Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


But God Raised Him from the Dead

Acts 13:23-37
The Resurrection of Christ is essential for us to be justified before God. Christ's Resurrection not only means He lives; it means we can live also! In today's episode, we dive into several key truths surrounding the Resurrection.

What Was the Secret to David’s Life?

Acts 13:17-22, 36
In Acts 13, we come across a very familiar man from history - King David. David was a mighty man. He was used by God in incredible ways. However, there was a secret to his amazing life. Learn what it was on today's episode.

Say On

Acts 13:14-16; 42-43
Sometimes, people do not want to hear the truth of the Gospel - say on! There will be times of difficulty - keep on preaching Christ. Determine to give the gospel, no matter what. 
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Getting Ready for What God Has to Say

Titus 1:1-4
This week we begin a brand new series from Paul's letter to Titus. Just as preachers are responsible for the preaching of God's Word, all people are responsible to be obedient recipients of the Word of God. Learn to prepare your heart to receive God's Word. 

Sorcerers and Seekers

Acts 13:6-12
Have you been discouraged by those who reject the Truth of God? Be reminded that for every person who hates God, there are many who are seeking the Truth. Stay in the battle! God can bring that searching soul across your path as you stay sensitive to His leading.

Enlisting Young People for God’s Work

Acts 13:5
Amidst all of today's madness, do not forget that God desires to use young people in His great work. Like John Mark in Scripture, young people will make mistakes, but we can come alongside them and encourage them to keep following Christ.

We Need Workers!

Acts 13:1-4
God is calling workers today! Listen for the call of God in your life. Then, let God guide you as you seek to obey Him. He is working on every side to accomplish His will.

The Leaven of Herod

Acts 12:21-25
In today’s study, we examine the characteristics of Herod’s spirit. Herod’s entire life was built upon magnifying himself. As believers, we must purge out any desire to lift up self, because all the glory belongs to Jesus.

When a Politician Met the King of Heaven

Acts 12:18-25
In Acts 12 we find a powerful politician who came face-to-face with the King of Kings. Although Harrod was the most well-known powerful man in his day — God Almighty brought him to his knees. It is the Lord who gives favor and allows power.
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Full Hearts In An Empty World

Ecclesiastes 12:8-14
As we conclude our message series through Ecclesiastes, we uncover the key to having a full heart in an empty world - the Bible! God has given us His Word to fill our hearts with the knowledge of God! It is not for us to know more about God, it is to know God more! 

Elements of Effective Prayer

Acts 12:5, 12-17
There is no joy like seeing God answer prayers. Today we learn the importance of effective praying — and how to stay in a true state of prayer. Take today’s verse in Acts 12 and evaluate how effective your prayer’s are.

The Power of a Prayer Meeting

Acts 12:1-12
Have you ever considered the power of a prayer meeting? Numerous times throughout history we find simple prayer meetings turn into great revivals. Today we are studying one of the great prayer meetings of the Bible.

How to Build True Christians

Acts 11:23-30
In our generation, the term Christian is not used only to describe true followers of Christ. It is only through Christ that we are built up in our Christian lives. Come with us as we learn three practical applications to building true Christians.

To the Jew First…and Also to the Greek!

Acts 11:19-24
By the grace of God, determine that you are going to be part of the Lord's work in this world. God's plan has always been to work in His chosen people, but also through them. God is working in both the Jews and the Gentiles - pray today that many will come to know Him!

What to Say When the Questions Come

Acts 11:1-18
Questions will always come. There will always be skeptics. As Christians, our responsibility is to simply tell them what God has done in our hearts, said in His Word, and done in the lives of others. Then, let God speak for Himself.
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What In the World Is God Doing?

Ecclesiastes 3:11-17
Far too often, we are prone to set our eyes on temporal affairs and troubles. Yet, God seeks to awaken His people to the reality of eternity. God uses the circumstances of life to teach us eternal truths. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this week's Weekend Pulpit. 

The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Acts 10:34-48
Today we are sitting in on a gospel meeting in Cornelius’ living room, as Peter preaches the gospel to him. As he speaks, we hear all three members of the Godhead and see the Trinity at work. Take time today to evaluate how well you know the Godhead.

The Key That Opens the Door

Acts 10:1-34
There is a theme that is woven throughout Acts 10 — the importance of prayer. The gospel only advances when we stay in the place of prayer. Prayer is the key that opens the door of faith so everyone can receive the Gospel.

3 Things Every Sinner Needs

Acts 10:21-36
The Gospel of Christ is the only thing that can break through the mess our world is in. Cornelius was a religious man, but he was still a sinner living in a sin-filled world. Come with us as we are given three things Cornelius needed that every sinner needs.

Christ’s Gospel vs. Our Prejudice

Acts 10:9-20
We all have prejudice but the Gospel breaks through prejudice. Today we find the Lord teaching Peter something about his own heart. We have a similar problem to Peter’s — we’re waiting on God to change others when it should begin in our hearts.

God Is Working On The Other End

Acts 10:1-8
As we continue studying the Book of Acts, we see the adventure continuing through the life of Cornelius. The Lord brought this man to Himself and then used him to reach the uttermost. God is working on the other end — let God work in you today!
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Seeing God In the Seasons of Life

Ecclesiastes 3:1-11
As we continue our series through Ecclesiastes, we discover more about God's eternal work in our lives. God seeks to work for eternity and in every stage of life. Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this message from Ecclesiastes 3.
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What More Do You Want?

Luke 15:25-32
Often the ones who obey the Father’s law miss the Father’s heart. The eldest son in today’s parable is a picture of the lost. You can be religious but still miss what the Heavenly Father has for you.
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Out of Breath and Over the Top

Luke 15:20-24
Regardless of who your earthly father is, you have a wonderful Heavenly Father! Today we find Him out of breath and over the top. God the Father is running toward sinners with open arms, ready to embrace them.