Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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Three Days I Must Never Forget, Part 1

Philippians 1:3
Memory is a blessing or a curse. Learn how to use memory to keep your own heart and life right with the Lord. Remembering is a key to rejoicing.
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Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 3

Philippians 1:9-11
God wants us to pray for growth so that He gets glory. The more fruit He produces through our prayer life, the more praise He receives. Tune in to today's study and take the next step in having a fruitful prayer life!
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Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 2

Philippians 1:9-11
Have you ever not known what to pray? In today's episode, learn why and how to pray for both inward and outward growth!
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Follow Me

Matthew 4:18-22
Today we begin a brand new study on Jesus and His disciples. Following Christ is the key to discovering all that God has for you! See what God will set in motion as you follow Him today! This series was originally preached to young people at a Christian camp.
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Paul’s Prayer Requests, Part 1

Philippians 1:9-11
Enter into the private place of prayer with the great Apostle Paul. Listen to his heart and you will hear the very heart of God. Take his divinely inspired prayer requests and make them your own!
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Where It All Begins

Philippians 1:1-4
Prayer is the foundation of the blessed life. Learn how communion with God and intercession for others opens up the joyful Christian life.
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Introduction to Philippians, Part 2

Philippians 1:1-4
As Paul pens the opening words to the church at Philippi, he lists multiple pairs. Through these pairs, we are reminded of God's design and our duty. Listen to today's episode to learn what the Lord desires for you!
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Introduction to Philippians, Part 1

Philippians 1:1-4
The New Testament book of Philippians provides principles for a life of joy. Discover the divine connections found in the opening verses.
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Enjoying the Journey

Philippians 1:1-4
God has designed the Christian life to be enjoyed, not endured. Believers are sure to enjoy our final destination someday. Learn how to enjoy the journey now!
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Antioch Christians In An Athens Culture

Acts 17:16-34
In this world marred by sin, God’s children aren’t meant to blend in! In Acts 17, we learn how to stand up and speak out for the Lord. Determine today to be an Antioch Christian in an Athens Culture.

Are You Noah or Lot?

2 Peter 2:5
Two contrasting characters of the Old Testament, separated by 400 years, are connected multiple times in Scripture. In today’s study, we realize we are either like Noah or Lot. Will you choose to show or hide God’s righteousness?

What Can We Do?

Hebrews 11:7
In this seemingly hopeless time, should Christians cower in a corner in fear? Should we focus on the wickedness around us? No! Like Noah, we should live confidently in the character of God, listening carefully to His warnings.

The Generation Before the End

Genesis 8:18-9:1
The end is coming, but so is Jesus! In these last days, there is nothing more precious than our walk with the Lord and nothing more pressing than pointing our loved ones to Him. Accept today’s challenge of living like you’re on the brink of eternity.

Watch the Dove

Genesis 8:6-12
In Scripture, birds are often pictures of spiritual truth. The dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. Learn today how God’s Spirit is at work today in the lives of believers.

| Go. |

Genesis 9:1
Once you accept the Lord’s invitation to come, you can then obey His instruction to go. We are to simply express to those around us what we’ve experience in the Lord’s presence. Will you go today?
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The God They Did Not Know

Acts 17:22-31
It doesn’t necessarily matter what you believe; what matters is in Whom you believe. There is a great difference in knowing about God and knowing God. Listen to this message from Acts 17 of The Apostle Paul’s timeless sermon revealing the greatest need of our nation.


Genesis 7:1
There are certain words that God loves. The word “come” is found 1,971 times in the Bible! It is both an invitation and an imperative. Listen to today’s episode and choose to draw close to Christ.

5 Things Your Family Needs to Know

Genesis 6:18; 7:1, 7, 13, 23; 8:16-18; 9:1
What are you teaching your family right now? Information has never been more accessible, but it is crucial that we teach our families what God longs for us to know. Ultimately, the best knowledge is always connected to God.

Get Your Family In the Ark!

Genesis 6:5-10
When God works in the heart of an individual, He intends to reach that individual’s home. Even though this world is growing more wretched and wicked, God desires for Christian homes to be happy and holy. Determine today to get your family in the ark.

A Blessed Man In A Cursed World

Hebrews 11:7
We live in an increasingly wicked world. It is easy to despair and fret over the evil around us and miss the blessing God is seeking to bestow upon us. Listen today to discover the secret of being blessed in a cursed world.

History Repeats Itself

Luke 17:26-27
Today we begin a brand new study from the Bible's account of Noah - in the midst of wickedness and rebellion, you too can be right with God. In the face of God's judgement, determine be faithful!
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In Every Place

Acts 17:1-17
In every place, God is at work. No matter what is going on around you, God is at work. Listen to this first message from Acts 17 to learn more about God's Work in every place.

7 Lamps, 7 Horns, and 7 Eyes

Revelation 4:5; 5:6
Seven is the number of completion in the Bible. We conclude this study by looking at three times number is used in reference to the Holy Spirit's work. Allow Him to complete His work in your life.

God’s Writing Instrument

2 Corinthians 3:2-3
All through Scripture, the Spirit of God is the instrument by which God reveals His Word. It goes deeper - God wants to write in your heart. Follow along for today's study!