

5 Reflections on Life and Death

This year has been a year of loss. In God's economy, loss is so often gain if we are ready to receive it. Somewhere in the midst of loss there...
The Real Need of America, problem in America,

The Real Need of America

The Real Need of America We are in a time of national turmoil. Rumors are swirling, tempers are flaring, and feelings of anticipation and dread are filling many minds and...
Near to the Heart of God

Hymn History: Near to the Heart of God

"The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth." - Psalm 145:18 We are thrilled to share a series of brief...
He Keeps Me Singing

Hymn History: He Keeps Me Singing

"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him." - Job 13:15 We are thrilled to share a series of...

Do You Remember?

It was a beautiful, sunny morning. As I made my way from one building to another on our campus a co-worker came running out onto the sidewalk. I still remember...

The Most Important Prayer Ever Prayed

The following article was published in a God Bless America magazine that was mailed to 52,000 residences in southern West Virginia over the last few weeks. Tonight we begin the...

We Remember.

Can you believe it has been 20 years? I remember where I was standing on 9/11 when someone said, "A commercial airliner just crashed into the World Trade Center in...

Days That Change You Forever

There are days in life that change you. God in His providence causes certain days to stand out in our memory as turning points. The day you are married is...

Dealing with Sadness

In a generation deteriorating because of sin we must always guard against allowing our own spirits to deteriorate. Sad days must not become sad Christians! Many are sad because of...

The Worst Thing Job Lost & the One Thing We All Must Find

“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job…” So begins the story of a man who knew more about suffering and loss than most people...

Why the Resurrection Gives Me Hope for Revival

The message of the resurrection is not just to be preached to the lost; it is a truth to be repeated, remembered, and reflected on again and again among believers....

Victims or Victors?

It seems so many want to be the “victim” today. To be sure, there are wounded souls who have been victims of horrible abuse and heinous crimes and those hurts...

How To Make The Most Of This Season In Life

Seasons are marked by change. The autumn leaves turning colors and falling to the ground are a reminder to us all that time is passing. And while we love some...

A Moment for The Gospel

Earlier this week I posted 5 Books to Read on Witnessing. In this season of "social distancing" and health fears it is possible that we could all lose sight of...

Living In Uncertain Times

The world is shaking...but God is not! These are uncertain days but the people of God have a certain future. He has not failed us, forgotten us, or forsaken us...

Joy in the Midst of Conflict

Lester Roloff used to sing an old gospel song that said, "It's a battlefield brother, not a recreation room. It's a fight and not a game! So run if you...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

A Message Christian Young People Desperately Need

It is my privilege to speak to young people on a regular basis.  I have to admit that they are my favorite group to preach to!  You always know where...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

How to Speak “A Good Word”

Someone once said in my presence, "Be kind to others.  Everybody is having a hard time."They were right.We all have our struggles and you may be surprised at the people...
Arched Milky Way over the mountain dirt road in summer. Beautiful night landscape with starry sky, milky way arch, trail in mountain village, hills, green grass and purple flowers. Space and galaxy

Dealing with Goodbyes

Goodbyes are hard.  I was standing in a security line at an airport not long ago preparing to go through the regular process that has become so much a part...