Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


What We Don’t Know

Mark 13:32-37
Although information is incredibly accessible in today's age, there is something we cannot know. On God's calendar, there is a designated day for Christ's return of which no man knows the timing. Submit to the Father's perfect timing and stay ready for the Son's return!

What We Don’t Know

Mark 13:32-37
Although information is incredibly accessible in today's age, there is something we cannot know. On God's calendar, there is a designated day for Christ's return of which no man knows the timing. Submit to the Father's perfect timing and stay ready for the Son's return!

How Not to Be Surprised When Jesus Comes Again

Mark 13:32-37
Concerning the second coming of Christ, there are two categories of people: sleepers and watchers. Sleepers are ill-prepared and apathetic, while watchers are looking and laboring. Will you be surprised when Jesus comes again?

How Not to Be Surprised When Jesus Comes Again

Mark 13:32-37
Concerning the second coming of Christ, there are two categories of people: sleepers and watchers. Sleepers are ill-prepared and apathetic, while watchers are looking and laboring. Will you be surprised when Jesus comes again?
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Paul Stays Positive by Pastor Kevin Cormican

Philippians 1:19-21
Oftentimes, it is a natural tendency to focus on the negatives of life. When we concentrate on circumstances rather than Christ, eventually we will be discouraged. Tune in to today’s episode of The Weekend Pulpit and discover Paul’s source for spiritual optimism.

One Hour

Matthew 26:40
Have you ever tracked what you do with the hours of your life? One hour can change many days of your life. While we spend much time doing different things, there is no greater investment we can make with our hours than prayer.

With Me

Matthew 26:38-44
The Lord always goes first. He never asks us to do something that He's unwilling to do Himself. When we pray, we are partnering with Christ. As we continue our series, "Watch and Pray," discover the pattern and presence of Christ in prayer.

Giving and Receiving in Prayer

Matthew 26:39-41
Prayer is not getting your will done in heaven; it is getting God's will done on earth. We pour out our hearts in prayer to receive what God wants for us. May the Lord help you to set aside time for prayer today.

Look Out for the Enemy

Matthew 26:31-47
Since Christ commands His disciples to watch and pray, what should we be watching for? We should be on the lookout for the enemy! Whether the inner enemy or our outer enemies, Christians must be conscious and cautious.

The Struggle Between Flesh and Spirit

Matthew 26:36-41
One of the stark realities of the Christian life is that we are in an inner battle. This battle between our old man and new man will continue until Christ calls us home. Study with us as we start a brand new series, "Watch and Pray."
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What Ever Happened to Bethel?

1 Kings 12:26-33
When God repeats Himself, it is always on purpose and for our profit. Sixty times in the Old Testament, Bethel is mentioned, but not once is it mentioned in the New Testament. How could a place where God was once preeminent seemingly disappear?

Moving from World Events to Personal Faith

Genesis 11:29-12:4
When God thrusts you out of something, it is to bring you into something. When God removes something, it is to replace it with something far greater. Join us as we conclude our series, "Finding a New Beginning!"

A Lot Happens in 2,000 Years

Genesis 1:1; 12:1
A new beginning always begins with the Word of God. Whether you are seeking the salvation of your soul or you are lacking freshness in your Christian life, you must start with Scripture. The same God Who spoke in the beginning of Genesis longs to speak to you today.

Not Just Another Family

Genesis 11:10-32
The great thing about a family is not what they do but what God does with them. For God to do something with us, we must first be with Him. This is the secret to being blessed and being a blessing!

A World in Chaos

Genesis 11:1-9
As a result of sin, we live in a world of chaos. While sin brings confusion, God brings clarity. We can overcome the disorder of this world by running to the Lord of order. Join us as we continue studying the Tower of Babel!

Returning to Babel

Genesis 11:1-4
When we return to pride, we are returning to Babel. The people in Babel refused to follow God's plan and attempted to make their names great rather than His. They built lives with no thought of God. Are you living in Babel today?
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It’s Time to Pray!

Judges 20:18
Prayer is our declaration of dependence upon God. Do you need direction? Pray. Are you facing opposition or frustration? Pray! Join us as we study an overlooked passage about Bethel and see the power of prayer.

Don’t Be a Nimrod!

Genesis 10:8-10
Did you know you can be intelligent and not be wise? You can be a person with great capabilities yet not become the person God desires you to be. Tucked away in a long list of genealogies, Nimrod serves as a great warning to gifted individuals.

A Word for the Nations

Genesis 10:1-32
All the nations of the world find their origin in Genesis chapter ten. Although these nations look and behave differently outwardly, they are all the same inwardly. We are all of "one blood," according to God's Word.

The Old Nature in a New World

Genesis 9:18-29
Even after such a great victory in his life, Noah failed. All other wicked people were engulfed by the flood, yet the wickedness in Noah's heart remained. How can we overcome such a persistent foe?

The Rainbow Belongs to God

Genesis 9:8-17
Object lessons make a message more memorable. God designed an extraordinary object, the rainbow, to help us remember His great mercy upon all of mankind. Be reminded today of God's promise and gratefully reflect on His pity.
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Back to Bethel

Genesis 28:20-22; 35:1-15
God desires for you to consciously dwell in His holy presence every day. There is no other way to live in power and victory! However, so many believers choose to live with broken fellowship between them and the Lord. In which place will you choose to dwell today?

Start with the Altar!

Genesis 8:18-22
Did you know Noah built something after the ark that was of equal significance? He built an altar! The altar represented Noah's humble surrender to God. Tune in to today's episode and choose to start building what matters most.

While You’re Waiting…

Genesis 8:1-17
Waiting time is never wasted time. While we are waiting, God is working. He's not only working on what is going on around you, but He's also working within you. As you wait, remember God's promises and remain faithful to what you know to do.