A Guest Post From My Wife December 26, 2018

Throughout this year I have had a number of guest authors on our blog. This one is my favorite. I thank the Lord for my sweet wife. Tammy is a precious helpmeet to me and a wonderful mother to our three children. She has been an inestimable blessing in the work God has called us to do. The Lord has worked in her life and through her in our home. After three years she has written down a few of her reflections. I am happy to share this letter from my wife…

Three years ago the Lord worked in our family to step out into evangelism. Transitions are always challenging for a family but through this time the Lord has worked in all of our lives. Each of us had to work through this transition and learn to personally lean on Him. As a result, our family is closer to one another and to the Lord.

As a wife and mother there are several things that God taught me personally:

  • If it is God’s will for us, it is God’s will for our children. Obedience requires action. As we obey in faith our faith and the faith of our children grows.
  • God’s will is always best in the end. Each of our children have seen the the Lord work in their lives in definite ways as a result of this new season of life.
  • When you step out in faith God meets every need. More than we could have asked or imagined we have watched the Lord provide for us again and again.

There have been several personal blessings as well. It has been a special thing to spend time with our extended family and to make many new friends across the country. For each of you who have prayed for us, we want to say thank you.

For those who are going through their own transition at this time, I would tell you that God’s way is perfect and you can trust Him for yourself and for your family.

We hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and pray that God will give you a great new year!

– Tammy Pauley

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  1. Delbert Hawley on December 27, 2018 at 9:51 AM

    Thank God for faithful Wives and Mother’s as she supports her husband in his calling to ministry. What an asset!

  2. Linda Rosser on December 27, 2018 at 8:22 PM

    Very well said…so true! Tammy, this was awesome! You should write more often! Love you & your family!❤️

    • Scott Pauley on December 27, 2018 at 11:48 PM

      Thank you! We love you all and hope to see you again soon. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Mary Gailey on December 31, 2018 at 6:14 AM

    Thank you for sharing! Encouragement is always welcomed!

  4. Tina M on January 9, 2019 at 1:03 AM

    I loved that. Thank you:)

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