Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Ditches, Splinters, and Beams

Luke 6:39-4
You cannot help others with the sin in their lives while you have sin in your life. You cannot teach others what you have not learned; neither can you spiritually help others when you are being hindered by sin. Find cleansing today by confessing your hypocrisy to the Lord.

When the Old Becomes New

Matthew 9:16-17
Jesus did not come to make what was old better. He came to make the old new! Only our Creator can do such a thing. You can be a new creature in Christ today by coming to Him in simple faith.

It’s Time to Fast

Matthew 9:14-15
When was the last time you fasted? Fasting is connected to seeking God. While we wait on the return of Christ, we ought to humble our souls before God and concentrate wholly upon Him. The discipline of fasting leads to the joy of fasting.

Do You Really Want the Truth?

Luke 4:23-27
The God of truth wants to be known, yet He is only willing to work in those who are wide open to Him. In this often overlooked parable, Jesus sets the tone for all of His proceeding stories. As we study the Word today, ask God to reveal your own purpose for receiving His truth.

More Than Just a Story

Mark 4:33-34
Today, we begin a new series on the parables of Jesus. As the Master Teacher, Christ illustrated eternal truth through these spiritual stories. These inspired stories, however, must be interpreted and applied very carefully.
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From Me Is Thy Fruit Found

Hosea 14:8-9
The fruit of revival can only be produced by the God of revival. While He can move us from emptiness to fruitfulness, the amount of this fruit directly depends on how much you allow God to work on you. As the Lord’s branch, are you flourishing today?

Looking for Divine Appointments

Acts 17:15-34
Every day, God has pre-set appointments for us. More specifically, He has arranged opportunities to give the gospel in conversation. Discover how to identify and maximize these divine appointments as we conclude our series, "How to Tell Others About Jesus."

Pointing Sinners to Jesus

Acts 8:1-5, 26-40
You never know what God would set in motion when you give the gospel to one person. Throughout Scripture, God orchestrates circumstances for individuals to meet Him. Be sensitive today as God points you to people which He longs for you to point to Him.

Helping Broken People

John 4:1-42
If you’re going to bring people to Jesus, you must be willing to go out of your way. It is essential that we meet people where they are. Once we meet them where they are, what do we do next?

Talking to Religious People

John 3:1-21
This world is full of religious people, but religion can never save anybody. When witnessing to these people, it is easy to become intimidated or distracted. Study a familiar passage in John with us and sharpen your Gospel-giving approach.

Can I Get Personal?

Romans 1:14-17
When it comes to giving the gospel, Christians have an obligation and opportunity. The issue is not that we could or should witness, but that we would witness. Have you received the gospel? Join us for our new series and learn about your responsibility to relay the good news of Jesus Christ.
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A Revived Life

Hosea 14:4-7
There is a great difference between a revival meeting and a revived life. While God can produce a great work in one of these meetings, He did not design the Christian life to be lived only a few days out of the year. This revived life hinges on constant fellowship with our life-giving God and has a continual freshness about it.

The End.

1 Peter 4:1-19
We come today to the end of our study, "Watch and Pray," and are reminded of Christ's example. As it did in Jesus' life, watchful prayer produces right relationships. It enables you to minister the love of God to others around you and empowers you to overcome the sinful temptations before you.

The End.

1 Peter 4:1-19
We come today to the end of our study, "Watch and Pray," and are reminded of Christ's example. As it did in Jesus' life, watchful prayer produces right relationships. It enables you to minister the love of God to others around you and empowers you to overcome the sinful temptations before you.

What Time Is It?

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, 17
Have you ever overslept past your alarm? It was time to wake up and take on the day, but you just ignored the call. Many living Christians have fallen asleep in the midst of the world's wickedness. In negligence, they have failed to rise up, redeem the time, and respond to God's resounding alarm.

What Time Is It?

1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, 17
Have you ever overslept past your alarm? It was time to wake up and take on the day, but you just ignored the call. Many living Christians have fallen asleep in the midst of the world's wickedness. In negligence, they have failed to rise up, redeem the time, and respond to God's resounding alarm.

Keep On!

Colossians 4:2-4
Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is quit, while the hardest thing to do is continue. A productive prayer life is a persistent prayer life. The moment you feel like you should stop praying, consider your need and the needs of others around you.

Keep On!

Colossians 4:2-4
Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is quit, while the hardest thing to do is continue. A productive prayer life is a persistent prayer life. The moment you feel like you should stop praying, consider your need and the needs of others around you.

The Four “Alls” of the Alert Believer

Ephesians 6:18-19
To be an effective soldier in the Lord's army, you must be alert! Our alertness is directly related to and revealed by our praying. As we revisit a classic passage in Ephesians, hear our Great Commander's instructions and refine your prayer strategy.

Observant Christians

Ephesians 6:17-19
Are you an observant person? With an array of evil around us and our fleshly enemy within us, Christians ought to be spiritually conscious. The more conscious we are, the more prayerful we will be.
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Take with You Words

Hosea 14:1-9
Concerning prayer, many people claim they do not know what to say. You can always know you are praying properly if you take what God has already said in His word and simply agree with Him. The Bible is our prayer book. To pray in the will of God, pray the Word of God.

A Prophetical Picture

Habakkuk 2:1-4
In Old Testament times, cities had appointed watchmen who stood upon the surrounding walls to vigilantly keep guard of their territory. Habakkuk references these watchmen while relating their work to the spiritual work of watching and praying. Learn how to watch and pray through today's prophetical picture.

A Devotional Picture

Psalm 102:1-7
Although we cannot know the tune to which the Psalms in Scripture were sung, we can most certainly know the tone of them. In Psalm 102, the tone moves from brokenness to joyfulness. Rediscover God's tender care for you in this Messianic Psalm.

A Historical Picture

Nehemiah 4:7-9
Pictures in Scripture help you see truth more clearly, illustrating the Lord’s instructions. There are three distinct places in the Old Testament where we see pictures of watching and praying. Join us as we look at a historical picture in Nehemiah!