A Lesson From A Student November 14, 2017


A few days ago I was talking with a school teacher who has a number of special education children in her class. As we spoke about the importance of this work, she told me that there was one student who had made a tremendous impact on her.

This young man shows up every morning with a smile on his face. He is positive all through the day. He always has something nice to say.

My teacher friend said that this one young man is like a ray of sunshine every day. One morning she finally asked, “How are you so happy all of the time?”

With tears in her eyes she relayed to me his simple and sincere reply. He said through a smile, “I just get up every morning and find something to be glad about.”

We all tend to think that our situation is more difficult than others. Our needs more special that most. In the end, we all have our obstacles…and we all choose our attitude. With all of the challenges of life this young man has discovered the secret to both having and sharing joy. You must choose it.

When I was just a boy my dad came into my room one morning and placed a sticker on my mirror. It had one word: ATTITUDE. (I hated that sticker.) It was the first thing I saw every day, and it was a good reminder, then and now!

A recent sunrise at 30,000 feet

Sometimes the student becomes the teacher. “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength” (Psalm 8:2). An innocent child reminds us of the source of true strength – “This day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10). Holy joy will give you the strength you need for any day and every difficulty.

Get up each morning and find something to be glad about. Begin your day with gratitude to God. Remember your attitude. Choose joy.

Rejoice in the Lord alway, and again I say rejoice” (Philippians 4:4).

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  1. Susie Hall on November 14, 2017 at 10:20 PM

    Aaahhh I loved that!! Yes, it is all in the attitude….glass half empty, glass half full. May the Lord forgive me when I grumble. Shame on me. JOY….Jesus, others then you. If we keep life in that order, life is more meaningful and you are happier when your thoughts and actions are not all about yourself. Once again, Scott, thank you. May I begin my days with a smile and a thankful heart.

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