Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Do What You Can
None of us can do everything - but we can do something! As we examine the example of one Bible couple we discover that they simply did what they could. They show up in four different New Testament books and are consistently doing their part to help others. Do what you can.

Start Where You Are
Aquila and Priscilla were an ordinary couple, used of God in an extraordinary way. Right where they lived and labored they made a difference for eternity! Ask the Lord to teach you what He wants you to know and share with others. Start where you are.

Our Favorite Couple
Of all the married couples in the Bible one has become very precious to me and to my family. They are an example of good things in a bad world. Let me introduce them to you today...

Enjoying the Journey Together, Part 2
The Lord Jesus makes it possible for us to enjoy the journey of life. In this amazing story we are given an illustration of how the presence of Christ radically changes a home. Don't miss the four things all of us can do to enjoy the journey together with our families.

Enjoying the Journey Together, Part 1
Companionship and communication make every journey so much better. In this study we learn to make the most of the human relationships God gives us in our homes, and also to develop a deeper relationship with Christ.

Road Trip!
Road trips can be miserable or wonderful. Today we join a married couple as they make a road trip with Jesus. When it begins they are miserable! When Jesus joins them it becomes wonderful. Look for Jesus along your way today...

The Connection Between Love and Joy
The Lord Jesus taught us, by explanation and example, that joy grows out of love. Learn to love and you will discover joy. Let's study what Christ taught about this truth and its place in our homes.

A Miracle at Home
Have you ever considered how many of Jesus' miracles took place in the context of home and family? In fact, every one of them touched some family in a profound way. Christ still works miracles where He is welcomed and believed. Today we discover three principles from His first miracle at home...

The Silent Years
Much of life is lived in the privacy of our homes. In the silent periods, the "in-between" times, God is at work in all of us. On the ordinary days we are to be growing and becoming the person God created us to be. In this study we identify what we do know about Jesus life between 12 and 30...and it will help us all regardless of our age.

Three Things Jesus Did In His Youth
Jesus Christ was the only perfect young person, and He left us an example to follow. Notice three specific things that Jesus did in His youth - a pattern for all of our children.

Pictures of Mother
There are at least seven pictures of Mary found throughout the gospel records. Each one teaches us some spiritual truth from the life of this young mother. She doesn't have all of the answers, but she is obedient to what she knows to do.

Jesus’ Home Life
In the one picture of the youthful years of Jesus we are given a glimpse into the home life of Joseph and Mary. Luke 2 shows us God's emphasis on the home and the importance of parents who want their children to grow in the knowledge of God.

The Man God Chose to Raise His Son
God calls on men to lead their homes. Joseph was the man that the perfect Father chose to raise His own Son. Though not a perfect man, he was a man who exemplified characteristics of godly manhood. Join us today as we consider what we know about this man.

How One Family Can Touch the World
It is amazing what God can do through one family! Influence is given by God and for His glory. Could God work so powerfully in your family that it would make a difference for eternity?

The Key Ingredient
A Christian home is more about what you put into it than what you take out of it. In each member of one Bible family we discover the key ingredient that must be present in all of our lives! Listen for God's emphasis in today's Scripture...

Who Taught John?
Who taught John the Baptist God's plan and helped him to discover God's purpose for his life? His father and mother. They put enough truth into John's life that he could carry on when they were gone. Instruction should begin at home.

A Family Is Made Up of Individuals
God works in families as He works in the lives of each individuals in the family. If you want God to have His rightful place in your home then let Him have His way in your heart! Today we meet Zacharias, Elisabeth, and John...

The First Family of the New Testament
On the first pages of the gospel records we are introduced to the family of John the Baptist. This family is given to us as an example that we can follow. Look carefully at this family portrait.

Lessons from A Fellow Student
A quick stop at the last verse in the Old Testament reveals the heart of God for the home. Today I share 15 practical things God is teaching me about my own family. Listen to these lessons from a fellow student.

Growing In Every Season
There are dark and difficult seasons in every life and family. God wastes none of them. In those times the Lord is at work. In a little known prophetic verse we find a principle we can all apply to help us keep growing in every season.

Helping Children Find God’s Way
In this verse that is so often quoted and yet misapplied we discover a principle for every parent and spiritual leader. Today we discuss how to help young people find God's way for their life.

Life’s Training Wheels
"Training wheels" are not forever, but they do help to provide stability and direction in the early days! Here are some Bible truths for every young person who wants to discover why God made them and what He has for their life...

Your Choice and Your Influence
Every one of us must choose for ourselves what we will do with our family. Choose carefully and choose spiritually! We must also prepare our children for the day when they will choose for their family. Make your choice today and then use your influence for the generation to come.