Seeing the Spirit in the Scriptures


7 Lamps, 7 Horns, and 7 Eyes

Revelation 4:5; 5:6
Seven is the number of completion in the Bible. We conclude this study by looking at three times number is used in reference to the Holy Spirit's work. Allow Him to complete His work in your life.

God’s Writing Instrument

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
All through Scripture, the Spirit of God is the instrument by which God reveals His Word. It goes deeper - God wants to write in your heart. Follow along for today's study!

God’s Witness

Romans 8:16
A witness is one who speaks the truth. Today's symbol of the Holy Spirit is that of a witness - the Spirit within us reveals the state of our relationship to God. What is God's Witness saying of you today?

The Spirit of Adoption

Romans 8:15
When you come to know the Lord Jesus, you are adopted into the family of God. Adoption is a wonderful reminder of God's grace to us. Join today's study of the Spirit of adoption from Romans 8.

Clothed with the Spirit

Luke 24:49
If you know Christ, you have the Holy Spirit living within you. But when others look at you, do they see the Lord in you? We pay so much attention to the external, yet the Holy Spirit seeks to cover every part our lives. Allow God's Spirit to fill you today!

The Divine Seal and Downpayment

2 Corinthians 1:21-22
As believers, God has given us His Holy Spirit as a seal. Not only that, but the best is yet to come; the Holy Spirit is the earnest of what is still ahead! Do not miss all God has done, is doing, and will do by His Spirit in our lives.

An Unspoken Symbol

John 15:1-5
The Holy Spirit is the One who gives God's people strength.  Just as the sap of a tree flows to sustain life where no one sees, so also the Holy Spirit is working in God's people to bring life and strength. Learn more  from John 15 today.

Not the Wine of This World

Acts 2:13-15
What is it that controls you? Wine changes the actions and attitudes of those who consume it. Let us remember that we should be consumed with God! Only the Holy Spirit of God should have control over us.

God’s Glory Cloud

Exodus 13:21-22, 14:19-20, 40:34-38
We journey back to the Old Testament today as we look at one of the most unmistakable appearances of the Holy Spirit - the pillar of cloud.

The Fire of the Holy Spirit

Isaiah 4:4
Today's picture of the invisible Spirit of God is fire. We find this symbol all throughout Scripture. Why does God choose fire to symbolize His Holy Spirit? Listen to today's broadcast to find the answer.

God’s Holy Oil

1 John 2:20, 27
In the Old Testament, the anointing oil possessed tremendous symbolism. In those days, the Holy Spirit would indwell certain men for certain tasks. In the New Testament, all who know Christ immediately receive the sweet Holy Spirit and His enabling.

Water In, Water Out

John 4:13-14; 7:37-39
No one can live without water. Today we see the Holy Spirit symbolized by water. Just as water sustains our physical life, the Spirit sustains the inward life of the Christian.

Man’s Breath and Heaven’s Wind

Genesis 2:7
If you have life today, it is because the Spirit of God breathed life into you. The breath of life has been placed in everyone since creation, but only those who are Born Again have life breathed into their spirit by the Holy Spirit. Learn more on today's broadcast.

The Dove Has Landed

Genesis 1:1-3
There is likely no symbol more associated with the Holy Spirit than a dove. This symbol is rooted in Scripture! There are several attributes that we discover through today's symbol - the dove. Study with us today...

God Is A Spirit!

John 1:18, 4:23-25
How well do you know the Holy Spirit? Today we launch a new study on the symbols of the Holy Spirit. We could never learn everything about the Holy Ghost of God, but we can learn a great deal. We begin with a foundational truth today. Join us!

7 Lamps, 7 Horns, and 7 Eyes

Revelation 4:5; 5:6
Seven is the number of completion in the Bible. We conclude this study by looking at three times number is used in reference to the Holy Spirit's work. Allow Him to complete His work in your life.

God’s Writing Instrument

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
All through Scripture, the Spirit of God is the instrument by which God reveals His Word. It goes deeper - God wants to write in your heart. Follow along for today's study!

God’s Witness

Romans 8:16
A witness is one who speaks the truth. Today's symbol of the Holy Spirit is that of a witness - the Spirit within us reveals the state of our relationship to God. What is God's Witness saying of you today?

The Spirit of Adoption

Romans 8:15
When you come to know the Lord Jesus, you are adopted into the family of God. Adoption is a wonderful reminder of God's grace to us. Join today's study of the Spirit of adoption from Romans 8.

Clothed with the Spirit

Luke 24:49
If you know Christ, you have the Holy Spirit living within you. But when others look at you, do they see the Lord in you? We pay so much attention to the external, yet the Holy Spirit seeks to cover every part our lives. Allow God's Spirit to fill you today!

The Divine Seal and Downpayment

2 Corinthians 1:21-22
As believers, God has given us His Holy Spirit as a seal. Not only that, but the best is yet to come; the Holy Spirit is the earnest of what is still ahead! Do not miss all God has done, is doing, and will do by His Spirit in our lives.

An Unspoken Symbol

John 15:1-5
The Holy Spirit is the One who gives God's people strength.  Just as the sap of a tree flows to sustain life where no one sees, so also the Holy Spirit is working in God's people to bring life and strength. Learn more  from John 15 today.

Not the Wine of This World

Acts 2:13-15
What is it that controls you? Wine changes the actions and attitudes of those who consume it. Let us remember that we should be consumed with God! Only the Holy Spirit of God should have control over us.

God’s Glory Cloud

Exodus 13:21-22, 14:19-20, 40:34-38
We journey back to the Old Testament today as we look at one of the most unmistakable appearances of the Holy Spirit - the pillar of cloud.

The Fire of the Holy Spirit

Isaiah 4:4
Today's picture of the invisible Spirit of God is fire. We find this symbol all throughout Scripture. Why does God choose fire to symbolize His Holy Spirit? Listen to today's broadcast to find the answer.

God’s Holy Oil

1 John 2:20, 27
In the Old Testament, the anointing oil possessed tremendous symbolism. In those days, the Holy Spirit would indwell certain men for certain tasks. In the New Testament, all who know Christ immediately receive the sweet Holy Spirit and His enabling.

Water In, Water Out

John 4:13-14; 7:37-39
No one can live without water. Today we see the Holy Spirit symbolized by water. Just as water sustains our physical life, the Spirit sustains the inward life of the Christian.

Man’s Breath and Heaven’s Wind

Genesis 2:7
If you have life today, it is because the Spirit of God breathed life into you. The breath of life has been placed in everyone since creation, but only those who are Born Again have life breathed into their spirit by the Holy Spirit. Learn more on today's broadcast.

The Dove Has Landed

Genesis 1:1-3
There is likely no symbol more associated with the Holy Spirit than a dove. This symbol is rooted in Scripture! There are several attributes that we discover through today's symbol - the dove. Study with us today...

God Is A Spirit!

John 1:18, 4:23-25
How well do you know the Holy Spirit? Today we launch a new study on the symbols of the Holy Spirit. We could never learn everything about the Holy Ghost of God, but we can learn a great deal. We begin with a foundational truth today. Join us!