Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Ultimate Power
When Jesus raised Jairus’ daughter from the dead, we see His ultimate power over death. His great power comes at the point of desperation and can even conquer emotion. Sometimes the hardest thing we must do is choose to reject our feelings and exercise our faith. Do you believe God is able?

All the Truth
In Mark 5, the woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was miraculously healed. Knowing some of His inexhaustible power had gone out, Jesus asked, “Who touched my clothes?” The woman timidly replied telling Him “all the truth.” In today’s broadcast we’ll learn several truths about ourselves and our Savior.

Satan’s Worst and Christ’s Best
We see four pictures in today’s miracle – a picture of the sinner, a picture of demonic spirits, a picture of society, and a picture of the Savior. Christ cared enough to cross a sea to deliver one demon-possessed man. He continues to deliver sinners by His power today. Christ is enough and He is worthy of our worship!

Peace in the Storm
Have you noticed how it’s so much easier to believe God for somebody else’s problems than for your own? But Christ is enough to bring peace during your personal storms. In fact, without the storms you may never really get to know the One who stands on the bough of the ship and calms the sea.

Bring the Hard Case to Christ!
Today we see Jesus heal and restore a wild man possessed by a devil, unable to speak, unable to see. The kind of man most people would avoid. The text reminds us that somebody brought this man to Jesus. No matter how difficult or how desperate, Christ truly is enough. Let’s bring everybody we can to Jesus!

Interrupting a Funeral
How precious to know that Christ has a heart of compassion! Everything God brings into our life, and everything Christ does in that circumstance, is for one purpose –that we will come to know Him more personally and more intimately. Let’s learn from the funeral that Jesus divinely interrupted!

Great Faith
Only God can see an individual’s heart of faith, so it is significant that Jesus described the centurion as having “so great faith.” The Bible says Jesus marveled at it! What are the messages we can hear about prayer, humility, power, and authority as we study this account of the centurion’s great faith?

How to Stay Happy in Jesus
Joy is not the goal of the Christian life—Christ is the goal! When the Lord Jesus Christ has His rightful place in our lives He gives us His joy. Followers of Christ should be the most joyful people in the world. The book of Philippians teaches us the joy of walking with Christ each day. This message is the fifth and final Bible message in this series from the book of Philippians given by Scott Pauley.

He Knows You
Who knows you better than anyone? We learn today that Christ knows the real you. Jesus called the religious hypocrites whited sepulchers. A modern equivalent might be called “Instagram Christianity.” Jesus sees beyond our façade, and He knows our hearts. But He also knows our individual needs, and He is enough to meet each one.

What Are You Waiting For?
All people are broken, including the man by the pool of Bethesda. He waited 38 years for something to change. Many people are waiting for something to change. But the question is – are you willing to be changed, to be made whole? It’s not a question of desire but of choice.

Everybody Take a Corner
Four men carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus. Their faith and assertiveness made all the difference in their friend being healed and forgiven! We learn from these men that God does His work when we each do our part. We all have a part – a corner to carry! Let’s connect people to Christ because He is enough!

Jesus Loves Lepers
Lepers were included among the outcasts of society in Jesus’ day. Even so, He loved the lepers. You may be surprised today by what we learn about worship, God’s will, and God’s way as we meet a leper whom Jesus healed.

The Devil Fights Everywhere!
No matter where Christ is at work, Satan begins to fight. He hates all God is doing so he battles against it. But we’ll see today that Christ is enough to defeat Satan and cast out demons – whether in a cemetery or a synagogue!

Taking the Next Step
Joy is not the goal of the Christian life—Christ is the goal! When the Lord Jesus Christ has His rightful place in our lives He gives us His joy. Followers of Christ should be the most joyful people in the world. The book of Philippians teaches us the joy of walking with Christ each day. This message is the fourth of five Bible messages from the book of Philippians given by Scott Pauley.

Why Does Jesus Do What He Does?
Are you in the deep water of difficulty today? Good news! God does His deepest work in us when we’re outside of our comfort zone. Peter fished all night without success until Christ once again proved to be enough. Today we’ll discover three ideas about why Jesus performs the miracles He does.

A Miracle in a Mother-in-Law
Christ works in us so that He can work through us! We have confidence that He sees and hears and will speak into our situation in a way that no one else can. We will witness all of these truths today as we observe Jesus healing Peter’s mother-in-law.

Believing God for Your Family
There is no pain like family pain! Yet, Christ is enough in every family context. The healing of the nobleman’s son teaches us that Christ must be the object of our faith, that faith is strengthened by believing the word of the living God, and that God is never early or late.

The Miracle No One Sees
No one saw Nicodemus receive the new birth that night. Yet it was the greatest of miracles when Jesus forgave all of his sins! In God’s eyes, Nicodemus immediately transformed from sinner to saint! Have you received God’s miraculous gift of forgiveness through faith in Jesus Christ? Accept the invitation to receive Him today!

First Principles from the First Miracle
The first recorded miracle of Jesus was at a wedding in Cana. It demonstrates the extraordinary work Jesus does in ordinary life. It also reveals that He does His greatest work when we have nothing, yet we trust and obey Him. What other principles will we discover today from the first miracle of Jesus?

Joy is not the goal of the Christian life—Christ is the goal! When the Lord Jesus Christ has His rightful place in our lives He gives us His joy. Followers of Christ should be the most joyful people in the world. The book of Philippians teaches us the joy of walking with Christ each day. This message is the third of five Bible messages from the book of Philippians given by Scott Pauley.

Christ Is Enough!
As we continue our study of the miracles of Christ we see a variety of people, places, and types of miracles meeting a variety of needs. What’s the message? That Christ is sufficient for all people, in every place, and in every circumstance and need. Truly, Christ is enough!

Our Miraculous Christ, Part 2
How refreshing and invigorating it is to ponder and meditate on the sufficiency of Christ! Today we consider 1 Timothy 3:16, one of the great summary verses of the Bible. Again and again, it speaks of God’s miracle power revealed in the person of Jesus Christ. We can’t exhaust it!

Our Miraculous Christ, Part 1
Why didn’t Jesus heal every sick person on earth? Because that’s not why He came. He came to reveal, not just to heal! Often when discussing miracles, we miss the most obvious truth that Christ Himself is the great miracle! In today’s broadcast examine the miraculous Christ.