sometimes the best Christians take a step in the wrong direction. Thank God that doesn't have to be the final destination! Where are you today and where are you going?

A Stranger In the Garden

Mark 14:46-52
Who is the unnamed young man in the Garden of Gethsemane? Why is he there? What is God's message for us through him? Find out today as we study this unique passage of Scripture.

What We Learn From Judas

Mark 14:43-45
The name of Judas is forever associated with treachery and deceit. No one wants His reputation! Yet sadly enough his life mirrors the lives of so many outwardly religious people who never truly know Christ. In today's study we learn something about Judas, but, more importantly, a great truth about Jesus.

Get Up and Get On With It!

Mark 14:41-42
We all have our times of failure and Satan wants us to wallow in it forever. Christ always offers a new beginning. Yesterday cannot be retrieved but He is at work at this moment. "Rise up and let us go..."

God’s Will Versus My Will

Mark 14:36
The greatest battle in the world is the battle of the will. Who gets to be in charge? Victory is only found in yielding to the One who always knows what is best. Make Jesus' prayer your own today.

Abba, Father

Mark 14:36
Are your prayers a meaningful conversation with your Father? The Lord Jesus made a way for us to have access to God and shows us the way to have personal communion with Him. Today we learn the truth in the word "Abba."

Watch and Pray

Mark 14:32-42
There is a constant battle between our old, sinful flesh and our new man, our spirit. Jesus has a word of instruction for each! Begin to watch and pray wherever you are today.

Don’t Fail the Test

Mark 14:32-42
The Lord's students are always tested over every lesson they have been taught. Are you ready for the test? Will you pass? The best students can still fail. Come sit in Christ's classroom today...

How Not to Be Offended

Mark 14:27-31
We live in a world where people are easily offended. Perhaps you have offended someone or someone has offended you. In today's study the sinless Lord Jesus shows His disciples and all of us the way to not be detoured or distracted, the way to finish well.

In the Upper Room With Jesus

Mark 14:12-26
It was a high, holy moment to be with Christ at the last supper. In that upper room the Lord shows us all the secrets of victory and power in the crisis hours of life. Make a visit to that room, spend time in His presence, and you will discover the joy that Jesus knew.

Just Do What You Can

Mark 14:1-11
You cannot do everything, but you can do something. If you will do the thing God leads you to do you will find the joy of joining Him in what He is doing in this world. Today we study one of the great women of the Bible. Follow her example!


Mark 13:32-37
One simple story. One word. One truth. Don't miss the one thing Jesus repeated.

Christ’s Message to Every Man

Mark 13:32-37
Jesus' words as He neared the end of His earthly ministry were not just for the original disciples - they are for every one of us! See yourself in today's story and hear the Lord's message to you at this moment in history.

Jesus Is Coming!

Mark 13:24-31
"What is this world coming to?" We often hear such questions in our chaotic culture. The better question is: "Do you know who is coming to this world?" Jesus is coming! We don't know the day but today is the day to get ready.

Four Marks of the Tribulation

Mark 13:11-23
At the end of the church age there will be a seven year tribulation such as this world has never seen. Learn the four things that will mark that period of time and how you can avoid it by coming to Christ now.

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Mark 13:5-10
We are living in this world but at any moment we may step into the world to come! Christ tells his followers exactly what they should expect and how they should live as they near the end of time and prepare for eternity. His words will encourage you and challenge you!

Impressed With the Wrong Things

Mark 13:1-4
It is so easy to get enamored with buildings and material things. We often get impressed with the wrong things - things that will not last. Listen in on a private conversation between Christ and four of His closest disciples. There is a truth we all need to hear.

She Gave It All

Mark 12:41-44
Meet a woman who gave all that she had to God. What she did not know was that Jesus was watching! He is watching us today. What will we give?

A Message for the Common Man

Mark 12:35-40
Christ speaks to common people. Very often it is the common man who is most ready to receive His message. The Lord Jesus has a message for all of us today if we are ready to believe and obey.

All the Questions End Here

Mark 12:31-34
Jesus cuts through all of the questions and confusion. He brings life down to one thing and that one thing guides every relationship. In our study today we learn what that one thing is and how to apply it. All the questions end here.

Do You Truly Love the Lord?

Mark 12:28-30
It is easy to say it, but do you truly the Lord? Your life reveals what you love. Listen to Jesus describe what a life of love looks like.

Don’t Miss God!

Mark 12:18-27
The greatest mistake in the world is to miss God. In this study we see a group of intelligent people who made the most foolish error. Only as we believe the Scriptures do we see the power of God at work. Don't miss God!

Four Truths We All Need

Mark 12:13-17
In an age of lies and deception God gives truth that we all need. Today we learn four specific truths about ourselves, our world, and our God. Only His truth can cut through the confusion in our world.

Reverence Or Rejection?

Mark 12:1-12
Everyone will either reverence or reject the ruling presence of Christ in their own life. Don't make the mistake so many religious people made in Jesus' day. He is the Son of God and He is worthy of His rightful place in our hearts.

Recognizing God’s Authority

Mark 11:27-33
Authority is part of life. Recognizing it and responding rightly to it is the secret to an ordered life. Ultimately the authority we all must submit to is the authority of God. Learn to let Christ rule in your life!

Is Your House a House of Prayer?

Mark 11:15-19
The Temple was always meant to be a place where people communed with God. His temple today is no different. The Lord who lives within the believer desires to communicate with us! Is your house a house of prayer?

How to Get Your Prayers Answered

Mark 11:11-14, 20-26
In today's study we discover two required elements for effective praying. On His way to the cross Christ gave both instruction and an illustration of how to get your prayers answered. Listen in as the Master taught His disciples the secrets of true prayer.


Mark 11:7-10
What a powerful word! The word Hosanna holds great truth for us today. In this powerful story we earn to praise and pray to the true King.

When the Lord Comes Calling

Mark 11:1-7
When the Lord calls for you, how do you answer? The Lord can use simple, humble things to bring Him glory, but He only uses willing vessels! Say yes to Him today.

Meet Blind Bartimaeus

Mark 10:46-52
A blind beggar became one of the greatest examples in Scripture of faith in Christ. Get acquainted with him today and with the One He trusted! No sight equals the life of faith.

Learning to Be a Servant

Mark 10:41-45
Life is not so much about who you are over as it is about who you are under. A man may rise to the top only to find that it is an empty and sad place to live. In Christ we learn what it truly means to be a servant...and how the Master takes care of those servants.

Prayer Lessons

Mark 10:32-40
Ever prayed something you wish you could take back? Sometimes we pray for the wrong things and for the wrong reasons. Learn today how to line your prayers up with what God desires. This is the secret to answered prayer.

How to Think About Money

Mark 10:23-31
Those who say preachers should not talk about money would not have enjoyed listening to Jesus! He used it to teach about the true riches. In this study we discover the right perspective on money both from the side of those who do not yet know Christ and those who do.

Is There Anything Between You and Jesus?

Mark 10:17-22
He had everything and missed eternity. Jesus said to him, "One thing thou lackest." Hear his story today and refuse to allow anything to become the one thing between you and God.

Reaching A New Generation

Mark 10:13-16
The devil wants our children. This world is after them. Those who know and love Christ must make it their business to engage young people with the love and truth of God. The only way to change a nation is to reach a generation.

What God Says About Marriage

Mark 10:1-12
In a culture where divorce is common and marriage is belittled it is important that we go back to what God's Word says. He created marriage! What was His original intent and what is His perfect will?

Letting God Be Thorough With You

Mark 9:43-50
It is so much easier to see the faults in others than the sin in ourselves. In this episode we study the words of Jesus regarding sin, hell, eternity, and what really matters. As we allow the Lord to root the sin out of our lives we become people that can be used by God for good in this world. Ask the Lord to be thorough with you today.

An Attitude Check

Mark 9:30-42
We all need an attitude check from time to time! Our attitude toward other believers, fellow workers, and needy people around us easily deteriorate. The secret is found in your attitude toward Christ. Take the test today and ask the Lord to help you align your heart with His.

Lessons Learned In the Valley

Mark 9:14-29
Are you in a valley? The lowlands are often Christ’s classroom. Some lessons cannot be learned on the mountain tops of life. It is in the valley where we learn the most about others, about ourselves, and about our God.

The Place of Transformation

Mark 9:9-13
It was more than the Mount of Christ’s Transfiguration; it was the place of the disciples’ transformation. In the presence of God we are ALL changed. Listen as Simon Peter testifies of what God did in his life and what He wants to do in you.

Are You Misunderstanding God?

Mark 9:1-8
Misunderstandings are a part of life, but when we misunderstand God we often miss what He is trying to teach us. Today we go with the disciples up into a mountain to learn that we are not to focus on people, events, or emotions - all eyes must be on Jesus. Don’t miss Him!

Are You A True Follower of Christ?

Mark 8:32-38
What is the one mark of a true follower of Jesus Christ? The Lord answered that question in a conversation with His disciples. How far will you follow?

God’s Progressive Work

Mark 8:22-31
The Lord's work in us is always perfect but sometimes progressive. Life is a "construction zone" and Christ is constantly working on us. Allow the Lord to continue His work in you wherever you are!

The Sin of Forgetfulness

Mark 8:1-21
How soon we forget! The sin of forgetfulness leads to so many other sins and robs us of victory and joy. Sit in Christ's classroom with the first disciples and learn the lesson we rarely remember.

Be Opened

Mark 7:31-37
Sin and Satan close in on a man. Only Jesus can open Him up. Discover the powerful opening work of God today in the life of a deaf and dumb man and then allow the Lord to do the same for you!

Yes, Lord!

Mark 7:24-30
The first Gentile convert in our Lord's ministry is an example of how to get your prayers answered. Learn these beautiful secrets to effective prayer. Before He answers with "yes" we must come to place where we say, "Yes, Lord!"

Dealing With the Pharisee in Me

Mark 7:14-23
It is easy to spot the hypocrisy in the lives of other people and miss the hypocrisy of our own hearts. I must be willing to deal with the "pharisee" in me first! Allow the Lord to examine your own heart today.

Tradition or Truth?

Mark 7:1-13
Traditions are not bad, but they must never take the place of truth! Our commitment must always be to truth over tradition. Our beliefs and behavior must be guided by God's truth alone.

Christ Is Enough!

Mark 6:45-56
Another storm?!? Another opportunity to learn the lesson that will help you all through life: Christ is enough! In every place, for every person, through every circumstance: Christ is enough!

Put it All in His Hands

Mark 6:35-44
When we get to the end of our resources we learn that God is not at the end of His. Give Him all that you have and you gain access to all that He is! He will do more than meet your needs - He will use you to meet the needs of many others.

Learning to Rest for God

Mark 6:30-34
Busy people can become barren people if they do not learn to rest in the Lord. In our Scripture Christ teaches us practical principles for rest and work. Learn the discipline of resting for God.

A Holy Man

Mark 6:14-29
What will you be remembered for? One of the most wicked, worldly kings to have every lived remembered one thing about John the Baptist. It was the thing that made him who he was. It should be the thing that every follower of Christ desires.

The People God Uses

Mark 6:3-14
Simple families. Simple followers. It is Christ that does the "mighty works." He delights in doing them through ordinary people who are willing to believe Him and obey Him. This is the open secret of those God uses.

Don’t Miss His Word!

Mark 6:1-6
Everyone wants to see God do some spectacular miracle, but His greatest work is done through the power of His Word. If we miss His Word we miss every other thing He desires to do in us. Give attention to God's Word in your life and you will see the power of God.

God at Work

Mark 6:1
God is at work in simple places among common people. In fact, in the most ungodly, unlikely places He loves to show up! Don't miss the Lord in your Nazareth.

Only Believe

Mark 5:35-43
In the greatest stress, strain, and struggle of your life, how will you respond to God? One father learned that God cares more than we do, and that He can be trusted. "Be not afraid, only believe."

The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing but the Truth

Mark 5:21-34
The Lord Jesus reveals the truth about us and about God. In this amazing story we see the perfect wisdom, love, and power of our Saviour. Tell Him the truth. He knows it already.

Start at Home

Mark 5:1-20
Do you want to do something big for the Lord? Jesus tells us where to start. His words to a man He had just changed would change the lives of many others..."Go home." Begin your work for the Lord right where you are today.

What to Do In Your Storm

Mark 4:35-41
It is inevitable. Storms are going to come into every life. How will you respond? As we discover three things Christ did not do when a vicious storm came it will help us to see the one thing that we must do.

Becoming Teachers

Mark 4:30-34
Today we examine Christ's message and how He delivered it. Learning to communicate as Christ did will help us all to better messengers for Him. The students must become the teachers.

Better Hearers

Mark 4:21-29
Are you a good listener? Christ tells us that the way we "hear" God has everything to do with how much He can accomplish in us. Learn to be a better listener today - especially when it is God who is speaking!

Which Are You?

Mark 4:14-20
There are four types of hearers, four types of hearts. Today we examine each and they examine us. Which of the four are you?

Christ’s Most Important Story

Mark 4:1-13
Jesus frequently told stories to teach truth. There is one story that He said was the foundation of every other one. If we understand and apply this parable we will be ready for every truth He wants us to know.

The Unpardonable Sin

Mark 3:22-30
What is the unpardonable sin? Jesus gave the answer to a group of religious people who refused to believe on Him. This stern warning should cause every soul to listen to the Holy Spirit. He always tells the truth.

The Friendship of Christ

Mark 3:14, 20-21, 31-35
Today we discover simple, practical ways to deepen our friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Apply these truths and you will find the joy and power of a life lived "with him."

With Him

Mark 3:13-19
Ordinary people make an extraordinary difference for one reason. It is not simply opportunity and natural ability. The difference is the presence of Christ. When we learn to live "with him" we find all that we need to minister to others.

Get in the Game!

Mark 3:1-12
Are you a spectator or a participant in what God is doing in this world? Our world is full of great need and religious talk is not enough. Christ is looking for genuine disciples - people whose lives have been changed to make a difference in the world.

Learning to Work for the Lord of Rest

Mark 2:27-28
Those who desire to work for Christ must first learn to rest in Him. Today we meet "the Lord of the sabbath" and discover His heart for His servants.

Dealing With the Pharisee in Me

Mark 2:23-28
So much Christian living has been reduced to simply maintaining the form and function of religious things. Christ wants more than our habits - He wants our hearts! Too often we see this hypocrisy in others but fail to see it creeping into our own lives.

Questions, Questions, Questions!

Mark 2:18-22
Pharisees don't ask questions as students - they ask as skeptics. Their questions reveal a lack of sincerity. Are we more concerned with truth or with our opinions and how we appear to others?

The Spirit of the Pharisees

Mark 2:13-17
The spirit of a Pharisee is seen quickly in our attitude toward others...especially those who are despised in our world. When we fail to realize the sinfulness of our own hearts we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we should. Look at yourself and others through the eyes of Jesus!

Bringing One Person to Jesus

Mark 2:1-12
I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I cannot reach everyone, but I can reach someone. What would happen if every believer simply brought one person to Jesus? Today we learn how to do the greatest work in the world -bring one person to Jesus.

Touching Lepers

Mark 1:40-45
You don't touch lepers! Unless you are Jesus. He loves people where they are. He touches them with compassion and makes them whole. You will find yourself in this powerful story and learn how to touch others with the love of God.

Busy…But Not in a Hurry

Mark 1:35-39
No person who has ever lived had more to do than the One who said, "I must be about my Father's business." Yet He never seemed to be in a hurry! His words and works grew out of His private times of communion with His Father. In our busy world we must learn not to hurry past the Lord. Make time for prayer.

Power for Every Need

Mark 1:23-34
Whatever you are going through Christ has power to meet that need. In the middle of your circumstances look to Jesus today! He is more than enough.

A Different Kind of Preacher

Mark 1:13-22
Do you have a favorite preacher? No one ever preached quite like Jesus. His preaching was marked by something that was unique. Discover the one thing that sets powerful preaching apart.

Walking Through Your Wilderness

Mark 1:12-13
We all have our wilderness experiences. Even Jesus did. When you follow the Spirit you will have to fight the devil! Learn how to come through your wilderness in victory and power as you journey with Jesus.

Is God Pleased With Me?

Mark 1:9-11
At the baptism of Christ we hear the most important testimony ever given - the testimony of God. Publicly He announced that He is well pleased with His Son. Christ gives us the perfect example of obedience. Ask yourself today: Is God pleased with me?

The Servant Who Introduced the Servant

Mark 1:2-8
Mark knew something about service; he is identifed in Scripture as a "minister." His book presents Christ as the perfect Servant. How appropriate that a humble servant named John the Baptist would be used to pave the way for Him. In these few verses we learn the one mark of a true servant.

The Beginning

Mark 1:1
It all begins with the gospel! Mark's account and our life finds its true beginning in the good news of Jesus Christ. There are four gospel records but only one gospel: the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice today in the the gospel and share it with others.

Meet Mark

Acts 12:12
God uses real people, people who have had great failures and have experienced the grace of Christ. Mark was such a person. He writes out of the overflow of the Savior he has come to know. As we begin our study of this earliest and shortest of the gospel records, let's take the time to meet Mark.

Seeing The Bible Through New Eyes

Matthew 4:23-25
Studying the geography of God's book, learning the land of our Lord helps you to see the Bible through new eyes! At the conclusion of today's study is a very special announcement and personal invitation to journey through the land of the Bible with us.

Becoming A Person of Action

Mark 1:1; 10:45; 16:20
Today we conclude our journey with Jesus through the gospel according to Mark, the gospel of action. Our God is a God of action and He intends for His followers to be people of action. Our journey through this world continues and we must be busy telling others of Christ.

Watching God at Work

Mark 16:19-20
We continue our look at the closing verses of this book, especially the powerful phrase "the Lord working with them." What a privilege to be part of God's work in this world and to see Him working through us!

God’s Construction Crew

Mark 16:14-18
It is one thing to work and quite another to work on God's construction crew! As we discover God's purpose and connect our lives to that we become part of the greatest work in the world. Today we begin to examine how we can see the Lord at work.

On the Go

Mark 16:15-16
We are all busy people, but are we busy with the most important business in the world? Everywhere that we go the gospel must go. Every believer should be "on the go" for God.

What Size Church Does Christ Use?

Mark 16:14-20
Our generation is mesmerized by mega-churches. But The power of a small church, the power of a large church, the power of any church is in Who it belongs to! Not buildings, resources, or crowds. Christ alone. Look at the first church...

Unbelieving Believers

Mark 16:11-14
How can we tell others to believe on Christ if we are not ourselves living the life of faith? Refuse to live today in unbelief in any area of your life. "Have faith in God."

The First Sunday Meeting

Mark 16:1-10
Christians recognize Sunday as the Lord's Day. The first day of the week is a reminder of the resurrection of Christ! Learn the principles of the first resurrection Sunday and you will find truth that will help you every day.

Secret Disciples

Mark 15:42-47
Two men who were "secret disciples" of Christ ended up being two of the most bold. What made the difference? Calvary. Jesus Christ was not ashamed of us and we should not be ashamed to be identified with Him!

At the Cross

Mark 15:37-41
The whole world was changed at the cross. Individual lives are transformed at the cross. Come to the cross today and get a fresh glimpse of what Christ did for you there.

Dying Words

Mark 15:26-37
The dying words of any man are significant - how much more the dying words of the God-Man! Christ's dying words were words of life. Listen carefully and you will hear Him talking about you.

I Am Barabbas

Mark 15:6-25
Have you ever seen yourself in the criminal who went free? Barabbas is a picture of those who are pardoned because of the substitutionary death of Christ. God help us all to realize who we are and rejoice in who He is!

When It’s Time to Say Nothing

Mark 14:55-65; 15:1-5
The closer Christ got to the cross the less He spoke. Those who are dead to self do not have to argue, debate, and defend. In the heat of trouble we often speak quickly and the words that come out are not helpful. Today we learn that there is a time to say nothing!

Are You Moving The Wrong Direction?

Mark 14:53-54; 66-72
Sometimes the best Christians take a step in the wrong direction. Thank God that doesn't have to be the final destination! Where are you today and where are you going?

A Stranger In the Garden

Mark 14:46-52
Who is the unnamed young man in the Garden of Gethsemane? Why is he there? What is God's message for us through him? Find out today as we study this unique passage of Scripture.

What We Learn From Judas

Mark 14:43-45
The name of Judas is forever associated with treachery and deceit. No one wants His reputation! Yet sadly enough his life mirrors the lives of so many outwardly religious people who never truly know Christ. In today's study we learn something about Judas, but, more importantly, a great truth about Jesus.

Get Up and Get On With It!

Mark 14:41-42
We all have our times of failure and Satan wants us to wallow in it forever. Christ always offers a new beginning. Yesterday cannot be retrieved but He is at work at this moment. "Rise up and let us go..."

God’s Will Versus My Will

Mark 14:36
The greatest battle in the world is the battle of the will. Who gets to be in charge? Victory is only found in yielding to the One who always knows what is best. Make Jesus' prayer your own today.

Abba, Father

Mark 14:36
Are your prayers a meaningful conversation with your Father? The Lord Jesus made a way for us to have access to God and shows us the way to have personal communion with Him. Today we learn the truth in the word "Abba."

Watch and Pray

Mark 14:32-42
There is a constant battle between our old, sinful flesh and our new man, our spirit. Jesus has a word of instruction for each! Begin to watch and pray wherever you are today.

Don’t Fail the Test

Mark 14:32-42
The Lord's students are always tested over every lesson they have been taught. Are you ready for the test? Will you pass? The best students can still fail. Come sit in Christ's classroom today...

How Not to Be Offended

Mark 14:27-31
We live in a world where people are easily offended. Perhaps you have offended someone or someone has offended you. In today's study the sinless Lord Jesus shows His disciples and all of us the way to not be detoured or distracted, the way to finish well.

In the Upper Room With Jesus

Mark 14:12-26
It was a high, holy moment to be with Christ at the last supper. In that upper room the Lord shows us all the secrets of victory and power in the crisis hours of life. Make a visit to that room, spend time in His presence, and you will discover the joy that Jesus knew.

Just Do What You Can

Mark 14:1-11
You cannot do everything, but you can do something. If you will do the thing God leads you to do you will find the joy of joining Him in what He is doing in this world. Today we study one of the great women of the Bible. Follow her example!


Mark 13:32-37
One simple story. One word. One truth. Don't miss the one thing Jesus repeated.

Christ’s Message to Every Man

Mark 13:32-37
Jesus' words as He neared the end of His earthly ministry were not just for the original disciples - they are for every one of us! See yourself in today's story and hear the Lord's message to you at this moment in history.

Jesus Is Coming!

Mark 13:24-31
"What is this world coming to?" We often hear such questions in our chaotic culture. The better question is: "Do you know who is coming to this world?" Jesus is coming! We don't know the day but today is the day to get ready.

Four Marks of the Tribulation

Mark 13:11-23
At the end of the church age there will be a seven year tribulation such as this world has never seen. Learn the four things that will mark that period of time and how you can avoid it by coming to Christ now.

Living on the Edge of Eternity

Mark 13:5-10
We are living in this world but at any moment we may step into the world to come! Christ tells his followers exactly what they should expect and how they should live as they near the end of time and prepare for eternity. His words will encourage you and challenge you!

Impressed With the Wrong Things

Mark 13:1-4
It is so easy to get enamored with buildings and material things. We often get impressed with the wrong things - things that will not last. Listen in on a private conversation between Christ and four of His closest disciples. There is a truth we all need to hear.

She Gave It All

Mark 12:41-44
Meet a woman who gave all that she had to God. What she did not know was that Jesus was watching! He is watching us today. What will we give?

A Message for the Common Man

Mark 12:35-40
Christ speaks to common people. Very often it is the common man who is most ready to receive His message. The Lord Jesus has a message for all of us today if we are ready to believe and obey.

All the Questions End Here

Mark 12:31-34
Jesus cuts through all of the questions and confusion. He brings life down to one thing and that one thing guides every relationship. In our study today we learn what that one thing is and how to apply it. All the questions end here.

Do You Truly Love the Lord?

Mark 12:28-30
It is easy to say it, but do you truly the Lord? Your life reveals what you love. Listen to Jesus describe what a life of love looks like.

Don’t Miss God!

Mark 12:18-27
The greatest mistake in the world is to miss God. In this study we see a group of intelligent people who made the most foolish error. Only as we believe the Scriptures do we see the power of God at work. Don't miss God!

Four Truths We All Need

Mark 12:13-17
In an age of lies and deception God gives truth that we all need. Today we learn four specific truths about ourselves, our world, and our God. Only His truth can cut through the confusion in our world.

Reverence Or Rejection?

Mark 12:1-12
Everyone will either reverence or reject the ruling presence of Christ in their own life. Don't make the mistake so many religious people made in Jesus' day. He is the Son of God and He is worthy of His rightful place in our hearts.

Recognizing God’s Authority

Mark 11:27-33
Authority is part of life. Recognizing it and responding rightly to it is the secret to an ordered life. Ultimately the authority we all must submit to is the authority of God. Learn to let Christ rule in your life!

Is Your House a House of Prayer?

Mark 11:15-19
The Temple was always meant to be a place where people communed with God. His temple today is no different. The Lord who lives within the believer desires to communicate with us! Is your house a house of prayer?

How to Get Your Prayers Answered

Mark 11:11-14, 20-26
In today's study we discover two required elements for effective praying. On His way to the cross Christ gave both instruction and an illustration of how to get your prayers answered. Listen in as the Master taught His disciples the secrets of true prayer.


Mark 11:7-10
What a powerful word! The word Hosanna holds great truth for us today. In this powerful story we earn to praise and pray to the true King.

When the Lord Comes Calling

Mark 11:1-7
When the Lord calls for you, how do you answer? The Lord can use simple, humble things to bring Him glory, but He only uses willing vessels! Say yes to Him today.

Meet Blind Bartimaeus

Mark 10:46-52
A blind beggar became one of the greatest examples in Scripture of faith in Christ. Get acquainted with him today and with the One He trusted! No sight equals the life of faith.

Learning to Be a Servant

Mark 10:41-45
Life is not so much about who you are over as it is about who you are under. A man may rise to the top only to find that it is an empty and sad place to live. In Christ we learn what it truly means to be a servant...and how the Master takes care of those servants.

Prayer Lessons

Mark 10:32-40
Ever prayed something you wish you could take back? Sometimes we pray for the wrong things and for the wrong reasons. Learn today how to line your prayers up with what God desires. This is the secret to answered prayer.

How to Think About Money

Mark 10:23-31
Those who say preachers should not talk about money would not have enjoyed listening to Jesus! He used it to teach about the true riches. In this study we discover the right perspective on money both from the side of those who do not yet know Christ and those who do.

Is There Anything Between You and Jesus?

Mark 10:17-22
He had everything and missed eternity. Jesus said to him, "One thing thou lackest." Hear his story today and refuse to allow anything to become the one thing between you and God.

Reaching A New Generation

Mark 10:13-16
The devil wants our children. This world is after them. Those who know and love Christ must make it their business to engage young people with the love and truth of God. The only way to change a nation is to reach a generation.

What God Says About Marriage

Mark 10:1-12
In a culture where divorce is common and marriage is belittled it is important that we go back to what God's Word says. He created marriage! What was His original intent and what is His perfect will?

Letting God Be Thorough With You

Mark 9:43-50
It is so much easier to see the faults in others than the sin in ourselves. In this episode we study the words of Jesus regarding sin, hell, eternity, and what really matters. As we allow the Lord to root the sin out of our lives we become people that can be used by God for good in this world. Ask the Lord to be thorough with you today.

An Attitude Check

Mark 9:30-42
We all need an attitude check from time to time! Our attitude toward other believers, fellow workers, and needy people around us easily deteriorate. The secret is found in your attitude toward Christ. Take the test today and ask the Lord to help you align your heart with His.

Lessons Learned In the Valley

Mark 9:14-29
Are you in a valley? The lowlands are often Christ’s classroom. Some lessons cannot be learned on the mountain tops of life. It is in the valley where we learn the most about others, about ourselves, and about our God.

The Place of Transformation

Mark 9:9-13
It was more than the Mount of Christ’s Transfiguration; it was the place of the disciples’ transformation. In the presence of God we are ALL changed. Listen as Simon Peter testifies of what God did in his life and what He wants to do in you.

Are You Misunderstanding God?

Mark 9:1-8
Misunderstandings are a part of life, but when we misunderstand God we often miss what He is trying to teach us. Today we go with the disciples up into a mountain to learn that we are not to focus on people, events, or emotions - all eyes must be on Jesus. Don’t miss Him!

Are You A True Follower of Christ?

Mark 8:32-38
What is the one mark of a true follower of Jesus Christ? The Lord answered that question in a conversation with His disciples. How far will you follow?

God’s Progressive Work

Mark 8:22-31
The Lord's work in us is always perfect but sometimes progressive. Life is a "construction zone" and Christ is constantly working on us. Allow the Lord to continue His work in you wherever you are!

The Sin of Forgetfulness

Mark 8:1-21
How soon we forget! The sin of forgetfulness leads to so many other sins and robs us of victory and joy. Sit in Christ's classroom with the first disciples and learn the lesson we rarely remember.

Be Opened

Mark 7:31-37
Sin and Satan close in on a man. Only Jesus can open Him up. Discover the powerful opening work of God today in the life of a deaf and dumb man and then allow the Lord to do the same for you!

Yes, Lord!

Mark 7:24-30
The first Gentile convert in our Lord's ministry is an example of how to get your prayers answered. Learn these beautiful secrets to effective prayer. Before He answers with "yes" we must come to place where we say, "Yes, Lord!"

Dealing With the Pharisee in Me

Mark 7:14-23
It is easy to spot the hypocrisy in the lives of other people and miss the hypocrisy of our own hearts. I must be willing to deal with the "pharisee" in me first! Allow the Lord to examine your own heart today.

Tradition or Truth?

Mark 7:1-13
Traditions are not bad, but they must never take the place of truth! Our commitment must always be to truth over tradition. Our beliefs and behavior must be guided by God's truth alone.

Christ Is Enough!

Mark 6:45-56
Another storm?!? Another opportunity to learn the lesson that will help you all through life: Christ is enough! In every place, for every person, through every circumstance: Christ is enough!

Put it All in His Hands

Mark 6:35-44
When we get to the end of our resources we learn that God is not at the end of His. Give Him all that you have and you gain access to all that He is! He will do more than meet your needs - He will use you to meet the needs of many others.

Learning to Rest for God

Mark 6:30-34
Busy people can become barren people if they do not learn to rest in the Lord. In our Scripture Christ teaches us practical principles for rest and work. Learn the discipline of resting for God.

A Holy Man

Mark 6:14-29
What will you be remembered for? One of the most wicked, worldly kings to have every lived remembered one thing about John the Baptist. It was the thing that made him who he was. It should be the thing that every follower of Christ desires.

The People God Uses

Mark 6:3-14
Simple families. Simple followers. It is Christ that does the "mighty works." He delights in doing them through ordinary people who are willing to believe Him and obey Him. This is the open secret of those God uses.

Don’t Miss His Word!

Mark 6:1-6
Everyone wants to see God do some spectacular miracle, but His greatest work is done through the power of His Word. If we miss His Word we miss every other thing He desires to do in us. Give attention to God's Word in your life and you will see the power of God.

God at Work

Mark 6:1
God is at work in simple places among common people. In fact, in the most ungodly, unlikely places He loves to show up! Don't miss the Lord in your Nazareth.

Only Believe

Mark 5:35-43
In the greatest stress, strain, and struggle of your life, how will you respond to God? One father learned that God cares more than we do, and that He can be trusted. "Be not afraid, only believe."

The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing but the Truth

Mark 5:21-34
The Lord Jesus reveals the truth about us and about God. In this amazing story we see the perfect wisdom, love, and power of our Saviour. Tell Him the truth. He knows it already.

Start at Home

Mark 5:1-20
Do you want to do something big for the Lord? Jesus tells us where to start. His words to a man He had just changed would change the lives of many others..."Go home." Begin your work for the Lord right where you are today.

What to Do In Your Storm

Mark 4:35-41
It is inevitable. Storms are going to come into every life. How will you respond? As we discover three things Christ did not do when a vicious storm came it will help us to see the one thing that we must do.

Becoming Teachers

Mark 4:30-34
Today we examine Christ's message and how He delivered it. Learning to communicate as Christ did will help us all to better messengers for Him. The students must become the teachers.

Better Hearers

Mark 4:21-29
Are you a good listener? Christ tells us that the way we "hear" God has everything to do with how much He can accomplish in us. Learn to be a better listener today - especially when it is God who is speaking!

Which Are You?

Mark 4:14-20
There are four types of hearers, four types of hearts. Today we examine each and they examine us. Which of the four are you?

Christ’s Most Important Story

Mark 4:1-13
Jesus frequently told stories to teach truth. There is one story that He said was the foundation of every other one. If we understand and apply this parable we will be ready for every truth He wants us to know.

The Unpardonable Sin

Mark 3:22-30
What is the unpardonable sin? Jesus gave the answer to a group of religious people who refused to believe on Him. This stern warning should cause every soul to listen to the Holy Spirit. He always tells the truth.

The Friendship of Christ

Mark 3:14, 20-21, 31-35
Today we discover simple, practical ways to deepen our friendship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Apply these truths and you will find the joy and power of a life lived "with him."

With Him

Mark 3:13-19
Ordinary people make an extraordinary difference for one reason. It is not simply opportunity and natural ability. The difference is the presence of Christ. When we learn to live "with him" we find all that we need to minister to others.

Get in the Game!

Mark 3:1-12
Are you a spectator or a participant in what God is doing in this world? Our world is full of great need and religious talk is not enough. Christ is looking for genuine disciples - people whose lives have been changed to make a difference in the world.

Learning to Work for the Lord of Rest

Mark 2:27-28
Those who desire to work for Christ must first learn to rest in Him. Today we meet "the Lord of the sabbath" and discover His heart for His servants.

Dealing With the Pharisee in Me

Mark 2:23-28
So much Christian living has been reduced to simply maintaining the form and function of religious things. Christ wants more than our habits - He wants our hearts! Too often we see this hypocrisy in others but fail to see it creeping into our own lives.

Questions, Questions, Questions!

Mark 2:18-22
Pharisees don't ask questions as students - they ask as skeptics. Their questions reveal a lack of sincerity. Are we more concerned with truth or with our opinions and how we appear to others?

The Spirit of the Pharisees

Mark 2:13-17
The spirit of a Pharisee is seen quickly in our attitude toward others...especially those who are despised in our world. When we fail to realize the sinfulness of our own hearts we begin to think more highly of ourselves than we should. Look at yourself and others through the eyes of Jesus!

Bringing One Person to Jesus

Mark 2:1-12
I cannot do everything, but I can do something. I cannot reach everyone, but I can reach someone. What would happen if every believer simply brought one person to Jesus? Today we learn how to do the greatest work in the world -bring one person to Jesus.

Touching Lepers

Mark 1:40-45
You don't touch lepers! Unless you are Jesus. He loves people where they are. He touches them with compassion and makes them whole. You will find yourself in this powerful story and learn how to touch others with the love of God.

Busy…But Not in a Hurry

Mark 1:35-39
No person who has ever lived had more to do than the One who said, "I must be about my Father's business." Yet He never seemed to be in a hurry! His words and works grew out of His private times of communion with His Father. In our busy world we must learn not to hurry past the Lord. Make time for prayer.

Power for Every Need

Mark 1:23-34
Whatever you are going through Christ has power to meet that need. In the middle of your circumstances look to Jesus today! He is more than enough.

A Different Kind of Preacher

Mark 1:13-22
Do you have a favorite preacher? No one ever preached quite like Jesus. His preaching was marked by something that was unique. Discover the one thing that sets powerful preaching apart.

Walking Through Your Wilderness

Mark 1:12-13
We all have our wilderness experiences. Even Jesus did. When you follow the Spirit you will have to fight the devil! Learn how to come through your wilderness in victory and power as you journey with Jesus.

Is God Pleased With Me?

Mark 1:9-11
At the baptism of Christ we hear the most important testimony ever given - the testimony of God. Publicly He announced that He is well pleased with His Son. Christ gives us the perfect example of obedience. Ask yourself today: Is God pleased with me?

The Servant Who Introduced the Servant

Mark 1:2-8
Mark knew something about service; he is identifed in Scripture as a "minister." His book presents Christ as the perfect Servant. How appropriate that a humble servant named John the Baptist would be used to pave the way for Him. In these few verses we learn the one mark of a true servant.

The Beginning

Mark 1:1
It all begins with the gospel! Mark's account and our life finds its true beginning in the good news of Jesus Christ. There are four gospel records but only one gospel: the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rejoice today in the the gospel and share it with others.

Meet Mark

Acts 12:12
God uses real people, people who have had great failures and have experienced the grace of Christ. Mark was such a person. He writes out of the overflow of the Savior he has come to know. As we begin our study of this earliest and shortest of the gospel records, let's take the time to meet Mark.