Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Welcome to Athens!

Acts 17:16-23
When Paul was in Athens, his heart became stirred by the lack of truth, idolatry, and spiritual ignorance around him. In a similar culture today, God's people must be stirred to give the Truth to those who are lost!

Berean Believers

Acts 17:10-15
There has never been greater access to the Word of God; yet, in many ways, there has never been greater ignorance of the Bible. The Berean believers teach us to get into the Word of God for ourselves, and witness its transforming power!

Turning the World Upside Down

Acts 17:1-9
You may have noticed how mixed up this world is. Well, the believers in the early church turned their world upside by following the commands of the Lord Jesus. Can we see the same results? Listen today...
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Titus 3:1-15
We conclude our series through the Book of Titus today. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for some practical truths on maintaining the testimony and fellowship that God desires for you.

A Man, A Family, A City

Acts 16:30-40
There is no telling what God can set in motion if we will simply let God do in us what He desires. He can use your life to reach your family, and through them, your city. Let this be your prayer today!

Gospel Power!

Acts 16:26-31
We live in the most hopeless generation in history. But wherever there is life, there is hope. In today's episode, we discover what this desperate world needs...the gospel message!

How to Impact Your City

Acts 16:19-25
Everyone in your city needs Christ. If you want to make a difference in your city, allow God to make an eternal impact in your city through you. Listen today to find God's pattern for making a difference where God has you.

The Way

Acts 16:16-18
We live in a world that is constantly seeking its own "truth" and its own way. However, few fail to see the end of the way they are traveling. The only way worth taking is found in the Lord Jesus.

3 Things that Grow Out of Prayer

Acts 16:13-18
Have you paused to consider what God can do through the prayer of His people? Today we examine three things that grow out of our prayer. Let us determine to pray...and see what God will do!
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Titus 2:7-15
As we continue our series through the Book of Titus, we learn of the work of grace in the life of the Believer. God is seeking to work in and through you, but He needs ALL of you. Will you give Him your ALL today?  

“They” Becomes “We”

Acts 16:4-13
Life is full of frivolity, but as God's people, we must begin speaking of what matters. Today, determine that you will work with God in the life of others. Allow God to work in and through you to bring others along!

Developing Timothy – part 2

Acts 16:3-4
We pick up the study of God's pattern as found in Acts 16. God desires mature believers to keep investing! And God is looking for young servants who will humbly follow the Word of God and the example of faithful believers. Find your place today, and keep serving!

Developing Timothy – part 1

Acts 16:1-3
God intends for His Truth to be passed from generation to generation. All throughout scripture, the importance of deeply investing in others is emphasized. We begin today with one of the greatest examples - Paul and Timothy.

Dealing with Personal Conflict

Acts 15:32-41
You cannot live very long without conflicts arising with other people. Others will always think and act in ways you do not understand or agree with. However, God desires for all of us to resolve our conflicts in a way that honors Christ.

Dealing with Questionable Things

Acts 15:13-31
Life is full of decisions; we all must choose how we are going to make the hard choices. God intends for us to view all life's questions through the lens of the gospel. We must consider the Person, Word, and people of God.
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How to Have a Healthy Church

Titus 1:5-9; 2:1-8
There is no perfect church because there are no perfect people. However, it is possible to have a healthy church. It will not be found apart from the Word of God in the life of the entire church family. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this third message from Titus.

Everybody Gets Saved the Same Way

Acts 15:5-12
Everybody gets saved the same way. The situations and circumstances may vary, but salvation comes only one way! Listen today to hear the truth about salvation.

Those Who Stay and Those Who Go

Acts 15:1-4
God is always working to bring sinners to Himself. He has different roles for each person; Some stay, and some go. Find out what God has for you, and serve Him with all your heart.

Through Much Tribulation

Acts 14:19-28
As believers, things do not get easier. Though to different degrees, all of us will go through much tribulation. God has a purpose in it all. Discover today what God wants you to do through your tribulation.

Don’t Take Credit When God Should Get Glory!

Acts 14:8-18
As we continue our study in Acts 14, we find the miraculous healing of a man who had never walked. However, Paul understood that the power did not come from him, and the glory must not go to him. All the glory belongs to Jesus!

Speaking for Christ in a Divided Culture

Acts 14:1-7
There are always two groups of people: those who follow the Truth and those who reject it. Often, we forget that standing for the Truth comes at a cost. Are you ready to stand for the Truth of God in a divided world?
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Crete Needs Christ

Titus 1:4-5, 10-16
Crete was a very wicked and challenging place. Yet, Paul understood that only the gospel would make a difference there. As we continue through the Epistle to Titus, we are reminded just how important the gospel is!

4 Things You Can Be Sure Of

Acts 13:44-52
As we conclude Acts 13, our certainty in Christ is once again made clear. People will always oppose you, but Christ has given you an obligation to declare His Truth. Do not miss the opportunities around you. Allow God to enable you to overcome all for His glory!

The Invitation

Acts 13:38-41
Are you certain of your eternal destination? If there is any doubt, you can know for sure! Christ extends an invitation to all for salvation. This invitation is available to all, but it will not last forever.