5 Books To Read On Prayer + 1 I’m Reading Now May 5, 2020


This is a hard one. I have so many books that have been a tremendous help to me on the subject of prayer. There are a host of “classics” – such as the writings of E.M. Bounds – that you would expect to find on this list.

However, I would like to simply recommend a handful of books that have had the greatest impact on my own prayer life. Perhaps they will help you as well…

Secrets of The Secret Place by Bob Sorge (This book provides very specific and practical principles for daily, personal prayer.)

With Christ In The School of Prayer by Andrew Murray (This volume gives both inspiration and instruction. His book on The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer is also powerful. Like Bounds, reading Murray makes you want to find a place to actually pray!)

Sense and Nonsense About Prayer by Lehman Strauss (This little book deals with many areas of the Christian life and their relationship to prayer. Strauss is a great Bible expositor and commentator and his writings are full of truth.)

Praying the Scriptures by Judson Cornwall (This book opened to me the power of using God’s Word as a prayer template – praying the very words of Scripture and talking to God about what He is speaking to me about as I read.)

Prayer Secrets by Guy King (Bible principles found throughout God’s Word are examined. King is also the author of my favorite book on Philippians, Joy Way.)

I have learned that it is not always wise to recommend a book that you have not read thoroughly. However, this week my attention has been drawn to an old book by S.D. Gordon. All of Gordon’s Quiet Talks… books are helpful. Perhaps you would like to join me in reading Quiet Talks On Prayer. It is wonderful to find a book that not only makes you think, it makes you want to pray!

In the words of Murray we are all still in the “school of prayer.” We will not graduate until we finally enter the throne room for eternity. Until then, keep reading, keep studying, and keep praying the prayer that leads to all true prayer: “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).

What is your favorite book on prayer?

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  1. Ron Pollard on May 5, 2020 at 9:50 AM

    Bro. Pauley, one of my favorite books on prayer has been ‘Prayer Asking and Receiving’, by Dr. John R Rice. I have several books on prayer by Bounds, Murray, Spurgeon and George Mueller. Do not have some mentioned by you in your post.

    • Scott Pauley on May 9, 2020 at 10:14 AM

      That is a great book for sure! Good to hear from you.

  2. Andrew on May 5, 2020 at 10:59 AM

    Thank you for these suggestions, prayer is one of my favourite subjects in the Bible. I just started listening to your podcast by the way and I’m enjoying it. I have a question about E.M. Bounds’ books. Why are they popular amongst Baptists when he was a Methodist?

    • Scott Pauley on May 9, 2020 at 10:13 AM

      Thanks for listening. I think Bounds writings are popular because they are not based in Methodism, they are based in God’s Word. Truth is true no matter what your background. In the same way our hymn books are full of great doctrinal hymns written by Presbyterians, Methodists, etc. God uses all who seek Him sincerely and stay true to His Word.

      • Andrew on May 11, 2020 at 3:55 PM

        Thanks. I’ll read Bounds’ books then and some of the others mentioned here. That’s a good point about the hymns. One of my favourites “Jesus paid it all” was written by a Methodist.

  3. Robert Stover on May 5, 2020 at 3:03 PM

    One of my favorite books on prayer is ‘Touching the World Through Prayer’ by Wesley Duewel. The power of prayer to not only work where you are but all across the globe!

  4. Nate on May 19, 2020 at 7:42 PM

    Hmm it’s hard to pick one favorite but I found “Prayer” by Tim Keller very helpful.

  5. Joel Conlee on May 20, 2020 at 9:12 AM

    I love With Christ in the school of prayer. Such a classic.

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