A Word for Christians about President’s Day February 15, 2014

President’s Day should be a reminder to pray.  To pray for our president and for our nation.  It is easy to complain.  It takes no effort to criticize.  But prayer is hard work, and it is the only work that can truly make a difference.

Our country is in great need of leaders that know more than their agenda…that know God.  Proverbs 28:2 says, “For the transgression of a land many are the princes thereof: but by a man of understanding and knowledge the state thereof shall be prolonged.”  God, give us a man of understanding and knowledge!

Much can be learned from the history of American Presidents, both good and bad.  Just outside my office at Crown College is a Hall of Presidents.  It is an amazing display of the official Presidential portraits and some statement by each President regarding America’s Christian heritage.  For some of them the words seem deeply personal.

President’s Day is celebrated in honor of George Washington’s birthday.  Our first President was a man of faith in God and real character.  (I am currently reading George Washington’s Secret Six: The Spy Ring That Saved the American Revolution.  It is an interesting and insightful read.)  Both President Washington and President Lincoln were born in the month of February.

For many years I have had a bust of President Lincoln next to my desk.  It serves as a reminder of strong leadership in tough times.  Not long ago I was reading through some of the speeches and writings of our nation’s 16th president.  His words were clear, concise, and full of conviction.  Much of his personal correspondence was merely a line or two.

One personal favorite.  In a note to Ulysses S. Grant on April 7, 1865, he wrote:

Lieut. Gen. Grant.  General Sheridan says “If the thing is pressed I think that Lee will surrender.”  Let the thing be pressed.

I like it.  Simple.  Powerful.  And effective.

President’s Day should be more than a reminder of history.  Take the time to pray for the future of our nation, and for godly leaders.

Perhaps we think that our contribution is small.  It is easy to be overcome with the vastness of our country, the shortness of time, the depths of our nation’s sin, and the littleness of our influence.  Instead ponder the greatness of God.  He is able and He is listening.

Make President’s Day a prayer day this year.

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