Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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What To Do When You Are Afraid

Revelation 2:8-11
Fear is a powerful enemy. It can paralyze the strongest believers and keep them from fulfilling their calling. Christ's message to the church in Smyrna will strengthen your faith and help conquer your fears.
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Two Letters & One Truth

Revelation 2:1-7
Two letters were written to the church at Ephesus. Both emphasize one truth: we must stay in love with the Lord if we are to make a difference. Churches should not be distinguished by what the hate but by who they love.
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Real People—Real Needs

Revelation 2-3
We live in a world of people looking for escape. In a make believe generation God always deals with reality. We are real people, in a real world, with real needs. God always deals with us right where we are!
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Three Things God Wanted Written

Revelation 1:19
All of Revelation can be divided into three definite parts that God outlined on the first page of the book. These are the three things God wanted written...and three things God wants us to read and understand.
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You’ve Never Seen Him Like This

Revelation 1:13-18
The beloved disciple had seen Christ in many different settings but he had never seen anything like he did in Revelation. Today we get a fresh glimpse of the Lord's glory as John describes what He saw.
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Candlesticks, Stars, and Christ

Revelation 1:11-13, 16, 20
There is both a mystery and a clarity in the God of the Bible. God reveals a mystery -a sacred secret- through pictures. In this study we see 7 candlesticks, 7 stars, and 1 Christ...
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It Doesn’t End At Patmos!

Revelation 1:9-10; 10:11
Patmos was no vacation spot! This rocky island and rugged environment was a prison, but John was not bound by his circumstances and neither are you. Patmos is not the end of the story.
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The Last Disciple

Revelation 1:9-10
John was the last of the original disciples. When everyone was gone and everything seemed to be against him he was still following His Lord. Will you be a disciple who lasts?
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He Is A-Z

Revelation 1:7-8
Our Lord Jesus is the first and the last, and everything in between. Two things are sure: Christ is all and He is all that you need. We will see Him soon - look to Him today!
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Meet the Main Characters

Revelation 1:4-6
Every story has main characters. In this study we identify the main characters of Revelation - and you are one of them! Let's get acquainted.
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Blessed People In a Cursed World

Revelation 1:3
If any generation of Christians should be passionate about studying God's Word it should be those who are living on the brink of His return! God promises a special blessing to those who give attention to the Scriptures and you can have it now.
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A Look Behind the Curtain

Revelation 1:1-2
In the final book of the Bible God takes the veil away and shows us Christ in His exalted, eternal glory. We are not looking for events. We are not looking for the evil one to arise. We are looking for Jesus Christ to appear! Take a look behind the curtain...
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The King Is Coming!

Revelation 1:1, 5
The greatest event on earth is not trending on social media or being discussed on news outlets. Yet the whole world is moving toward this great moment: The King is Coming! Welcome to the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
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Where We Must Begin

Ezra 7:6; 9:9-10:5
Revival doesn't begin at a church altar, but in the quiet place where you seek Him. It doesn't culminate with one man preaching a message, but with a multitude of people in prayer. Begin yourself, begin now, and begin at home to seek God.
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Ezra 9:1-8
A good prayer list contains more than names; it aims at specific needs. Revival praying asks for more than physical, material, and temporal blessings - it seeks spiritual and eternal help. In one verse we discover a good revival prayer list.
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Ezra 9:1-7
We have the privilege of participating with Christ in the great work of intercession. Prayer will accomplish more than all of our lecturing, debating, and pleading with others. Intercession brings us near to the heart of God.
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Ezra 9:1-6
There is a difference in praying for revival and revival praying. Today we learn that distinction as we study biblical confession. Revival comes when our prayers become aligned with God's Word.
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Build the Altar

Ezra 3:1-3; 7:10
Throughout Scripture, an altar symbolizes access to God and is always the beginning of divine blessings. The first step to revival is a return to prayer. Determine to build the altar in your own life today.
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Alpha and Omega

Revelation 1:8; 22:13
In the last book of the Bible - even on the last page of Scripture - we see God's name as "the first and the last." He is the start and the finish, and everything in between!
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The Name In Eternity

Revelation 19:9-16
Someday soon we will worship God around His throne. In this study we find 5 distinct names that are connected to His eternal reign. Begin to consider these names today!
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The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Acts 1:8
Throughout the New Testament the Holy Spirit is connected to every good thing that God gives to His people. Each name and title of the Spirit helps us to understand more about His work in our lives.
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John 14:16-17, 26
The Lord Jesus promised that "another Comforter" just like Him would come to live in every believer. He has come! The Holy Spirit is God in us and meets the deepest needs we have every day.
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The Spirit of God

Genesis 1:2
The Holy Spirit is co-equal, co-existent, and co-eternal with the Father and the Son. Christ did not begin at Bethlehem and the Spirit did not begin at Pentecost. We meet the Holy spirit in the second verse of the Bible.
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The Father of Lights

James 1:17-18
In this episode we examine the wonderful nature of the Heavenly Father. Are you a child of God? This is what the Father wants you to know!