How To Make The Most Of This Season In Life October 21, 2020


Seasons are marked by change. The autumn leaves turning colors and falling to the ground are a reminder to us all that time is passing. And while we love some seasons more than others, God uses every season in life to bring us closer to Himself. He is the One who transcends it all – eternal, immutable God.

I do not know what season you are living through at this time. While it may be bright and sunny outside it can be dark and gloomy within. When some are rejoicing, others are walking through their most difficult days. One thing I do know is that “He hath made everything beautiful in his time…” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).

How can you make the most of whatever season you find yourself in?

  1. Remember the lessons and blessings of yesterday. LOOK BACK…not with regret but with gratitude. Have you seen the Lord come through? He who was – is! He who did – will!
  2. Consider your goals and prayers for tomorrow. LOOK AHEAD. What are you asking God to do in the days ahead? Have faith in God and keep your hope rooted in Him.
  3. Concentrate on the opportunities and divine appointment of today. LOOK AROUND. In the most challenging times the Lord accomplishes His greatest work. God is with you and for you.

Someone once wrote, “Two men behind prison bars – one looked at the mud, the other the stars.” Which way are you looking?

At all times, LOOK UP! Keep your eyes on “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever” (Hebrews 13:8). Soon this season will pass, but He will not.

Every season provides something you need, and every season prepares you for the season that is ahead. Make the most of it.

Read more about The Changing Seasons of Life.

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