An Answer to Prayer and A Prayer Request November 28, 2023


For some time we have been praying about the next step for Enjoying the Journey. Our desire is very simple: “all the will of God” (Colossians 4:12). Nothing more. Nothing less. In fact, the longer I live, the more I realize the importance of staying in step with Him. This is literally the meaning of “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). He charts the course and sets the pace; we are simply to walk in sync with Him. At every stage of the journey we must be careful not to get ahead of the Lord…and not to lag behind!

As a young man, I was often too quick to move. The Lord is teaching me that as we wait on Him He confirms His will and leads in definite paths. One area for which we have sought God’s direction is the structure for Enjoying the Journey moving forward. My heart’s desire is that this work would be bigger than my ministry and longer than my lifetime.

I am very happy to announce that the Lord has answered a specific prayer in the last few days. Enjoying the Journey now has a recognized 501(c)(3) status. This allows us to operate as a religious, charitable organization and means we can now receive tax-deductible donations for the work God has given us.

Cranberry Baptist Church will continue to be our sending church, and gifts may still be made through the church. However, all gifts given through or designated to ETJ may be made directly to the ministry.

None of our evangelists are salaried employees of the ministry and continue to serve by faith. All of us who are connected to this gospel work are very grateful for how the Lord provides for our families through love offerings or personal support. Our desire is that everything given to Enjoying the Journey will be used for the furtherance of the gospel.

Would you help us pray? Pray that the Lord will touch the hearts of those He wants to partner with Enjoying the Journey. Pray that churches and individuals who want to invest in the advancement of the gospel will be definitely led of the Holy Spirit. This is all we want – nothing more, and nothing less than the will of God. Pray that God will help us to be good stewards of all that is given.

On this Giving Tuesday, and as you prayerfully consider your year end giving, ask God what He would have you to do “for the gospel’s sake.” If you would like to have a part in extending the teaching and preaching of God’s Word through Enjoying the Journey, you may do so in one of two ways:

  • By check made payable to Enjoying the Journey, and mailed to 1038 N. Eisenhower Drive, Beckley, WV 25801.
  • By a one-time or recurring gift through the secure online portal at

It is our conviction that the believer’s tithe and offerings should be given through their local, New Testament church. If God leads a Christian to invest in gospel projects beyond their regular giving, or local churches to support this through their mission giving, we are very grateful. We are committed to helping local churches and believers in those churches.

Your tax-deductible gift will help others to hear the truth of Jesus Christ. “Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account (Philippians 4:17).

Thank you for giving. More importantly, thank you for praying! We praise God for answers to prayer and look forward to seeing what He will do in the days ahead as we pray and follow His direction.

Enjoying the Journey,

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