Spiritual Stories | The Parables of Jesus

My Takeaways
July 3, 2024
John 21:24-25
Not all of Scripture was written to us, but it was all written for us. As we conclude our study of the parables, we are reminded of the inexhaustible nature of God's Word. Join us as we discuss some general impressions.
Not all of Scripture was written to us, but it was all written for us. As we conclude our study of the parables, we are reminded of the inexhaustible nature of God's Word. Join us as we discuss some general impressions.

The Sheep and the Goats
July 2, 2024
Matthew 25:31-46
Because God loves all people, Christ died for everyone. Someday, He will assemble and judge all who have rejected His truth. Each of us will meet God and must prepare for that appointed moment.
Because God loves all people, Christ died for everyone. Someday, He will assemble and judge all who have rejected His truth. Each of us will meet God and must prepare for that appointed moment.

Use It Or Lose It!
July 1, 2024
Matthew 25:14-30
All of us are answerable to God for the opportunities and abilities He's gifted us. No excuse is reasonable, and we can only blame ourselves for disobedience. Don't neglect what you've been given!
All of us are answerable to God for the opportunities and abilities He's gifted us. No excuse is reasonable, and we can only blame ourselves for disobedience. Don't neglect what you've been given!

The Door Was Shut
June 28, 2024
Matthew 25:1-13
Today, Christ has opened the door for all to come to Him in repentance. There is coming a day, however, when the door will be shut. When will it be too late to trust Him?
Today, Christ has opened the door for all to come to Him in repentance. There is coming a day, however, when the door will be shut. When will it be too late to trust Him?

The Ruler Speaks to the “rulers”
June 27, 2024
Matthew 24:45-51
Regardless of the loftiness of your worldly title, we are all but lowly servants to the only High God. Someday, we will bow before our Heavenly Ruler and give Him an account of our stewardship.
Regardless of the loftiness of your worldly title, we are all but lowly servants to the only High God. Someday, we will bow before our Heavenly Ruler and give Him an account of our stewardship.

4 Things Jesus Left Us
June 26, 2024
Mark 13:32-37
Believers ought to be watching for the imminent return of Christ. The Lord has left us all the necessary resources to perform His work. What are we doing with what we have been given?
Believers ought to be watching for the imminent return of Christ. The Lord has left us all the necessary resources to perform His work. What are we doing with what we have been given?

Learn a Parable of the Fig Tree
June 25, 2024
Matthew 24:32-36
The Messiah will return soon, and He is not finished with His beloved nation of Israel. Everything God foretells He always fulfills. Listen to today's episode as Christ uses His creation to illustrate these truths!
The Messiah will return soon, and He is not finished with His beloved nation of Israel. Everything God foretells He always fulfills. Listen to today's episode as Christ uses His creation to illustrate these truths!

Are You Prepared for the Wedding?
June 24, 2024
Matthew 22:1-14
You cannot come to God clothed in your own goodness. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Jesus is the only way, and He made a way for even the vilest of sinners!
You cannot come to God clothed in your own goodness. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Jesus is the only way, and He made a way for even the vilest of sinners!

The Stone
June 21, 2024
Matthew 21:42-46
Have you accepted what God appointed? What you do with Jesus determines what He will do with you. The Chief Cornerstone must either be received or rejected!
Have you accepted what God appointed? What you do with Jesus determines what He will do with you. The Chief Cornerstone must either be received or rejected!

He Sent His Son
June 20, 2024
Matthew 21:33-41
If you want to know why the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated Him, read the parables. Just as they rejected the Old Testament prophets, these prideful people refused Christ too. Is your pride getting in the Lord's way?
If you want to know why the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated Him, read the parables. Just as they rejected the Old Testament prophets, these prideful people refused Christ too. Is your pride getting in the Lord's way?

Promises, Perceptions, and Prejudices
June 19, 2024
Matthew 21:28-32
True repentance is seen by obedience. However, a hardened heart is never a repentant one. To break through our hard hearts, Jesus often used hard language in His teachings.
True repentance is seen by obedience. However, a hardened heart is never a repentant one. To break through our hard hearts, Jesus often used hard language in His teachings.

What Will We Get Out Of It?
June 18, 2024
Matthew 20:1-16
Even Christians can be consumer-minded! Selfishly, we sometimes serve in order to receive something. We should serve as a grateful response to God's grace.
Even Christians can be consumer-minded! Selfishly, we sometimes serve in order to receive something. We should serve as a grateful response to God's grace.

June 17, 2024
Mark 10:23-27
Those who trust in themselves and their riches cannot be saved. Possessions very easily lead to pride. Be careful about the things you possess soon possessing you.
Those who trust in themselves and their riches cannot be saved. Possessions very easily lead to pride. Be careful about the things you possess soon possessing you.

Who Are You Trusting?
June 14, 2024
Luke 18:9-14
Who are you trusting? Saved people are the ones trusting in the Lord's righteousness alone. Christ is worthy of our trust!
Who are you trusting? Saved people are the ones trusting in the Lord's righteousness alone. Christ is worthy of our trust!

Pray and Don’t Faint
June 13, 2024
Luke 18:1-8
If an ungodly man answers when somebody persistently asks them something, surely our good God will respond when we pray! Prayers are never unanswered when given sincerely in faith to the Lord.
If an ungodly man answers when somebody persistently asks them something, surely our good God will respond when we pray! Prayers are never unanswered when given sincerely in faith to the Lord.

Never Forget You Are Just A Servant
June 12, 2024
Luke 17:5-10
Regardless of what authority you are given, you will still be a servant of the Lord. He is such a wonderful Master! Choose to obey God humbly and happily.
Regardless of what authority you are given, you will still be a servant of the Lord. He is such a wonderful Master! Choose to obey God humbly and happily.

The Following Events Are Not Fictional
June 11, 2024
Luke 16:19-31
Hell was made for the devil and his angels. Nobody who goes there wants anyone to join them. Study today's story many people mistake for fictional.
Hell was made for the devil and his angels. Nobody who goes there wants anyone to join them. Study today's story many people mistake for fictional.

A Lesson From A Shrewd Businessman
June 10, 2024
Luke 16:1-14
Worldly people often pay more attention to material things for their own benefit than spiritual people pay to the Lord's work for His sake! One day, we will have to give God an account of how we managed the things He entrusted to us.
Worldly people often pay more attention to material things for their own benefit than spiritual people pay to the Lord's work for His sake! One day, we will have to give God an account of how we managed the things He entrusted to us.

Receiving and Giving
June 7, 2024
Matthew 18:21-34
It is unthinkable that God would forgive us for a lifetime of sin, yet we are unwilling to forgive someone else for one thing they did to us. We should forgive others because God has forgiven us.
It is unthinkable that God would forgive us for a lifetime of sin, yet we are unwilling to forgive someone else for one thing they did to us. We should forgive others because God has forgiven us.

Lost at Home
June 6, 2024
Luke 15:25-32
Religious sinners are often angry ones. Those closest to religion are frequently farthest from Christ. Have you missed the heart of God?
Religious sinners are often angry ones. Those closest to religion are frequently farthest from Christ. Have you missed the heart of God?

Lost in the Far Country
June 5, 2024
Luke 15:11-24
Sin brings you to nothing and will take you farther than you ever intended to go. However, our compassionate Heavenly Father waits to restore us to Himself. Join us as we study Jesus' most popular parable!
Sin brings you to nothing and will take you farther than you ever intended to go. However, our compassionate Heavenly Father waits to restore us to Himself. Join us as we study Jesus' most popular parable!

The Greatest Joy
June 4, 2024
Luke 15:8-10
The greatest joy is when a lost soul is found. One soul is exceedingly precious to Jesus. Are you the one Jesus is after today?
The greatest joy is when a lost soul is found. One soul is exceedingly precious to Jesus. Are you the one Jesus is after today?

Go After the Lost
June 3, 2024
Luke 15:1-7
Like sheep, sinners wander. Jesus cares so intimately for sinners, that He seeks after them. Not only is He the Savior of sinners, but Christ is also the Great Shepherd.
Like sheep, sinners wander. Jesus cares so intimately for sinners, that He seeks after them. Not only is He the Savior of sinners, but Christ is also the Great Shepherd.

Count the Cost
May 31, 2024
Luke 14:28-32
Today's episode contains two parables with one overarching theme. To be a follower of Jesus requires true death to self. For us to come to Christ, it cost Him; but for us to follow Him, it costs us.
Today's episode contains two parables with one overarching theme. To be a follower of Jesus requires true death to self. For us to come to Christ, it cost Him; but for us to follow Him, it costs us.

May 30, 2024
Luke 14:16-24
There is a banquet being planned by our Lord at our Heavenly Father's house. Thanks be unto God we all are invited! Have you passed along the invitation?
There is a banquet being planned by our Lord at our Heavenly Father's house. Thanks be unto God we all are invited! Have you passed along the invitation?

Helping Those Who Cannot Help You
May 29, 2024
Luke 14:12-14
Blessing comes from blessing those who cannot bless you. Many people give something so they can get something. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must give selflessly.
Blessing comes from blessing those who cannot bless you. Many people give something so they can get something. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must give selflessly.

Here, You Take My Seat…
May 28, 2024
Luke 14:7-11
Prideful people always prioritize their interests. We cannot hide these self-serving desires from our all-knowing God. Is pride the driving force behind all your decisions?
Prideful people always prioritize their interests. We cannot hide these self-serving desires from our all-knowing God. Is pride the driving force behind all your decisions?

Give It One More Year
May 27, 2024
Luke 13:6-9
God's people are to bear fruit. His Spirit produces characteristics that are reflective of Christ. What if God only permitted you one more year to be fruitful for His name's sake?
God's people are to bear fruit. His Spirit produces characteristics that are reflective of Christ. What if God only permitted you one more year to be fruitful for His name's sake?

Yes, I’m Talking to You
May 24, 2024
Luke 12:41-48
Jesus has left behind everything that His followers need in His absence. Sadly, many of His servants have begun living for themselves. As you listen to today’s episode, consider the need of your own heart.
Jesus has left behind everything that His followers need in His absence. Sadly, many of His servants have begun living for themselves. As you listen to today’s episode, consider the need of your own heart.

Two Stories – One Truth
May 23, 2024
Luke 12:35-40
When Jesus comes again, He’ll be returning as a Master and a Thief. Depending on your relationship with Him, His return will be either incredible or terrible. Are you ready?
When Jesus comes again, He’ll be returning as a Master and a Thief. Depending on your relationship with Him, His return will be either incredible or terrible. Are you ready?

Don’t Be a Fool!
May 22, 2024
Luke 12:16-21
Don’t waste your life merely trying to obtain wealth on earth. Spiritually in Christ, we are rich beyond measure. However, we are quick to live foolishly, with no regard for God and His blessings.
Don’t waste your life merely trying to obtain wealth on earth. Spiritually in Christ, we are rich beyond measure. However, we are quick to live foolishly, with no regard for God and His blessings.

A Parable about Prayer
May 21, 2024
Luke 11:5-13
The Lord allows need in our life to acquaint us with the necessity of Him. Our Heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer our prayers abundantly. Keep on your eyes on Jesus and continue praying!
The Lord allows need in our life to acquaint us with the necessity of Him. Our Heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer our prayers abundantly. Keep on your eyes on Jesus and continue praying!

A Good Neighbor
May 20, 2024
Luke 10:25-37
The parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about being nice. Christ gives this illustration to reveal His divine love. In a world of harshness and hatefulness, only Jesus' lovingkindness satisfies.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about being nice. Christ gives this illustration to reveal His divine love. In a world of harshness and hatefulness, only Jesus' lovingkindness satisfies.

My Good Shepherd
May 17, 2024
John 10:1-16
In John 10, Christ reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. While there are others in opposition to Him outside of the sheepfold, Jesus gives incomparable protection and provision. Are you one of His sheep?
In John 10, Christ reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. While there are others in opposition to Him outside of the sheepfold, Jesus gives incomparable protection and provision. Are you one of His sheep?

Forgiven and Forgiving
May 16, 2024
Matthew 18:21-34
Forgiven people forgive people. This parable of the unforgiving servant reminds us that many people rejoice in received forgiveness yet fail to relay forgiveness themselves. You cannot be Christlike and fail to forgive others.
Forgiven people forgive people. This parable of the unforgiving servant reminds us that many people rejoice in received forgiveness yet fail to relay forgiveness themselves. You cannot be Christlike and fail to forgive others.

Do You Understand?
May 15, 2024
Matthew 13:51-53
God has graciously given us the treasure of His truth. This is the greatest stewardship we have! Are you relaying that which you are receiving?
God has graciously given us the treasure of His truth. This is the greatest stewardship we have! Are you relaying that which you are receiving?

Let’s Go Fishing
May 14, 2024
Matthew 13:47-50
Toward the end of Matthew 13, Christ likens the world to a sea. Within this sea are people who will either receive or reject Jesus. The Lord has given believers the holy responsibility of casting the gospel net.
Toward the end of Matthew 13, Christ likens the world to a sea. Within this sea are people who will either receive or reject Jesus. The Lord has given believers the holy responsibility of casting the gospel net.

One Pearl
May 13, 2024
Matthew 13:45-46
Today, we come to the parable concerning the pearl of great price. While in the last study we noticed Christ's plan for Israel, this episode highlights Jesus' passion for and purchase of His church.
Today, we come to the parable concerning the pearl of great price. While in the last study we noticed Christ's plan for Israel, this episode highlights Jesus' passion for and purchase of His church.

God Is Not Finished with Israel!
May 10, 2024
Matthew 13:44
God’s chosen people of Israel have always experienced satanic opposition. Although He’s set them aside, the Lord still has a plan and purpose for His peculiar treasure. Join us as we study the parable of hidden treasure!
God’s chosen people of Israel have always experienced satanic opposition. Although He’s set them aside, the Lord still has a plan and purpose for His peculiar treasure. Join us as we study the parable of hidden treasure!

The Power of Parables
May 9, 2024
Matthew 13:34-35
Did you know Christ gives an explanation for using parables? The purpose of the parables was to reveal truth to those who are open, to help us see what He is saying. Only those who are near to Jesus have true understanding of His truth.
Did you know Christ gives an explanation for using parables? The purpose of the parables was to reveal truth to those who are open, to help us see what He is saying. Only those who are near to Jesus have true understanding of His truth.

A Little Leaven
May 8, 2024
Matthew 13:33
Throughout Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin. In today's parable, Christ teaches that evil infiltrates then permeates. While it can be hard for us to identify this little leaven, God can easily identify it and inform His people for purity's sake.
Throughout Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin. In today's parable, Christ teaches that evil infiltrates then permeates. While it can be hard for us to identify this little leaven, God can easily identify it and inform His people for purity's sake.

Unhealthy Growth
May 7, 2024
Matthew 13:31-32
All growth is not healthy. Bigger does not mean better. As Christ illustrates this truth by the grain of a mustard seed, He reminds us that not all the growth of Christendom is good and godly.
All growth is not healthy. Bigger does not mean better. As Christ illustrates this truth by the grain of a mustard seed, He reminds us that not all the growth of Christendom is good and godly.

Can You Explain?
May 6, 2024
Matthew 13:36-43
God is not the author of confusion. When you read the Bible, the Lord desires to clarify His truth to you. Do not be afraid of asking the Author questions about His Word. Even the disciples asked Christ to explain one of His parables regarding the sewer and the seed!
God is not the author of confusion. When you read the Bible, the Lord desires to clarify His truth to you. Do not be afraid of asking the Author questions about His Word. Even the disciples asked Christ to explain one of His parables regarding the sewer and the seed!

The Enemy Is Always at Work!
May 3, 2024
Matthew 13:24-30
Although many of the parables stand independently, some of them are dependent upon one another. Today's parable continues along the theme of the sower and the seed. As we are introduced to counterfeit fruit, Christ encourages believers to leave God's work to Him and continue in our work.
Although many of the parables stand independently, some of them are dependent upon one another. Today's parable continues along the theme of the sower and the seed. As we are introduced to counterfeit fruit, Christ encourages believers to leave God's work to Him and continue in our work.

The Miracle of Growth
May 2, 2024
Mark 4:26-29
How miraculous is the truth that we get to labor together with God! We have our part, and God has His part. While Christians plant the seed of His Word, only the Lord can give the increase. Keep working, waiting, and believing that God will do what He's promised!
How miraculous is the truth that we get to labor together with God! We have our part, and God has His part. While Christians plant the seed of His Word, only the Lord can give the increase. Keep working, waiting, and believing that God will do what He's promised!

Let There Be Light!
May 1, 2024
Mark 4:21-23
Always remember that the Creator of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. The same God Who said, "Let there be light," has commanded Christians to shine as candles in this dark world. Are you burning and shining for the Lord today?
Always remember that the Creator of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. The same God Who said, "Let there be light," has commanded Christians to shine as candles in this dark world. Are you burning and shining for the Lord today?

Christ’s Most Important Story
April 30, 2024
Mark 4:13-20
Today's parable takes precedence over all the other parables! If you fail to obey this parable, you will never obey the others. As you listen to this episode, ask the Lord to search and cleanse your heart.
Today's parable takes precedence over all the other parables! If you fail to obey this parable, you will never obey the others. As you listen to this episode, ask the Lord to search and cleanse your heart.

Good Ground for God
April 29, 2024
Matthew 13:3-8
The spiritual soil of your soul matters! God longs for our hearts to be good ground for the seed of His Word to grow. Determine today to be teachable, wide open to receive His Word.
The spiritual soil of your soul matters! God longs for our hearts to be good ground for the seed of His Word to grow. Determine today to be teachable, wide open to receive His Word.

Don’t Miss Jesus!
April 26, 2024
Matthew 12:43-45
Christianity is not simply about getting all the bad things out. Through faith in Christ, God longs to move in to our lives, bringing in all things that pertain to life and godliness and casting out all things that do not look like the lovely Son of God. Only Jesus is enough!
Christianity is not simply about getting all the bad things out. Through faith in Christ, God longs to move in to our lives, bringing in all things that pertain to life and godliness and casting out all things that do not look like the lovely Son of God. Only Jesus is enough!

Stronger Than the Strong Man
April 25, 2024
Matthew 12:24-29
The kingdom of God is always a stark contrast from the kingdom of Satan. The former focuses on life and light, while the latter focuses on death and darkness. Every day, Christians should depend on the King of God's kingdom, our omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ.
The kingdom of God is always a stark contrast from the kingdom of Satan. The former focuses on life and light, while the latter focuses on death and darkness. Every day, Christians should depend on the King of God's kingdom, our omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ.

Great Forgiveness = Great Love
April 24, 2024
Luke 7:41-50
The heart of Jesus is a heart for all sinners. At the same time, God sees our hearts. Regardless if we are worldly or religious, we do not deserve the forgiveness of our sins. Our response to the great forgiveness from the Lord should be great love.
The heart of Jesus is a heart for all sinners. At the same time, God sees our hearts. Regardless if we are worldly or religious, we do not deserve the forgiveness of our sins. Our response to the great forgiveness from the Lord should be great love.

Wise and Foolish Children
April 23, 2024
Luke 7:31-35
Our God of truth has done everything possible to get us the truth. The fact that we have the preserved Word of God today is a miracle! The key, however, to knowing this truth is having an attitude of openness toward the Lord.
Our God of truth has done everything possible to get us the truth. The fact that we have the preserved Word of God today is a miracle! The key, however, to knowing this truth is having an attitude of openness toward the Lord.

What Will You DO with the Sermon?
April 22, 2024
Luke 6:47-49
Storms are inevitable in life. The question is will you be able to withstand these storms? Your stance directly depends on your foundation. If you want a good foundation for your life, you must have a good foundation for your eternity.
Storms are inevitable in life. The question is will you be able to withstand these storms? Your stance directly depends on your foundation. If you want a good foundation for your life, you must have a good foundation for your eternity.

Ditches, Splinters, and Beams
April 19, 2024
Luke 6:39-4
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.

When the Old Becomes New
April 18, 2024
Matthew 9:16-17
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.

It’s Time to Fast
April 17, 2024
Matthew 9:14-15
When was the last time you fasted? Fasting is connected to seeking God. While we wait on the return of Christ, we ought to humble our souls before God and concentrate wholly upon Him. The discipline of fasting leads to the joy of fasting.
When was the last time you fasted? Fasting is connected to seeking God. While we wait on the return of Christ, we ought to humble our souls before God and concentrate wholly upon Him. The discipline of fasting leads to the joy of fasting.

Do You Really Want the Truth?
April 16, 2024
Luke 4:23-27
The God of truth wants to be known, yet He is only willing to work in those who are wide open to Him. In this often overlooked parable, Jesus sets the tone for all of His proceeding stories. As we study the Word today, ask God to reveal your own purpose for receiving His truth.
The God of truth wants to be known, yet He is only willing to work in those who are wide open to Him. In this often overlooked parable, Jesus sets the tone for all of His proceeding stories. As we study the Word today, ask God to reveal your own purpose for receiving His truth.
My Takeaways
July 3, 2024
John 21:24-25
Not all of Scripture was written to us, but it was all written for us. As we conclude our study of the parables, we are reminded of the inexhaustible nature of God's Word. Join us as we discuss some general impressions.
Not all of Scripture was written to us, but it was all written for us. As we conclude our study of the parables, we are reminded of the inexhaustible nature of God's Word. Join us as we discuss some general impressions.
The Sheep and the Goats
July 2, 2024
Matthew 25:31-46
Because God loves all people, Christ died for everyone. Someday, He will assemble and judge all who have rejected His truth. Each of us will meet God and must prepare for that appointed moment.
Because God loves all people, Christ died for everyone. Someday, He will assemble and judge all who have rejected His truth. Each of us will meet God and must prepare for that appointed moment.
Use It Or Lose It!
July 1, 2024
Matthew 25:14-30
All of us are answerable to God for the opportunities and abilities He's gifted us. No excuse is reasonable, and we can only blame ourselves for disobedience. Don't neglect what you've been given!
All of us are answerable to God for the opportunities and abilities He's gifted us. No excuse is reasonable, and we can only blame ourselves for disobedience. Don't neglect what you've been given!
The Door Was Shut
June 28, 2024
Matthew 25:1-13
Today, Christ has opened the door for all to come to Him in repentance. There is coming a day, however, when the door will be shut. When will it be too late to trust Him?
Today, Christ has opened the door for all to come to Him in repentance. There is coming a day, however, when the door will be shut. When will it be too late to trust Him?
The Ruler Speaks to the “rulers”
June 27, 2024
Matthew 24:45-51
Regardless of the loftiness of your worldly title, we are all but lowly servants to the only High God. Someday, we will bow before our Heavenly Ruler and give Him an account of our stewardship.
Regardless of the loftiness of your worldly title, we are all but lowly servants to the only High God. Someday, we will bow before our Heavenly Ruler and give Him an account of our stewardship.
4 Things Jesus Left Us
June 26, 2024
Mark 13:32-37
Believers ought to be watching for the imminent return of Christ. The Lord has left us all the necessary resources to perform His work. What are we doing with what we have been given?
Believers ought to be watching for the imminent return of Christ. The Lord has left us all the necessary resources to perform His work. What are we doing with what we have been given?
Learn a Parable of the Fig Tree
June 25, 2024
Matthew 24:32-36
The Messiah will return soon, and He is not finished with His beloved nation of Israel. Everything God foretells He always fulfills. Listen to today's episode as Christ uses His creation to illustrate these truths!
The Messiah will return soon, and He is not finished with His beloved nation of Israel. Everything God foretells He always fulfills. Listen to today's episode as Christ uses His creation to illustrate these truths!
Are You Prepared for the Wedding?
June 24, 2024
Matthew 22:1-14
You cannot come to God clothed in your own goodness. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Jesus is the only way, and He made a way for even the vilest of sinners!
You cannot come to God clothed in your own goodness. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags. Jesus is the only way, and He made a way for even the vilest of sinners!
The Stone
June 21, 2024
Matthew 21:42-46
Have you accepted what God appointed? What you do with Jesus determines what He will do with you. The Chief Cornerstone must either be received or rejected!
Have you accepted what God appointed? What you do with Jesus determines what He will do with you. The Chief Cornerstone must either be received or rejected!
He Sent His Son
June 20, 2024
Matthew 21:33-41
If you want to know why the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated Him, read the parables. Just as they rejected the Old Testament prophets, these prideful people refused Christ too. Is your pride getting in the Lord's way?
If you want to know why the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated Him, read the parables. Just as they rejected the Old Testament prophets, these prideful people refused Christ too. Is your pride getting in the Lord's way?
Promises, Perceptions, and Prejudices
June 19, 2024
Matthew 21:28-32
True repentance is seen by obedience. However, a hardened heart is never a repentant one. To break through our hard hearts, Jesus often used hard language in His teachings.
True repentance is seen by obedience. However, a hardened heart is never a repentant one. To break through our hard hearts, Jesus often used hard language in His teachings.
What Will We Get Out Of It?
June 18, 2024
Matthew 20:1-16
Even Christians can be consumer-minded! Selfishly, we sometimes serve in order to receive something. We should serve as a grateful response to God's grace.
Even Christians can be consumer-minded! Selfishly, we sometimes serve in order to receive something. We should serve as a grateful response to God's grace.
June 17, 2024
Mark 10:23-27
Those who trust in themselves and their riches cannot be saved. Possessions very easily lead to pride. Be careful about the things you possess soon possessing you.
Those who trust in themselves and their riches cannot be saved. Possessions very easily lead to pride. Be careful about the things you possess soon possessing you.
Who Are You Trusting?
June 14, 2024
Luke 18:9-14
Who are you trusting? Saved people are the ones trusting in the Lord's righteousness alone. Christ is worthy of our trust!
Who are you trusting? Saved people are the ones trusting in the Lord's righteousness alone. Christ is worthy of our trust!
Pray and Don’t Faint
June 13, 2024
Luke 18:1-8
If an ungodly man answers when somebody persistently asks them something, surely our good God will respond when we pray! Prayers are never unanswered when given sincerely in faith to the Lord.
If an ungodly man answers when somebody persistently asks them something, surely our good God will respond when we pray! Prayers are never unanswered when given sincerely in faith to the Lord.
Never Forget You Are Just A Servant
June 12, 2024
Luke 17:5-10
Regardless of what authority you are given, you will still be a servant of the Lord. He is such a wonderful Master! Choose to obey God humbly and happily.
Regardless of what authority you are given, you will still be a servant of the Lord. He is such a wonderful Master! Choose to obey God humbly and happily.
The Following Events Are Not Fictional
June 11, 2024
Luke 16:19-31
Hell was made for the devil and his angels. Nobody who goes there wants anyone to join them. Study today's story many people mistake for fictional.
Hell was made for the devil and his angels. Nobody who goes there wants anyone to join them. Study today's story many people mistake for fictional.
A Lesson From A Shrewd Businessman
June 10, 2024
Luke 16:1-14
Worldly people often pay more attention to material things for their own benefit than spiritual people pay to the Lord's work for His sake! One day, we will have to give God an account of how we managed the things He entrusted to us.
Worldly people often pay more attention to material things for their own benefit than spiritual people pay to the Lord's work for His sake! One day, we will have to give God an account of how we managed the things He entrusted to us.
Receiving and Giving
June 7, 2024
Matthew 18:21-34
It is unthinkable that God would forgive us for a lifetime of sin, yet we are unwilling to forgive someone else for one thing they did to us. We should forgive others because God has forgiven us.
It is unthinkable that God would forgive us for a lifetime of sin, yet we are unwilling to forgive someone else for one thing they did to us. We should forgive others because God has forgiven us.
Lost at Home
June 6, 2024
Luke 15:25-32
Religious sinners are often angry ones. Those closest to religion are frequently farthest from Christ. Have you missed the heart of God?
Religious sinners are often angry ones. Those closest to religion are frequently farthest from Christ. Have you missed the heart of God?
Lost in the Far Country
June 5, 2024
Luke 15:11-24
Sin brings you to nothing and will take you farther than you ever intended to go. However, our compassionate Heavenly Father waits to restore us to Himself. Join us as we study Jesus' most popular parable!
Sin brings you to nothing and will take you farther than you ever intended to go. However, our compassionate Heavenly Father waits to restore us to Himself. Join us as we study Jesus' most popular parable!
The Greatest Joy
June 4, 2024
Luke 15:8-10
The greatest joy is when a lost soul is found. One soul is exceedingly precious to Jesus. Are you the one Jesus is after today?
The greatest joy is when a lost soul is found. One soul is exceedingly precious to Jesus. Are you the one Jesus is after today?
Go After the Lost
June 3, 2024
Luke 15:1-7
Like sheep, sinners wander. Jesus cares so intimately for sinners, that He seeks after them. Not only is He the Savior of sinners, but Christ is also the Great Shepherd.
Like sheep, sinners wander. Jesus cares so intimately for sinners, that He seeks after them. Not only is He the Savior of sinners, but Christ is also the Great Shepherd.
Count the Cost
May 31, 2024
Luke 14:28-32
Today's episode contains two parables with one overarching theme. To be a follower of Jesus requires true death to self. For us to come to Christ, it cost Him; but for us to follow Him, it costs us.
Today's episode contains two parables with one overarching theme. To be a follower of Jesus requires true death to self. For us to come to Christ, it cost Him; but for us to follow Him, it costs us.
May 30, 2024
Luke 14:16-24
There is a banquet being planned by our Lord at our Heavenly Father's house. Thanks be unto God we all are invited! Have you passed along the invitation?
There is a banquet being planned by our Lord at our Heavenly Father's house. Thanks be unto God we all are invited! Have you passed along the invitation?
Helping Those Who Cannot Help You
May 29, 2024
Luke 14:12-14
Blessing comes from blessing those who cannot bless you. Many people give something so they can get something. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must give selflessly.
Blessing comes from blessing those who cannot bless you. Many people give something so they can get something. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must give selflessly.
Here, You Take My Seat…
May 28, 2024
Luke 14:7-11
Prideful people always prioritize their interests. We cannot hide these self-serving desires from our all-knowing God. Is pride the driving force behind all your decisions?
Prideful people always prioritize their interests. We cannot hide these self-serving desires from our all-knowing God. Is pride the driving force behind all your decisions?
Give It One More Year
May 27, 2024
Luke 13:6-9
God's people are to bear fruit. His Spirit produces characteristics that are reflective of Christ. What if God only permitted you one more year to be fruitful for His name's sake?
God's people are to bear fruit. His Spirit produces characteristics that are reflective of Christ. What if God only permitted you one more year to be fruitful for His name's sake?
Yes, I’m Talking to You
May 24, 2024
Luke 12:41-48
Jesus has left behind everything that His followers need in His absence. Sadly, many of His servants have begun living for themselves. As you listen to today’s episode, consider the need of your own heart.
Jesus has left behind everything that His followers need in His absence. Sadly, many of His servants have begun living for themselves. As you listen to today’s episode, consider the need of your own heart.
Two Stories – One Truth
May 23, 2024
Luke 12:35-40
When Jesus comes again, He’ll be returning as a Master and a Thief. Depending on your relationship with Him, His return will be either incredible or terrible. Are you ready?
When Jesus comes again, He’ll be returning as a Master and a Thief. Depending on your relationship with Him, His return will be either incredible or terrible. Are you ready?
Don’t Be a Fool!
May 22, 2024
Luke 12:16-21
Don’t waste your life merely trying to obtain wealth on earth. Spiritually in Christ, we are rich beyond measure. However, we are quick to live foolishly, with no regard for God and His blessings.
Don’t waste your life merely trying to obtain wealth on earth. Spiritually in Christ, we are rich beyond measure. However, we are quick to live foolishly, with no regard for God and His blessings.
A Parable about Prayer
May 21, 2024
Luke 11:5-13
The Lord allows need in our life to acquaint us with the necessity of Him. Our Heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer our prayers abundantly. Keep on your eyes on Jesus and continue praying!
The Lord allows need in our life to acquaint us with the necessity of Him. Our Heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer our prayers abundantly. Keep on your eyes on Jesus and continue praying!
A Good Neighbor
May 20, 2024
Luke 10:25-37
The parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about being nice. Christ gives this illustration to reveal His divine love. In a world of harshness and hatefulness, only Jesus' lovingkindness satisfies.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about being nice. Christ gives this illustration to reveal His divine love. In a world of harshness and hatefulness, only Jesus' lovingkindness satisfies.
My Good Shepherd
May 17, 2024
John 10:1-16
In John 10, Christ reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. While there are others in opposition to Him outside of the sheepfold, Jesus gives incomparable protection and provision. Are you one of His sheep?
In John 10, Christ reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. While there are others in opposition to Him outside of the sheepfold, Jesus gives incomparable protection and provision. Are you one of His sheep?
Forgiven and Forgiving
May 16, 2024
Matthew 18:21-34
Forgiven people forgive people. This parable of the unforgiving servant reminds us that many people rejoice in received forgiveness yet fail to relay forgiveness themselves. You cannot be Christlike and fail to forgive others.
Forgiven people forgive people. This parable of the unforgiving servant reminds us that many people rejoice in received forgiveness yet fail to relay forgiveness themselves. You cannot be Christlike and fail to forgive others.
Do You Understand?
May 15, 2024
Matthew 13:51-53
God has graciously given us the treasure of His truth. This is the greatest stewardship we have! Are you relaying that which you are receiving?
God has graciously given us the treasure of His truth. This is the greatest stewardship we have! Are you relaying that which you are receiving?
Let’s Go Fishing
May 14, 2024
Matthew 13:47-50
Toward the end of Matthew 13, Christ likens the world to a sea. Within this sea are people who will either receive or reject Jesus. The Lord has given believers the holy responsibility of casting the gospel net.
Toward the end of Matthew 13, Christ likens the world to a sea. Within this sea are people who will either receive or reject Jesus. The Lord has given believers the holy responsibility of casting the gospel net.
One Pearl
May 13, 2024
Matthew 13:45-46
Today, we come to the parable concerning the pearl of great price. While in the last study we noticed Christ's plan for Israel, this episode highlights Jesus' passion for and purchase of His church.
Today, we come to the parable concerning the pearl of great price. While in the last study we noticed Christ's plan for Israel, this episode highlights Jesus' passion for and purchase of His church.
God Is Not Finished with Israel!
May 10, 2024
Matthew 13:44
God’s chosen people of Israel have always experienced satanic opposition. Although He’s set them aside, the Lord still has a plan and purpose for His peculiar treasure. Join us as we study the parable of hidden treasure!
God’s chosen people of Israel have always experienced satanic opposition. Although He’s set them aside, the Lord still has a plan and purpose for His peculiar treasure. Join us as we study the parable of hidden treasure!
The Power of Parables
May 9, 2024
Matthew 13:34-35
Did you know Christ gives an explanation for using parables? The purpose of the parables was to reveal truth to those who are open, to help us see what He is saying. Only those who are near to Jesus have true understanding of His truth.
Did you know Christ gives an explanation for using parables? The purpose of the parables was to reveal truth to those who are open, to help us see what He is saying. Only those who are near to Jesus have true understanding of His truth.
A Little Leaven
May 8, 2024
Matthew 13:33
Throughout Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin. In today's parable, Christ teaches that evil infiltrates then permeates. While it can be hard for us to identify this little leaven, God can easily identify it and inform His people for purity's sake.
Throughout Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin. In today's parable, Christ teaches that evil infiltrates then permeates. While it can be hard for us to identify this little leaven, God can easily identify it and inform His people for purity's sake.
Unhealthy Growth
May 7, 2024
Matthew 13:31-32
All growth is not healthy. Bigger does not mean better. As Christ illustrates this truth by the grain of a mustard seed, He reminds us that not all the growth of Christendom is good and godly.
All growth is not healthy. Bigger does not mean better. As Christ illustrates this truth by the grain of a mustard seed, He reminds us that not all the growth of Christendom is good and godly.
Can You Explain?
May 6, 2024
Matthew 13:36-43
God is not the author of confusion. When you read the Bible, the Lord desires to clarify His truth to you. Do not be afraid of asking the Author questions about His Word. Even the disciples asked Christ to explain one of His parables regarding the sewer and the seed!
God is not the author of confusion. When you read the Bible, the Lord desires to clarify His truth to you. Do not be afraid of asking the Author questions about His Word. Even the disciples asked Christ to explain one of His parables regarding the sewer and the seed!
The Enemy Is Always at Work!
May 3, 2024
Matthew 13:24-30
Although many of the parables stand independently, some of them are dependent upon one another. Today's parable continues along the theme of the sower and the seed. As we are introduced to counterfeit fruit, Christ encourages believers to leave God's work to Him and continue in our work.
Although many of the parables stand independently, some of them are dependent upon one another. Today's parable continues along the theme of the sower and the seed. As we are introduced to counterfeit fruit, Christ encourages believers to leave God's work to Him and continue in our work.
The Miracle of Growth
May 2, 2024
Mark 4:26-29
How miraculous is the truth that we get to labor together with God! We have our part, and God has His part. While Christians plant the seed of His Word, only the Lord can give the increase. Keep working, waiting, and believing that God will do what He's promised!
How miraculous is the truth that we get to labor together with God! We have our part, and God has His part. While Christians plant the seed of His Word, only the Lord can give the increase. Keep working, waiting, and believing that God will do what He's promised!
Let There Be Light!
May 1, 2024
Mark 4:21-23
Always remember that the Creator of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. The same God Who said, "Let there be light," has commanded Christians to shine as candles in this dark world. Are you burning and shining for the Lord today?
Always remember that the Creator of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. The same God Who said, "Let there be light," has commanded Christians to shine as candles in this dark world. Are you burning and shining for the Lord today?
Christ’s Most Important Story
April 30, 2024
Mark 4:13-20
Today's parable takes precedence over all the other parables! If you fail to obey this parable, you will never obey the others. As you listen to this episode, ask the Lord to search and cleanse your heart.
Today's parable takes precedence over all the other parables! If you fail to obey this parable, you will never obey the others. As you listen to this episode, ask the Lord to search and cleanse your heart.
Good Ground for God
April 29, 2024
Matthew 13:3-8
The spiritual soil of your soul matters! God longs for our hearts to be good ground for the seed of His Word to grow. Determine today to be teachable, wide open to receive His Word.
The spiritual soil of your soul matters! God longs for our hearts to be good ground for the seed of His Word to grow. Determine today to be teachable, wide open to receive His Word.
Don’t Miss Jesus!
April 26, 2024
Matthew 12:43-45
Christianity is not simply about getting all the bad things out. Through faith in Christ, God longs to move in to our lives, bringing in all things that pertain to life and godliness and casting out all things that do not look like the lovely Son of God. Only Jesus is enough!
Christianity is not simply about getting all the bad things out. Through faith in Christ, God longs to move in to our lives, bringing in all things that pertain to life and godliness and casting out all things that do not look like the lovely Son of God. Only Jesus is enough!
Stronger Than the Strong Man
April 25, 2024
Matthew 12:24-29
The kingdom of God is always a stark contrast from the kingdom of Satan. The former focuses on life and light, while the latter focuses on death and darkness. Every day, Christians should depend on the King of God's kingdom, our omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ.
The kingdom of God is always a stark contrast from the kingdom of Satan. The former focuses on life and light, while the latter focuses on death and darkness. Every day, Christians should depend on the King of God's kingdom, our omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ.
Great Forgiveness = Great Love
April 24, 2024
Luke 7:41-50
The heart of Jesus is a heart for all sinners. At the same time, God sees our hearts. Regardless if we are worldly or religious, we do not deserve the forgiveness of our sins. Our response to the great forgiveness from the Lord should be great love.
The heart of Jesus is a heart for all sinners. At the same time, God sees our hearts. Regardless if we are worldly or religious, we do not deserve the forgiveness of our sins. Our response to the great forgiveness from the Lord should be great love.
Wise and Foolish Children
April 23, 2024
Luke 7:31-35
Our God of truth has done everything possible to get us the truth. The fact that we have the preserved Word of God today is a miracle! The key, however, to knowing this truth is having an attitude of openness toward the Lord.
Our God of truth has done everything possible to get us the truth. The fact that we have the preserved Word of God today is a miracle! The key, however, to knowing this truth is having an attitude of openness toward the Lord.
What Will You DO with the Sermon?
April 22, 2024
Luke 6:47-49
Storms are inevitable in life. The question is will you be able to withstand these storms? Your stance directly depends on your foundation. If you want a good foundation for your life, you must have a good foundation for your eternity.
Storms are inevitable in life. The question is will you be able to withstand these storms? Your stance directly depends on your foundation. If you want a good foundation for your life, you must have a good foundation for your eternity.
Ditches, Splinters, and Beams
April 19, 2024
Luke 6:39-4
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.
When the Old Becomes New
April 18, 2024
Matthew 9:16-17
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.
It’s Time to Fast
April 17, 2024
Matthew 9:14-15
When was the last time you fasted? Fasting is connected to seeking God. While we wait on the return of Christ, we ought to humble our souls before God and concentrate wholly upon Him. The discipline of fasting leads to the joy of fasting.
When was the last time you fasted? Fasting is connected to seeking God. While we wait on the return of Christ, we ought to humble our souls before God and concentrate wholly upon Him. The discipline of fasting leads to the joy of fasting.
Do You Really Want the Truth?
April 16, 2024
Luke 4:23-27
The God of truth wants to be known, yet He is only willing to work in those who are wide open to Him. In this often overlooked parable, Jesus sets the tone for all of His proceeding stories. As we study the Word today, ask God to reveal your own purpose for receiving His truth.
The God of truth wants to be known, yet He is only willing to work in those who are wide open to Him. In this often overlooked parable, Jesus sets the tone for all of His proceeding stories. As we study the Word today, ask God to reveal your own purpose for receiving His truth.