Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Created, Fallen, Restored
Man was created in the image of God. Our sin has marred that image, but our gracious God has made a way that we can be restored! The Bible is the only book that can accurately explain our past, present, and future.

What the Bible Says About Man
Today we examine great questions connected to our own existence. What is man? Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Only our Creator can give an answer. We must uncover what the Bible says.

Angels, Demons, and the Devil
There are three angels called by name and two "orders" of angels identified in Scripture. Lucifer led a number of angels to rebel against the Lord and these fallen angels now operate as enemies of God. In today's study we see what the Bible says about each of them and about the God who is above all.

What the Bible Says About Angels
We must be very careful not to fall short of Scripture, and not to go beyond it. Angels are real, created beings, messengers of the Lord. Today we discover what the Bible says about them. Believe in angels...but trust in the Lord!

Fishers of Men
Only Jesus could transform ordinary fishermen into soul-winners! However, this transformation required some sacrifice from His disciples. How can one become a fisher of men today?

What About the Trinity?
There is only one God. That God has expressed Himself in three Persons - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. It should be our greatest desire to grow in knowledge of and love for every member of the Godhead.

The Person That Lives In Your House
How strange it would be for someone to live in your house and to never communicate with that person. The Holy Spirit lives in the heart of every believer. Is He at home in us? We must learn what it means to be filled with the Spirit.

What the Bible Says About the Holy Spirit
The most misunderstood and misrepresented Person of the Godhead is the Holy Spirit. How well do you know the Spirit of God? We are introduced to Him on the first page of the Bible and it is time we all got to know Him better.

Jesus On Every Page
Today we examine one of the great summary verses of the Bible. A verse that is about the great theme of God's Word - the Lord Jesus Christ. As we walk through all of Scripture we find Jesus on every page.

What the Bible Says About Jesus
Jesus, the Living Word, is revealed in the written Word of God. If you want to know Jesus then you must study your Bible. From the first book of the Old Testament through the New Testament we see Christ.

Into the Wilderness
We all have busy days, but nobody has ever been busier than Jesus was! Although He was everlastingly busy during His earthly ministry, Christ was never so much in a hurry that He neglected prayer. Listen to this episode of The Weekend Pulpit.

Going Deeper With God
While there are many things we do not know about God, there is much that we can know about God. He wrote it down for us! The deeper we go into Scripture the deeper we can go into our knowledge of God.

What the Bible Says…
The Bible is God's revelation of Himself. Its purpose is not simply information or inspiration—it is given for us to know God! On the pages of Holy Scripture we discover the truth about God.

Doctrine Is Not A Dirty Word!
Doctrine is not for professional theologians and academic minds. It is simply our beliefs and teachings, taken directly from the Word of God. Study the Scriptures and settle what you believe from the Bible.

What the Bible Says About God
In an age of deception God's people must know what they believe - and why! We must be ready to share with others, not what we think, but what God thinks. It is time to know and make known what the Bible says.

Questions, Periods, and Exclamation Points
Our generation has more information available than ever, and yet there seems to be such a lack of truth. Every question must be brought to the Giver of truth! Today we look at three treatments of truth. How do we treat the truth?

A Life of Repentance
While repentance is necessary for our salvation, it is equally essential for our sanctification. A Christian who fails to regularly confess his sin to the Lord resultantly fails to grow in his walk with Him. Your faith can be measured by your repentance.

4 Things to Remember
Modern Christianity says, "Gain is godliness." Whereas biblical Christianity says, "Godliness is gain." Join us as we conclude our study of stewardship with some key truths to remember.

Eternity Reveals All
You cannot fully understand biblical stewardship without looking at it through the lens of eternity. Eternity clarifies many circumstances and purifies our motives. Put your life in the perspective of eternity.

Blessed People: Stewardship of Truth
Truth is the Christian's most valuable treasure. It is a treasure to be cherished and shared. Learn from today's episode how to receive truth, rejoice in it, and relay it to others.

Dealing with Difficulty: Stewardship of Trials
Stewardship encompasses both positive and negative aspects. Since God is sovereign, we can conclude that even trials are gifts from Him. Instead of trying to change your trials, steward them!

A Good Name: Stewardship of Testimony
Every man is given two names: the one he is born with and the one he earns. We all are gifted by God both the opportunity and obligation to develop our reputation. How are you stewarding your testimony?