A Two Year Testimony December 18, 2017


I was being introduced to speak early on in my time as an evangelist. The man who was introducing me was a fine man and very sincere, but his introduction made me laugh.

“Pray for Brother Pauley. He lives from week to week as an evangelist. He has to live by faith.”

Has to?

His tone almost implied that it was a great drudgery, a burden, to live by faith. While I am sure that is not what he meant, I am sure that is what many think.

Two years ago we left the comfort and security of the place and people we loved. As a family we took a step of obedience to God. I knew this was the Lord’s way for us.

For many years as an assistant to a man of great faith I had the joy of living on – and benefiting from – his faith. At some point every man will be called on to take his own step of faith. A moment will come where there is no one but you and the Lord.

That is not a bad thing. It is not a sad thing. It is a glad thing!

The life of faith is not a lesser life. It is the greatest life.

Some people are called on to exercise faith and step out into the unknown. Abraham understood that. Many others are called on to exercise faith and stay right where they are. In either case it requires faith to do what God tells you to do.

As the two-year mark nears in our work of evangelism I can testify: the life of faith is “exceeding abundant above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20).

The faith life is an adventure. An adventure with Christ as your Companion. His blessings meet you at every twist and turn along the way. There are ups and downs but He is the constant.

I don’t have to live by faith, I get to live by faith. It is a privilege and a joy to wait on the Lord and watch Him work. It is exciting to see God guide and provide.

We must preach in faith, pray in faith, live in faith, parent in faith, give in faith, labor in faith. It is the secret of every day and every season of life. Faith is a muscle that must be exercised, a tool that must be used.

Never feel sorry for a man who is following the Lord. Never pity the one who is living the adventure of faith. Pity the man who can live and labor without faith in God.

For all of you who have prayed for us on our journey of faith, thank you. My prayer for you today is that you will have the same discovery – that the faith life is the greatest life of all.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever” (Psalm 23:6).



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  1. Gary Bohman on December 18, 2017 at 9:37 PM

    Thank you for this article! You’re right when you leave or stay it’s by faith! Because no journey is worth the Journey without Him!
    Love you brother!

    • Scott Pauley on December 20, 2017 at 11:17 AM

      Love you my friend and praying for you all!

  2. w. l. graham on December 19, 2017 at 9:19 AM

    Yes, faith! Forsaking All I Trust Him!

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