3 Prayer Pointers for Every Day May 16, 2023


Prayer is a conversation with our Lord…and we all need to work on our communication! Developing a life of communion with God is the process of a lifetime. I never hear a challenge about prayer that I do not feel deeply convicted that this is an area where I need to give more attention.

While there is no place to stop in our pursuit of God, there is a place to start. Begin right where you are. Allow the normal routines and relationships of life to be turned into prayer prompters and you will soon discover what is meant by the admonition to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Take these simple ideas and incorporate them today…

  1. Pray as you see. Imagine how many people you see every day! When we cross paths with others we inevitably have thoughts, experience emotions, and form opinions. Turn your impressions into intercessions. Our thoughts about others are not always right, but when we pray God works in them and in us. Lustful, proud, unkind, prejudicial, and angry thoughts must be brought into the holy presence of Christ. As you pray for others you will find that God begins to give you His mind for that person and you will begin to see them differently. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you see through His eyes every day.
  2. Pray as you scroll. Turn your social media feed into a prayer list! Too much time is wasted mindlessly scrolling through posts. It is usually best to turn off notifications so that you control when you check social media. Then, make that time intentional. Social media is very dangerous when it is only for entertainment value. Use it – don’t let it use you. Romans 12:15 says, “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” Whether it is a positive or a negative update, you can pray for all. (Read more about how to utilize social media in a positive way here.)
  3. Pray as you speak. Days are filled with a variety of interactions. Some are personal, others are business, and many are what we would consider to be incidental. But, if you believe in divine appointments and trust the providence of God you will begin to recognize that God brings people across your path for a reason. When you talk with someone on the phone, breathe a prayer to God for them. As you meet people who are hurting, stop and have a prayer with them. Even as you write a text, a letter, or an email you can pray for that individual. All ground becomes holy ground as you begin to talk to the Lord.

Don’t just pray, have a prayer life. When you invite God into the conversation you will find yourself brought consciously into His presence. Let every day be a prayer day by bringing everyday responsibilities to God.

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  1. Raymond Ricard on May 16, 2023 at 9:21 AM

    Again thank you for those important points on intercessions.
    How easy do I go the wrong way in my mind instead of praying for those precious souls. It is part of our sinful nature to judge others instead of praying for them.
    Continue the good work brother Scott Pauley.

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