Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

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The Lord

Acts 2:36
This title for God is used throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is a reminder of who God is and where He deserves to be in all of our lives. The Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New Testament and He is worthy of ruling in us.
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Matthew 1:22-23
God with us. Think of it! The God of heaven and holiness came to earth and sinful men. It is a revelation of the heart of God, who has always wanted to be with man and desires man to be with Him.
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The LORD Is There

Ezekiel 48:35
The thing that makes any place special is the presence of the LORD. What will make the millenial kingdom so special? The LORD is there!
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The LORD Our Righteousness

Jeremiah 23:5-6; 33:16
Every sinner should rejoice in this name: the LORD our righteousness. We have no merit, no goodness of our own, but His record is placed on our account. We live on the credit of His good name.
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The LORD Our Maker

Psalm 95:6
It was God who made man out of the dust of the ground. There are no "self-made" men - all we have comes from the LORD. His name should lead us to worship.
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The LORD My Shepherd

Psalm 23:1
This most famous and familiar psalm begins and ends with the LORD. At every season He leads and feeds His sheep. He is the Good Shepherd and, most of all, He is "my shepherd."

The LORD My Shepherd

Psalm 23:1
This most famous and familiar psalm begins and ends with the LORD. At every season He leads and feeds His sheep. He is the Good Shepherd and, most of all, He is "my shepherd."
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The LORD Our Peace

Judges 6:24
In a world of turmoil it is wonderful to know that we can have peace with God. Today we walk with Gideon and discover that the LORD can give peace that drives out all fear. True peace is found in His name.

The LORD Our Peace

Judges 6:24
In a world of turmoil it is wonderful to know that we can have peace with God. Today we walk with Gideon and discover that the LORD can give peace that drives out all fear. True peace is found in His name.
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The LORD That Sanctifies

Exodus 31:12-13
God is holy and He has always desired to make His people a holy people. Are you cooperating with the LORD as He works to sanctify your life?

The LORD That Sanctifies

Exodus 31:12-13
God is holy and He has always desired to make His people a holy people. Are you cooperating with the LORD as He works to sanctify your life?
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The LORD Our Banner

Exodus 17:13-16
Life in a fallen world is full of conflict and the enemy just keeps coming. It is vital that we realize whose banner we are marching under and who are Captain is in this battle. Two special names for our God will help you live in victory.

The LORD Our Banner

Exodus 17:13-16
Life in a fallen world is full of conflict and the enemy just keeps coming. It is vital that we realize whose banner we are marching under and who are Captain is in this battle. Two special names for our God will help you live in victory.
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The LORD That Heals

Exodus 15:23-26
God is the Healer, the only One who can truly make a man whole. His greatest healing work is not physical; it is spiritual. Jehovah-Rapha is the LORD that heals and in this study we see what He heals and how.

The LORD That Heals

Exodus 15:23-26
God is the Healer, the only One who can truly make a man whole. His greatest healing work is not physical; it is spiritual. Jehovah-Rapha is the LORD that heals and in this study we see what He heals and how.
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The LORD That Provides

Genesis 22:1-2; 13-14
Whatever your need today you can be sure that God is more than enough. Meet Jehovahjireh. He sees and He provides!

The LORD That Provides

Genesis 22:1-2; 13-14
Whatever your need today you can be sure that God is more than enough. Meet Jehovahjireh. He sees and He provides!
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Exodus 3:13-15; 6:1-8
What is God's personal name? He answered that in Scripture by simply saying, "I AM THAT I AM." This covenant name reveals both how big our God is and how near He comes to us.


Exodus 3:13-15; 6:1-8
What is God's personal name? He answered that in Scripture by simply saying, "I AM THAT I AM." This covenant name reveals both how big our God is and how near He comes to us.
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God of Eternity

Genesis 20:13; 21:33
It is one of the names used sparingly for our God and it is significant when and where it is used. When it seems like life is constantly changing and time seems to slip away it is good to remember that God is El Olam - the God of eternity.

God of Eternity

Genesis 20:13; 21:33
It is one of the names used sparingly for our God and it is significant when and where it is used. When it seems like life is constantly changing and time seems to slip away it is good to remember that God is El Olam - the God of eternity.
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Almighty God

Genesis 17:1-6
El Shaddai: Almighty God. That's my God! He revealed Himself by this name to Abraham and He has proved Himself to be more than enough to all who will trust Him. Use this name and depend on His power in your life now.

Almighty God

Genesis 17:1-6
El Shaddai: Almighty God. That's my God! He revealed Himself by this name to Abraham and He has proved Himself to be more than enough to all who will trust Him. Use this name and depend on His power in your life now.
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The Most High God

Genesis 14:17-23
There is no name like the name of our God! The Hebrews called Him El Elyon - the most high God. On low days and at high moments we must remember that He is higher than all. Look up!