Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

A Place to Meet God

Genesis 28:10-22
Journeying With Jacob: Do you remember the place where you first met the Lord? Do you have a place where you meet Him every day? Follow Jacob to the place where He had a personal encounter with God and you will discover that the Lord is trying to lead us all to that place.
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

The Way to the Will of God

Genesis 24:7
Journeying With Eliezer: Are you searching for God's will? No one can tell you the will of God but God tells us the way to find His will. In today's study we learn how a simple servant found God's perfect will along the journey by applying seven definite principles. (Genesis 24)
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

Making the Journey Together

Genesis 22:5-8
Journeying With Abraham and Isaac: The journey of life was not meant to be made alone. As we follow the Lord we are to lead others to do the same. Don't miss how one family left an example for us all! This is how to make the journey together... (Genesis 22:5-8)
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

An Exciting Journey of Faith

Genesis 12:1-4
Journeying with Abraham: There is an adventure to following Christ each day—it is the adventure of faith and obedience. You never know where God will lead, but you can be confident that it will exceed expectations! Learn how the journey of faith is the journey of a lifetime. (Genesis 12:1-4; Hebrews 11:8-11)
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

The Tragedy of the First Trip

Genesis 3:23-24; 4:16
Journeying With Adam and Eve: Man's first journey was not a good one—it was a movement away from God and out of His presence. The rest of Scripture is the story of God coming to man and making a way for man to come back to Him. Only a Savior can turn such a tragedy into triumph. (Genesis 3:23-24; 4:16)
We live in a very mobile world. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere! Throughout Scripture God often taught people the greatest lessons along the journey. Today we continue with Scott Pauley our study through the great journeys of the Bible. Our prayer is that you will rediscover the adventure of walking with God. These are the studies from the Old Testament

What It Means to “Enjoy the Journey”

Acts 20:24
The only way to enjoy the journey of life is to have Christ as your companion. He brings a certainty to the destination, but He also gives joys along the way! Begin with Christ and you will be sure to end with blessing. (Acts 20:24)

The Luggage of Life

Philippians 3:13-14
Most people cannot enjoy the present or prepare for the future because they are stuck in the past. In this episode we discover the secret of laying aside unnecessary baggage and moving forward with God. The first step to spiritual advance is getting past your past.

First Steps

Psalm 119:105
This is a time to renew our walk with the Lord for the new year. Every move forward begins with one step. Listen to these four simple suggestions for your devotional life and determine to take the first steps today!

New Growth In the New Year

Luke 13:6-10
What is your spiritual goal for the new year? Every year God gives us is a year of His mercy–another opportunity to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Today we study one of the stories of Jesus and its application to our life in the coming year.
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God’s Geography

Matthew 2:1,13,23
The all-wise Father chose three places to connect His Son's early years - Bethlehem, Egypt, and Nazareth. In this study we find out why...and what they mean to us.
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What Is Christian Worship?

Matthew 2:1-11
Wise men came to worship the only One worthy of true worship. In a day of so much false, Herodian worship, their example gives us seven marks of sincere worship. Learn how to worship Christ every day.
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The Spirit of Christmas

Galatians 4:4-7
There is a gift that keeps on giving—it is the gift of the Holy Spirit living in every believer! He brings peace and power, access and assurance every day. Don't miss the Holy Spirit at this time of year!
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A Perfect Christmas Tree

1 Peter 2:24
The one tree in Scripture that is connected to Christ is not connected to His birth, but to His death. Walk through the New Testament and see how God uses this tree to demonstrate His love and sacrifice.
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The First Christmas Message: Fear Not!

Luke 2:7-15
On the night of Christ's birth the first words announced were: "Fear not." Christ came to cast out sin and all of the fear that is connected to it. The Lord Jesus came to bring peace.
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The Paralysis of Fear

Luke 1:13-30
Fear paralyzes the soul. It keeps us from living by faith and responding in obedience. Throughout the Christmas story, in the lives of different people, God addresses fear and what to do about it.
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One Emotion God Wants Changed

Matthew 1:18-20
Emotions are given by God but they can be misused by the devil. At this time of year people have a wide range of emotion. Each must be under the control of the Lord. Today we discover one emotion that God says we should not have.
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The Greatest Blessing

Matthew 1:21, 23
The greatest blessing of all is salvation! Only eternal life outlasts this world. In this study we meditate on the wonderful words "God with us" and what that means today.
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God Has No Prejudice

Matthew 1:3,5,6
God created man and woman. He loves all people and has a special plan for every life. A careful look at Christ's family tree will help you to see that our great God has no prejudice - He desires to bring all people to Himself.
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Four Women Evangelists

Matthew 1:3,5,6
Four ladies are placed by the Holy Spirit in the lineage of Christ. Each of them are a reminder of our need and an object lesson of God's mercy. Listen to them tell their story and you will hear your own testimony.
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A Gem In the Genealogy

Matthew 1:16,17
There is only one geneology that really matters and that is the geneology of Jesus Christ. God has made a way that every one of us can come into His family through the Son. In the end, the only thing that lasts is your connection to Christ.
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Principles From the First Page

Matthew 1:1
On the first page of the New Testament God reveals so much about Himself and His heart for all people. This is more than a list of names! It is a message to each of us.

If I Only Had One Verse…

John 3:16
What if you only had one verse of Scripture to rest your faith upon or to share with others? In one verse God gives great hope both for this world and the world to come!

Everybody’s Verse

John 3:16
The most famous verse in the world is John 3:16. Every person can find themselves and their deepest need in this one familiar Scripture. Claim this verse for your own assurance and proclaim it to others!

My “Second Half” Verse

Acts 20:24
At some point on the journey you begin thinking less about the starting block and more about the finish line. How would you like to finish? Today's verse should be our prayer and greatest desire - to finish our course with joy.