Daily Broadcast
True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…
Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

This Is Not A Game!
June 22, 2024
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
As a Christian, you are enlisted in a soul-winner's race. This race has eternal implications and requires daily discipline. Your whole life is connected to what God is doing for the gospel's sake.
As a Christian, you are enlisted in a soul-winner's race. This race has eternal implications and requires daily discipline. Your whole life is connected to what God is doing for the gospel's sake.

The Stone
June 21, 2024
Matthew 21:42-46
Have you accepted what God appointed? What you do with Jesus determines what He will do with you. The Chief Cornerstone must either be received or rejected!
Have you accepted what God appointed? What you do with Jesus determines what He will do with you. The Chief Cornerstone must either be received or rejected!

He Sent His Son
June 20, 2024
Matthew 21:33-41
If you want to know why the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated Him, read the parables. Just as they rejected the Old Testament prophets, these prideful people refused Christ too. Is your pride getting in the Lord's way?
If you want to know why the religious leaders of Jesus' day hated Him, read the parables. Just as they rejected the Old Testament prophets, these prideful people refused Christ too. Is your pride getting in the Lord's way?

Promises, Perceptions, and Prejudices
June 19, 2024
Matthew 21:28-32
True repentance is seen by obedience. However, a hardened heart is never a repentant one. To break through our hard hearts, Jesus often used hard language in His teachings.
True repentance is seen by obedience. However, a hardened heart is never a repentant one. To break through our hard hearts, Jesus often used hard language in His teachings.

What Will We Get Out Of It?
June 18, 2024
Matthew 20:1-16
Even Christians can be consumer-minded! Selfishly, we sometimes serve in order to receive something. We should serve as a grateful response to God's grace.
Even Christians can be consumer-minded! Selfishly, we sometimes serve in order to receive something. We should serve as a grateful response to God's grace.

June 17, 2024
Mark 10:23-27
Those who trust in themselves and their riches cannot be saved. Possessions very easily lead to pride. Be careful about the things you possess soon possessing you.
Those who trust in themselves and their riches cannot be saved. Possessions very easily lead to pride. Be careful about the things you possess soon possessing you.

The Name and Fame of the Lord
June 15, 2024
Ruth 4:11-14
In our celebrity culture, people are enamored with fame. None of us are truly worthy of fame except the Lord Himself. He deserves and desires for His name to be known.
In our celebrity culture, people are enamored with fame. None of us are truly worthy of fame except the Lord Himself. He deserves and desires for His name to be known.

Go After the Lost
June 3, 2024
Luke 15:1-7
Like sheep, sinners wander. Jesus cares so intimately for sinners, that He seeks after them. Not only is He the Savior of sinners, but Christ is also the Great Shepherd.
Like sheep, sinners wander. Jesus cares so intimately for sinners, that He seeks after them. Not only is He the Savior of sinners, but Christ is also the Great Shepherd.

Have You Heard?
June 1, 2024
Ruth 1:1-6
Hearing more bad news than ever before, we live in a world full of information. Despite the loudness, God longs for us to hear His hopeful voice. Have you heard from the Lord today?
Hearing more bad news than ever before, we live in a world full of information. Despite the loudness, God longs for us to hear His hopeful voice. Have you heard from the Lord today?

Count the Cost
May 31, 2024
Luke 14:28-32
Today's episode contains two parables with one overarching theme. To be a follower of Jesus requires true death to self. For us to come to Christ, it cost Him; but for us to follow Him, it costs us.
Today's episode contains two parables with one overarching theme. To be a follower of Jesus requires true death to self. For us to come to Christ, it cost Him; but for us to follow Him, it costs us.

May 30, 2024
Luke 14:16-24
There is a banquet being planned by our Lord at our Heavenly Father's house. Thanks be unto God we all are invited! Have you passed along the invitation?
There is a banquet being planned by our Lord at our Heavenly Father's house. Thanks be unto God we all are invited! Have you passed along the invitation?

Helping Those Who Cannot Help You
May 29, 2024
Luke 14:12-14
Blessing comes from blessing those who cannot bless you. Many people give something so they can get something. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must give selflessly.
Blessing comes from blessing those who cannot bless you. Many people give something so they can get something. If we are going to be like Jesus, we must give selflessly.

Here, You Take My Seat…
May 28, 2024
Luke 14:7-11
Prideful people always prioritize their interests. We cannot hide these self-serving desires from our all-knowing God. Is pride the driving force behind all your decisions?
Prideful people always prioritize their interests. We cannot hide these self-serving desires from our all-knowing God. Is pride the driving force behind all your decisions?

Give It One More Year
May 27, 2024
Luke 13:6-9
God's people are to bear fruit. His Spirit produces characteristics that are reflective of Christ. What if God only permitted you one more year to be fruitful for His name's sake?
God's people are to bear fruit. His Spirit produces characteristics that are reflective of Christ. What if God only permitted you one more year to be fruitful for His name's sake?

One Thing I Know
May 25, 2024
John 9:1-38
The greatest knowledge on earth is the knowledge of God. The Lord's great intent is that you come to know Him personally and that you take personal the task of making Him known. Are your sharing your knowledge of God or being selfish with it?
The greatest knowledge on earth is the knowledge of God. The Lord's great intent is that you come to know Him personally and that you take personal the task of making Him known. Are your sharing your knowledge of God or being selfish with it?

Yes, I’m Talking to You
May 24, 2024
Luke 12:41-48
Jesus has left behind everything that His followers need in His absence. Sadly, many of His servants have begun living for themselves. As you listen to today’s episode, consider the need of your own heart.
Jesus has left behind everything that His followers need in His absence. Sadly, many of His servants have begun living for themselves. As you listen to today’s episode, consider the need of your own heart.

Two Stories – One Truth
May 23, 2024
Luke 12:35-40
When Jesus comes again, He’ll be returning as a Master and a Thief. Depending on your relationship with Him, His return will be either incredible or terrible. Are you ready?
When Jesus comes again, He’ll be returning as a Master and a Thief. Depending on your relationship with Him, His return will be either incredible or terrible. Are you ready?

Don’t Be a Fool!
May 22, 2024
Luke 12:16-21
Don’t waste your life merely trying to obtain wealth on earth. Spiritually in Christ, we are rich beyond measure. However, we are quick to live foolishly, with no regard for God and His blessings.
Don’t waste your life merely trying to obtain wealth on earth. Spiritually in Christ, we are rich beyond measure. However, we are quick to live foolishly, with no regard for God and His blessings.

A Parable about Prayer
May 21, 2024
Luke 11:5-13
The Lord allows need in our life to acquaint us with the necessity of Him. Our Heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer our prayers abundantly. Keep on your eyes on Jesus and continue praying!
The Lord allows need in our life to acquaint us with the necessity of Him. Our Heavenly Father is ready to hear and answer our prayers abundantly. Keep on your eyes on Jesus and continue praying!

A Good Neighbor
May 20, 2024
Luke 10:25-37
The parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about being nice. Christ gives this illustration to reveal His divine love. In a world of harshness and hatefulness, only Jesus' lovingkindness satisfies.
The parable of the Good Samaritan is not just a story about being nice. Christ gives this illustration to reveal His divine love. In a world of harshness and hatefulness, only Jesus' lovingkindness satisfies.

One Thing Is Needful
May 18, 2024
Luke 10:38-42
What is important to God ought to be important to us. How easy it is to overload our schedules with good things yet neglect the best thing! There is no substitute for giving Christ His rightful place in your life.
What is important to God ought to be important to us. How easy it is to overload our schedules with good things yet neglect the best thing! There is no substitute for giving Christ His rightful place in your life.

My Good Shepherd
May 17, 2024
John 10:1-16
In John 10, Christ reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. While there are others in opposition to Him outside of the sheepfold, Jesus gives incomparable protection and provision. Are you one of His sheep?
In John 10, Christ reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd. While there are others in opposition to Him outside of the sheepfold, Jesus gives incomparable protection and provision. Are you one of His sheep?