Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


He Knows Everything!

Psalm 139
Psalm 139. God's perfect knowledge of every circumstance and tender knowledge of our needs should bring great encouragement. There may be much that you do not understand, but rest in this - God knows.

How to Have A Personal, Great Awakening

Psalm 138
Psalm 138. Revivals are not national or congregational in their inception - they are always personal. Spiritual awakenings have to begin somewhere! WIll you allow it to begin in you?

When You Just Want To Cry

Psalm 137
Psalm 137. God's people have broken hearts. Sometimes we weep. Thank God we do not cry alone and the tears do not last forever! Perhaps your memories are working against you today. Just remember that God remembers you.

For His Mercy Endureth For Ever

Psalm 136
Psalm 136. The story of this psalm, the story of Israel, the story of the Bible, the story of our lives can be summed up one way: "For his mercy endureth forever." It is all God's mercy.

The Connection Between Praise and Blessing

Psalm 135
Psalm 135. There is a divine connection between a life of praise and a life of blessing. This psalm is filled with reasons to praise the Lord.

Our Blessing and His

Psalm 134
Psalm 134. We bless the Lord and the Lord blesses us. In this study we discover the way to bless God and the way to receive His blessing on our lives.

A Word for the Brethren

Psalm 133
Psalm 133. The Father wants unity in His family. There is nothing more beautiful than a people who have become one in the Lord. Here is a picture of what that looks like.

God Always Keeps His Word!

Psalm 132
Psalm 132. In a world of broken promises it is a great comfort to know that God always keeps His Word. Listen to His Word to David and Israel and you will find a God that you can trust.

Moving From Childhood to Manhood

Psalm 131
Psalm 131. The goal of life is not simply to get older - it is to mature in Christ. God wants His children to grow up. An aging David shows us three characteristics of true spiritual growth.

The Ups and Downs of Life

Psalm 130
Psalm 130. Are you on the roller coaster of life? When we are "down" it is easy to forget that God is still the same as when we were "up." God gives us four things you can do when you are low.

Dealing with Conflict

Psalm 129
Psalm 129. Life is a battle and conflict is inevitable. Even a warrior like David could grow weary with the incessant attacks of the enemy, but there is real victory found in the Lord.

The Blessing of Fear

Psalm 128
Psalm 128. Did you know that there are special blessings connected to the fear of God? This psalm speaks powerfully to our lives, our families, and our nation.

Only God

Psalm 127
Psalm 127. Without God we can do nothing and with Him all things are possible! The greatest needs in our hearts and homes are only met through Him. Only God.


Psalm 126
Psalm 126. The God who has delivered and conquered can do it again! Again and again He proves His power to His people. In this study we find the what, why, and when of His mighty work.

They That Trust In the Lord

Psalm 125
Psalm 125. There are only two types of people - those who trust in the Lord and those who do not! In this beautiful psalm God shows us the definite benefits promised to those who live the life of faith.

Could, Should, Would

Psalm 124
Psalm 124. In eight simple verses the Lord calls our attention to what COULD have happened without His mercy, what SHOULD be our response, and one thing He WOULD have us remember.

When the World Is Closing In On You

Psalm 123
Psalm 123. There are moments in life when it seems the world is closing in on you. You may be surrounded by criticism and scorn, but you always have somewhere to turn.

The Greatest City In the World

Psalm 122
Psalm 122. What is the greatest city in the world? Is it the seat of government or the financial powerhouse? The greatest city in the world is identified by God, both historically and prophetically. And it has a personal application to each of us wherever we may live.

The Extremes of Life

Psalm 121
Psalm 121. This world, and our experiences, are full of extremes. The Lord is our helper, keeper, and preserver at every extreme. Rejoice in this psalm that God takes care of His children!

We’re Going Up!

Psalm 120
Psalm 120. This psalm begins a section of 15 "Songs of Degrees." They were sung as the people ascended up to the Temple to worship. Entering into God's presence always takes you to higher ground! Learn how you can live this ascending life right where you are.

176 Verses About the Scripture

Psalm 119
Psalm 119. Yes, we are looking at Psalm 119 in one episode! All 22 sections of the longest psalm bring us to one truth - we need Scripture. Don't just listen to today's study; rededicate yourself to daily time in God's Word.

The Heart of the Bible

Psalm 118
Psalm 118. In this study we discover the exact middle of our Bible! The heart of the Bible reveals the heart message of all of Scripture: the Lord Jesus Christ.

A Short Sermon with a Long Reach

Psalm 117
Psalm 117. The shortest of the psalms reaches to all people and to all time. Study these two verses and you will come away praising our merciful, kind God!

God Has and I Will

Psalm 116
Psalm 116. Think of all that God has done! Grateful people should be obedient people. If you say you love the Lord then live every day to give Him glory.