Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Change that Christ Brings
Christ will take you just as you are, but He doesn't leave you that way. It's impossible for the Creator God of the universe, the God of perfect light and holiness, to move into a heart and that heart not experience change. The change that Christ brings is the best change! In today's passage we learn of practical areas where Christ changes us.

Christ and His Church
We all need the Lord, but God has made it so that we also need one another. We are dependent on Christ and we are interdependent on each other. How can we love the head (Christ) when we don't love the body (church)? Don't take for granted what you have through Christ in His church!

Divine Unity
Someone once said that churches are more like goat pens than sheepfolds because the people are always butting heads. It's not supposed to be that way! Even so, unity is not our goal. Unity is the byproduct of being in step with the Holy Spirit. May God help us to humbly submit to the Spirit so that we may enjoy unity in the bond of peace.

Divine Power
God's power is able to do the impossible. It's abundant enough to accomplish more than we can ask or think. It's aim or purpose is to reveal the glory of God. When we pray and when we serve, especially in the church, are we seeking the power of God so that His glory is revealed or do we have other motives?

Divine Love
If you're going to know, understand, and appreciate Divine Love, you have to know God. In a world of hatred and cheap substitutes for love, the only way to know the genuine article is to know God himself and allow the God of love to work in you. God's love touches every part of life. Ask the Lord to help you experience and comprehend more the unsearchable love of God in Christ Jesus.

Divine Wisdom
Can you think of anything we need more in these times than God's wisdom? Sin, at it's core, is ignorance of God. Salvation, at it's core, is the wisdom of God - leaving the insanity of sin and coming into Divine Wisdom. God's infinite wisdom is effectual, unsearchable, eternal, and, understandable by faith. What a tremendous spiritual blessing it is!

The Trinity
The word "Trinity" is not found in the Bible, but the thrice-holy God is. The Godhead is the Biblical expression for the trinity. Ephesians is full of the doctrine of the trinity, and knowing the Triune God is one of the great spiritual blessings we enjoy.

Past – Present – Future
God wants you to live today in His grace, in His victory, in His power, believing that yesterday is under the blood and tomorrow is hopeful because of Jesus Christ. He is the God of all time who is greater than our past, gives life in the present, and provides hope for the future!

What It Means to Be Rich
It is only through Christ that we can receive God's grace and understand His glory. In fact, every spiritual blessing is through Christ. May we all come back to the beautiful simplicity and yet the great sufficiency that is found in the person of Jesus Christ. He is where we find true riches!

Our Inheritance
If you're a Christian, you're rich! You may not be wealthy by the world's standards, but you have a family inheritance. You have the Father's resources now and His riches forevermore. Be sure you're part of the family of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessings, Blessings, Blessings
This is our second day looking at God's "run on sentence." Why would He use this particular grammatical structure? Perhaps it's because we cannot fully describe the depths of what we have as members of the family of God. They are without end. In this single sentence we learn of the spiritual blessings received from the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

God’s Run-On Sentence
In Paul's language, Ephesians 1:3-14 is one continuous long sentence. The entire "run-on sentence" demonstrates that of all the spiritual blessings we have in Christ, the chief blessing is that we've been made part of the family of God! This long sentence begins with grace and ends with the glory of God.

Bless the Blesser
The introductory verses to Ephesians reveal the word "blessing" from two different directions. God pours out His blessings on us, and there is another blessing that we give back to Him. Regardless of our current circumstances, we always have reason to bless the Lord!

What A Book!
God doesn't want us to live empty! He wants us to live a full, overflowing, abundant life. Ephesians could be described as God "rolling out the red carpet" and introducing us to all the resources we have available in Jesus Christ. When we recognize our spiritual blessings in Christ we can see the fullness of God, get help for our home, and be empowered to have victory in spiritual battles!

All Spiritual Blessings
When we think of the blessings of God our minds often journey to tangible or temporal things. However, the greatest blessings are spiritual blessings. They meet our deepest needs and outlive this world. Let's consider the origin, nature, intent, and duration of ALL spiritual blessings as we begin this study in the book of Ephesians.

One Thing I Desire
If you could have one thing today, what would it be? Our wants and desires reveal much about our heart for God. In this final episode of the "One Thing" series, we learn that David's one desire was to be near God. David describes this desire in three ways. Do you know what they are?

One Thing to Remember
The Lord said the one thing He wants us to remember is that time is nothing compared to eternity. Don't be ignorant of the fact that our choices during time will have eternal consequences when time is no more. Do what matters!

One Thing I Do
Often it seems we live by lists because they are the only way to keep track of everything we have to do! But what is one task that is paramount to every Christian? Today we will hear that the pursuit of Christ isn't just another task on our to do list. He is the list!

One Thing I Know
There is much in life we do not know or understand, but God has a purpose in all things and He is at work in our lives. The blind man didn't know how or why Jesus healed Him, but he joyfully declared the one thing he did know. And that's what we must do! The one thing we know, that Christ has saved us, is the one thing we must make known.

One Thing Is Needful
We learn today about the one thing that Jesus said is needful. In a world where we are so often busy, let's discover together the one thing Jesus declares to be necessary. In this passage, Mary demonstrates the priority of worship.

One Answer
Authority. All areas of life require it, and we are called to make Christ the Authority of our lives. When He is not in control, we experience chaos and conflict. Are you courageous enough to ask God to reveal to you the one area where He is not on the throne of your life?

One Lack
The greatest "lack" or deficiency we have in this life is not material but physical. The rich young man in today's passage was unwilling to surrender his riches in exchange for the treasures of following Jesus. What's the one thing that prevents you from fully following Jesus?

One Question
In today's passage the religious leaders were actually angry that Jesus had healed a man because He did it on the Sabbath. Jesus asks them one question to reveal their sinful attitude. What one thing is God probing your heart about - trying to reveal to you? What's your "one thing?"

It’s Time to Carry the Letter!
Letters were meant to be read and relayed. Thankfully, the letter of Philemon was passed on, and now it is our turn. All of us who have received the good news of forgiveness and restoration must now share it with someone else. Don't keep it to's time to carry the letter!