How to Speak “A Good Word” October 31, 2013

Someone once said in my presence, “Be kind to others.  Everybody is having a hard time.”

They were right.

We all have our struggles and you may be surprised at the people who are hurting the most.  Only God truly knows, and the all knowing God has designed a way for us to minister to the needs of those around us.

Proverbs 12:25 says, “Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad.”  That’s it!  A good word.

Words are powerful things and just one of them can be the very cure needed for a wounded spirit.  Good words are not just spoken from pulpits; they are spoken by Spirit led people all along the journey of life.  Good words are God’s gifts through discerning people, Heavenly reminders that God sees and knows.

But, how?  I don’t always know what to say.  I want to be an encouragement, but feel so powerless at times.

Recently I was meditating on this truth and the Holy Spirit brought a wonderful thought to my mind.  If it is good, it is God.  Not my idea.  Not my clever words.  Not my comfort.  It is all Him.

“And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity” (1 Corinthians 13:13).  Here is the threefold test of a good word:

  • Is it a word of faith?  A good word will always encourage others to trust the Lord.  Speak in faith and not in unbelief.  God is able!
  • Is it a word of hope?  A good word will be full of hope.  Even our tone should remind people that all is well with the Lord.  When we speak with faith we can speak with hope.
  • Is it a word of love?  A good word will be bathed with the love of God.  This is what makes it perfect – the beautiful compassion and tender mercy of the Lord.

Determine that your words will be marked by God’s faith, hope, and charity.  Then you can be sure it is “a good word.”  Someone spoke a good word to me today.  I needed it.  Lord, help me to speak a good word to someone else tomorrow.

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  1. Susie Hall on October 31, 2013 at 7:30 PM

    I am always anxious to read “Enjoying the Journey”. I agree we usually don’t have any idea as to how many people that we come in contact are hurting, hurting deeply. A smile on one’s is not an indicator that all is right within their world. A smile on one’s face is an indicator that they know the One Who put a song in their heart, a hope for the life to come and that He holds them in His hand. Oh to see the lady in the checkout lane at Wal-Mart, the man who just swerved into your lane, the child who is quiet…..thru the eyes of Jesus. May the Holy Spirit direct our hearts, minds & speech to a hurting world.

    • Scott Pauley on October 31, 2013 at 9:03 PM

      Great thoughts. Thank you so much. We all need to be more sensitive to the Lord. He will make us more sensitive to the needs of others. God bless you!

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