An Update On This Year’s God Bless America Rally May 14, 2020


As many of you know we have been praying and working for some time toward a regional God Bless America Rally in our “Jerusalem” of southern West Virginia. 33 churches are laboring together for this gospel effort and there is a real expectancy about what the Lord will do! This is a pivotal time in our nation and people are searching.

With the COVID-19 concerns large gatherings have become impossible for a period of time. The very people we want to reach – the unchurched and unevangelized – will be hesitant to come to any mass meeting for the next few weeks. Our door to door effort leading up to the crusade would also be very difficult.

God has led us at every step and we know that this did not take Him by surprise. The pastors have prayed and all of us have unanimously agreed to make the following adjustments to the God Bless America campaign:

  1. The prayer rallies scheduled for June will not take place. We hope that people will continue to pray daily for God’s timing in this work and a powerful advance for the gospel.
  2. On Thursday, July 2 we will have a one night rally at the Beckley-Raleigh Co. Convention Center in Beckley, WV. This gathering will be for all participating churches and will be a “Pray For America Rally” at 7 pm. Several churches are moving their midweek service to that evening. The arena holds 4,000 people so we will be able to abide by any social distancing guideline still in place at that time. I want to personally invite you to join us as we pray for lost souls, revival in our own hearts, and the healing of our beloved nation.
  3. The multi-day God Bless America Rally has been moved to Thursday-Sunday, July 8-11, 2021. We will hit the “reset button” this July and set in motion a new schedule of prayer meetings, choir rehearsals, training sessions, and evangelistic outreaches leading up to next year’s crusade.

Brother Byron Foxx and I are excited about this revised plan. It will give local pastors and churches the next few months to concentrate on the health of their church and strengthening the work in each community. In addition, this will allow us to have a more thorough and extended campaign. We are all praying that God will make this concerted gospel effort even more effective because of this time. Disruption is often the precursor to spiritual awakening.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Would you continue to pray with us and for us? Mark the new dates on your calendar and join us if you can. You can find more information at Please let us know if you have questions or would like to have a part of this gospel endeavor.

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