Daily Broadcast
True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…
Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Let’s Go Fishing
May 14, 2024
Matthew 13:47-50
Toward the end of Matthew 13, Christ likens the world to a sea. Within this sea are people who will either receive or reject Jesus. The Lord has given believers the holy responsibility of casting the gospel net.
Toward the end of Matthew 13, Christ likens the world to a sea. Within this sea are people who will either receive or reject Jesus. The Lord has given believers the holy responsibility of casting the gospel net.

One Pearl
May 13, 2024
Matthew 13:45-46
Today, we come to the parable concerning the pearl of great price. While in the last study we noticed Christ's plan for Israel, this episode highlights Jesus' passion for and purchase of His church.
Today, we come to the parable concerning the pearl of great price. While in the last study we noticed Christ's plan for Israel, this episode highlights Jesus' passion for and purchase of His church.

One Thing God Wants Us to Know
May 11, 2024
2 Peter 3:8
Have you considered that eternity is just around the corner? There will come a day when time is no more. When your time is gone, where will you be for eternity? There is nothing more important to settle.
Have you considered that eternity is just around the corner? There will come a day when time is no more. When your time is gone, where will you be for eternity? There is nothing more important to settle.

God Is Not Finished with Israel!
May 10, 2024
Matthew 13:44
God’s chosen people of Israel have always experienced satanic opposition. Although He’s set them aside, the Lord still has a plan and purpose for His peculiar treasure. Join us as we study the parable of hidden treasure!
God’s chosen people of Israel have always experienced satanic opposition. Although He’s set them aside, the Lord still has a plan and purpose for His peculiar treasure. Join us as we study the parable of hidden treasure!

The Power of Parables
May 9, 2024
Matthew 13:34-35
Did you know Christ gives an explanation for using parables? The purpose of the parables was to reveal truth to those who are open, to help us see what He is saying. Only those who are near to Jesus have true understanding of His truth.
Did you know Christ gives an explanation for using parables? The purpose of the parables was to reveal truth to those who are open, to help us see what He is saying. Only those who are near to Jesus have true understanding of His truth.

A Little Leaven
May 8, 2024
Matthew 13:33
Throughout Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin. In today's parable, Christ teaches that evil infiltrates then permeates. While it can be hard for us to identify this little leaven, God can easily identify it and inform His people for purity's sake.
Throughout Scripture, leaven symbolizes sin. In today's parable, Christ teaches that evil infiltrates then permeates. While it can be hard for us to identify this little leaven, God can easily identify it and inform His people for purity's sake.

Unhealthy Growth
May 7, 2024
Matthew 13:31-32
All growth is not healthy. Bigger does not mean better. As Christ illustrates this truth by the grain of a mustard seed, He reminds us that not all the growth of Christendom is good and godly.
All growth is not healthy. Bigger does not mean better. As Christ illustrates this truth by the grain of a mustard seed, He reminds us that not all the growth of Christendom is good and godly.

Can You Explain?
May 6, 2024
Matthew 13:36-43
God is not the author of confusion. When you read the Bible, the Lord desires to clarify His truth to you. Do not be afraid of asking the Author questions about His Word. Even the disciples asked Christ to explain one of His parables regarding the sewer and the seed!
God is not the author of confusion. When you read the Bible, the Lord desires to clarify His truth to you. Do not be afraid of asking the Author questions about His Word. Even the disciples asked Christ to explain one of His parables regarding the sewer and the seed!

Bringing All of Life Down to “One Thing”
May 4, 2024
Luke 6:1-11
Only the simplicity of Christ can cut through the complexity of sin. Throughout Scripture, God frequently boils many things down to one thing. One is a number of priority and unity. One truth can touch every area of your life.
Only the simplicity of Christ can cut through the complexity of sin. Throughout Scripture, God frequently boils many things down to one thing. One is a number of priority and unity. One truth can touch every area of your life.

The Enemy Is Always at Work!
May 3, 2024
Matthew 13:24-30
Although many of the parables stand independently, some of them are dependent upon one another. Today's parable continues along the theme of the sower and the seed. As we are introduced to counterfeit fruit, Christ encourages believers to leave God's work to Him and continue in our work.
Although many of the parables stand independently, some of them are dependent upon one another. Today's parable continues along the theme of the sower and the seed. As we are introduced to counterfeit fruit, Christ encourages believers to leave God's work to Him and continue in our work.

The Miracle of Growth
May 2, 2024
Mark 4:26-29
How miraculous is the truth that we get to labor together with God! We have our part, and God has His part. While Christians plant the seed of His Word, only the Lord can give the increase. Keep working, waiting, and believing that God will do what He's promised!
How miraculous is the truth that we get to labor together with God! We have our part, and God has His part. While Christians plant the seed of His Word, only the Lord can give the increase. Keep working, waiting, and believing that God will do what He's promised!

Let There Be Light!
May 1, 2024
Mark 4:21-23
Always remember that the Creator of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. The same God Who said, "Let there be light," has commanded Christians to shine as candles in this dark world. Are you burning and shining for the Lord today?
Always remember that the Creator of the Old Testament is the Christ of the New Testament. The same God Who said, "Let there be light," has commanded Christians to shine as candles in this dark world. Are you burning and shining for the Lord today?

Christ’s Most Important Story
April 30, 2024
Mark 4:13-20
Today's parable takes precedence over all the other parables! If you fail to obey this parable, you will never obey the others. As you listen to this episode, ask the Lord to search and cleanse your heart.
Today's parable takes precedence over all the other parables! If you fail to obey this parable, you will never obey the others. As you listen to this episode, ask the Lord to search and cleanse your heart.

Good Ground for God
April 29, 2024
Matthew 13:3-8
The spiritual soil of your soul matters! God longs for our hearts to be good ground for the seed of His Word to grow. Determine today to be teachable, wide open to receive His Word.
The spiritual soil of your soul matters! God longs for our hearts to be good ground for the seed of His Word to grow. Determine today to be teachable, wide open to receive His Word.

How the Work of God Advances
April 27, 2024
Zechariah 4:1-14
God never intended for His work to get stuck in a rut or go backward. He always wants His work to advance for His own glory! Through His abounding grace and empowering Spirit, God can advance His work in the life of you and those around you.
God never intended for His work to get stuck in a rut or go backward. He always wants His work to advance for His own glory! Through His abounding grace and empowering Spirit, God can advance His work in the life of you and those around you.

Don’t Miss Jesus!
April 26, 2024
Matthew 12:43-45
Christianity is not simply about getting all the bad things out. Through faith in Christ, God longs to move in to our lives, bringing in all things that pertain to life and godliness and casting out all things that do not look like the lovely Son of God. Only Jesus is enough!
Christianity is not simply about getting all the bad things out. Through faith in Christ, God longs to move in to our lives, bringing in all things that pertain to life and godliness and casting out all things that do not look like the lovely Son of God. Only Jesus is enough!

Stronger Than the Strong Man
April 25, 2024
Matthew 12:24-29
The kingdom of God is always a stark contrast from the kingdom of Satan. The former focuses on life and light, while the latter focuses on death and darkness. Every day, Christians should depend on the King of God's kingdom, our omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ.
The kingdom of God is always a stark contrast from the kingdom of Satan. The former focuses on life and light, while the latter focuses on death and darkness. Every day, Christians should depend on the King of God's kingdom, our omnipotent Lord Jesus Christ.

Great Forgiveness = Great Love
April 24, 2024
Luke 7:41-50
The heart of Jesus is a heart for all sinners. At the same time, God sees our hearts. Regardless if we are worldly or religious, we do not deserve the forgiveness of our sins. Our response to the great forgiveness from the Lord should be great love.
The heart of Jesus is a heart for all sinners. At the same time, God sees our hearts. Regardless if we are worldly or religious, we do not deserve the forgiveness of our sins. Our response to the great forgiveness from the Lord should be great love.

Wise and Foolish Children
April 23, 2024
Luke 7:31-35
Our God of truth has done everything possible to get us the truth. The fact that we have the preserved Word of God today is a miracle! The key, however, to knowing this truth is having an attitude of openness toward the Lord.
Our God of truth has done everything possible to get us the truth. The fact that we have the preserved Word of God today is a miracle! The key, however, to knowing this truth is having an attitude of openness toward the Lord.

What Will You DO with the Sermon?
April 22, 2024
Luke 6:47-49
Storms are inevitable in life. The question is will you be able to withstand these storms? Your stance directly depends on your foundation. If you want a good foundation for your life, you must have a good foundation for your eternity.
Storms are inevitable in life. The question is will you be able to withstand these storms? Your stance directly depends on your foundation. If you want a good foundation for your life, you must have a good foundation for your eternity.

When Joshua Met Jesus
April 20, 2024
Zechariah 3:1-10
Nothing changes you like an encounter with the living God. There are many powerful truths contained in the Book of Zechariah. This week we examine the amazing encounter between Joshua the High Priest and the Lord Jesus found in Zechariah 3.
Nothing changes you like an encounter with the living God. There are many powerful truths contained in the Book of Zechariah. This week we examine the amazing encounter between Joshua the High Priest and the Lord Jesus found in Zechariah 3.

Ditches, Splinters, and Beams
April 19, 2024
Luke 6:39-4
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.

When the Old Becomes New
April 18, 2024
Matthew 9:16-17
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.

The End.
April 5, 2024
1 Peter 4:1-19
We come today to the end of our study, "Watch and Pray," and are reminded of Christ's example. As it did in Jesus' life, watchful prayer produces right relationships. It enables you to minister the love of God to others around you and empowers you to overcome the sinful temptations before you.
We come today to the end of our study, "Watch and Pray," and are reminded of Christ's example. As it did in Jesus' life, watchful prayer produces right relationships. It enables you to minister the love of God to others around you and empowers you to overcome the sinful temptations before you.