Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Holy Spirit and Me
Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? Gospel witnesses are produced when the Spirit of God works in our lives. Today we observe several applications from the life of Philip on how to be truly filled with the Spirit.

Who Will You Take With You?
Are you on your way to Heaven? If so, wonderful! Who will you take with you? In this lesson we learn every Christian's responsibility to lead others to their Savior. Here's how.

Using the Roadmap
The Lord has already provided us with a roadmap to lead others to Christ. We cannot coerce someone to come to Him, but we can share with them the Word of God. The Gospel is enough! Depend on the sufficiency of Scripture.

Moving Mountains
Do you want to see God move some mountains in your life? He is able! However, there are some prerequisites to His mighty work. What are they? Join Evangelist Scott Pauley as brings another message from "The Most Important Week in History."

Becoming a Gospel Guide
Do you want to be a guide for the gospel? Philip followed God’s guidance and then used what the Lord had taught Him to reach others. While only God can save sinners, we can guide them to Him.

Sorry, It’s Not for Sale!
No matter how much money you have, you can not purchase your salvation. Further, all spiritual wealth is a blessing from God that we cannot purchase with earthly means. Acknowledge your bankruptcy today, and look to the Lord for the riches only He can give.

No Power Like Gospel Power
There is no power like gospel power! As we turn to Acts 8, we see other powers at work and learn how to discern from the power of the gospel. We cannot be dependent on ourselves. We need the Lord’s strength that comes when we believe and share the gospel.

It’s Your Turn
In today’s Scripture, we find a man taking his turn at sharing the gospel. Philip was among the scattered believers amidst great persecution, but even in the middle of such difficulty, he allowed the Lord to use him. God wants to use the difficult circumstances in our lives for His divine plan.

Suffering and Scattering
Today we return to the Book of Acts! We find that even in the midst of dark trials, we can find light in the truth of God’s Word. The Lord used the believer's suffering to bring about the scattering of the gospel.

When Jesus Cleans House
Many people remember the account of Christ purifying the Temple. However, few people understand that, as believers, we must allow the Lord to clean out our own hearts. Join us for the third message in our study on "The Most Important Week in History."

What Will You Do for the Gospel’s Sake?
What will you do now for the sake of the gospel? Throughout this series, we have studied the good news, but today we are given seven key principles to help us be faithful servants - declaring the gospel message. It is your turn to share the good news!

Shining or Hiding
When you start talking about Jesus, the Holy Spirit turns the light on. He has already given us the truth of the gospel, but it is our job to be a shinning light to those around us. Take the challenge today to re-commit yourself to being a gospel Christian.

God’s Priority
As Believers it is so important to have our priorities properly placed. Today we learn about God’s biggest priority and are given seven reasons why it is so essential. Do not miss what the Lord has called you to do because you are distracted.

Let’s Get Personal…
Have you made the message of the gospel personal to your own life? As we examine today’s Scripture, we find four things about the gospel. Our world is so consumed with bad news, but the Lord has already given us the greatest news of all!

Extra! Extra! Good News!
The greatest news ever given is the Gospel. As we study in 1 Corinthians, we find the good news of Christ and see four things surrounding our living Savior. Challenge yourself today to take the good news to others!

We are continuing our journey through what we now call "Holy Week." Pause and consider that if Christ had not endured and conquered all He did in those few days, we would have no hope. Yet, He did! Join Evangelist Scott Pauley for this Weekend's Pulpit.

Separated to the Gospel
Followers of Jesus Christ should be different from those still living in darkness. Today we are not looking at separation from things — but separation to the gospel. As we study, we find three things we gain and begin seeing everyday as a gospel endeavor.

To the Poor
Often times it is the people who are poor that are the most open to the gospel. One of the marks of the Lord’s ministry was preaching the gospel to the poor. We must all come to realize that without the Lord Jesus, we ourselves are poor.

Putting the GO Back in the Gospel!
God intended that His followers would be channels for the Gospel. We have the divine cure for those who are dying from the disease of sin. Take the challenge today to start right where you are, sharing the good news with those around you.

You Cannot Be Neutral
We cannot be neutral on truth! Either we make the gospel our own, or we choose to reject it. Today we see where God called on the people to make a decision. The Lord is calling on you to do the same — repent and put your faith in Him!

The First Mention
How should we live in a world filled with bad news? The answer is found in the gospel! In Matthew, we see the first mention of the word “gospel” and three truths we should all know about the gospel.

The Lord Hath Need of Him
Is God free to have whatever He desires from your life today? With Ressurection Sunday approaching, we begin a new series on "The Most Important Week in History." Allow God to use these next five messages to speak to your heart.

On to the Next Place…
If we are going to accomplish the Lord’s work, then we must step out of our comfort zone. In today's Scripture, we see several examples of God’s people stepping out for the furtherance of the gospel. May God help us to make a difference in our Jerusalem and the uttermost parts of the earth.

A Little Hinge and a Big Door
The Lord is not dependent on any of us; we are simply tools for Him to use. In Scripture, you’ll often find the Lord using little hinges to open a big doors. Stephen allowed the Lord to use him as a hinge for the furtherance of the gospel — are we willing to do the same?