7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study February 24, 2025

Here are 7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study. This is not a formula. Divine revelation cannot be reduced to man’s equations.

7 Ingredients for Fruitful Bible Study

Bible sales have soared in recent days. Though the Bible has historically led book sales worldwide, there is a renewed interest in our generation. People are looking for answers. Surely there has to be more. Indeed, there is! Men and movements, religions and rulers have come and gone, but the Word has continued. God promised it would.

Still, there remains a pervasive biblically illiteracy and spiritual ignorance. Satan himself knows well how to take even Scripture and twist it to make men believe a lie. He did so in the Garden of Eden, and that old serpent is still whispering. People certainly need their own copy of the Scriptures, but they increasingly need to know how to study it

Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workmen that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). First, we must commit ourselves to…

Study the Bible Faithfully.

This is a study that never ends, and those who begin will soon find that the Bible student must be a lifelong learner. You cannot exhaust infinite truth.

Are you a student of the Word? Many who believe the Bible never truly study it. We sleep with it next to our beds, own multiple copies, dust it off to carry it to church on Sunday, and occasionally quote one of our favorite verses. Yet this surface engagement and superficial knowledge will never bring us to a deep understanding of the spiritual truths found in the Holy Scriptures.

Jesus said, “Search the Scripture;, for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me” (John 5:39). Several rich truths are revealed in these words from the Living Word. Start at the end of the verse and work your way back to the beginning:

  • The written Word of God is His personal testimony. This is why the writer of Psalm 119 frequently referred to the Scriptures by the word “testimonies.” It is the personal revelation of God. If you want to know the mind and heart of God, read the Bible! The Lord did not give us Scripture to know things; He gave it so we could know Him. “The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple” (Psalm 19:7).
  • The Word of God contains the truth about eternity. All that we know about life after death, about Heaven and Hell, about eternal life and judgment is found in those pages. Only the Scripture is able to “make thee wise unto salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15).
  • The Word of God is to be studied. To “search” requires diligence, interest, attentiveness – work! Perhaps this is why the best selling Book in the world is woefully neglected. A generation enamored with scrolling has not slowed long enough to study.

Next, we must commit ourselves to…

Study the Bible Correctly.

If there is a “rightly dividing” then it must be possible to “wrongly” interpret Scripture. This is the cause of so much confusion and error among many sincere religious people. How can we study the Bible effectively?

Permit me to give you seven elements that are necessary as you study God’s Word. It is not my desire to give you a formula. Divine revelation cannot be reduced to man’s equations. Rather, consider these to be ingredients – incorporate them into your time in the Word, and you will begin to discover so much spiritual benefit as you study.

1. Read.

Bible study doesn’t stop with merely reading the Bible, but it must start here. We are promised definite blessings as we read God’s Book (Revelation 1:3). On several occasions Jesus asked religious people this probing and convicting question: “Have ye not read?” It is appalling to think that those who want to know God would neglect to read His Word! We must not read the Bible as we read other books, skimming them to get the general idea. Read Scripture slowly, repeatedly, and thoroughly. Read out loud if possible to give the best attention to what you are reading. There is both a joy and a discipline to reading the Bible. No other book yields so much fruit.

2. Reflect.

Give time to personal meditation on what you have read. Ponder the text and ask questions of it. Interact with the passage and observe repeated emphases and key words. Selah.

3. Request.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God…” (James 1:5). The prayer of Samuel was, “Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.” The prayer of David was, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law” (Psalm 119:18). Pray your way through the passage and ask the Lord to give you spiritual understanding. The Bible is the one book that, as you read it, the Author is always present.

4. Run.

Once you have spent time in the text you are concentrating on, it is time to run cross-references and look at parallel passages throughout the Word of God. Remember that all of Scripture is connected to all of Scripture. It has been said that the greatest commentary on the Bible is the Bible. As you compare Scripture with Scripture you will find that the Lord begins to connect many things. All of the parts make the whole.

5. Research.

It is tempting to view Scripture through the lens of your own experience and culture, but this is dangerous. We must interpret each passage in light of the original writer, audience, and purpose for writing. Look for the context and culture of the people to whom the text was first given. This will begin to open up so much truth! God’s Word is timeless because it is eternal. You will find that the world of the Bible connects to the world in which we live, but we must begin at the beginning.

6. Reference.

Resist the urge to go to other books and tools first. There is something wonderful about personal discovery. Once you have spent time in the Word of God and with the God of the Word it is helpful to use other resources. Bible dictionaries, commentaries, and Bible study aids will prove useful in helping to “fill in the gaps” and check your own understanding of the text.

7. Record.

One of the finest Bible study tools is a pen and a piece of paper. I know this sounds old fashioned, and perhaps you would rather use an iPad, but your mind will engage more deeply in the study as you begin to write down observations and applications. Our mind works as our pencil moves. Writing things down will free your mind to think of other things, help you organize your thoughts, and assist in remembering what you have studied. These notes will be good for you to return to and will also help you to have truths you can share with others.

Bible study is not mystical, but it is spiritual. It is not merely academic, but it does require a concentrated mind. It is not just a duty; it is a delight.

The mission of Enjoying the Journey is to help people follow God’s Word and find Christ’s joy. Truly, there is no adventure like the adventure of walking with God through His Word. May the Holy Spirit help you to discover the immense joy of studying God’s own Word.

(For other helps for personal, family, and group Bible study visit etj.Bible.)

About Scott Pauley

Related Resource: Search the Scripture FREE Course

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