Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

Family Memorials
What type of memorial would your life leave behind if you were to enter into eternity today? Our lives will leave behind a mark for good or for bad. Tune in to this episode to learn how to leave one that will continue to impact others positively for the cause of Christ.

Ending with Joy
There is something better than a revival meeting—a revived life! This sort of life is personally available to all of God’s people. Join us as we conclude our study of Habakkuk.

Although and Yet
Can we still trust the Lord if things do not go as planned? Yes, for it is in those moments that our faith is at its strongest. Faith does not hinge upon circumstances.

Fear and Faith
Sometimes, God connects things that we would never have. In today’s passage, God links fear and faith. How could these two possibly work in tandem?

Turning Prayer into Praise
Sometimes, you can praise your way through things that you cannot pray through. Praise is the highest expression of faith in God because it concentrates on Who God is and what He has done.

God Came
It is always good when the Lord shows up! Wherever His presence is manifest, His provision is available. The greatest place to be is where God is welcome.

The Hiding God
Not only does God reveal Himself, but He also hides Himself. When God withdraws Himself, it is simply because He desires to be sought. He desperately wants us to be desperate for Him.

The Intention of Prayer
What is the great aim of prayer? It is not to get something from God; instead, it is to get to God. Instead of praying to get something from His hand, we should pray to draw nearer to Him

The Petition of Prayer
What are you praying for? Today's passage reveals the necessity of praying for mercy. Every good thing that comes into your life results from God's mercy.

The Desperation of Prayer
The situation is desperate, but God's people are not. No doubt, the times call for revival, yet we are unwilling to pay the price for it. God delights in answering desperate prayers.

The Meditation of Prayer
When we think of prayer, we usually think of our words. We even convince ourselves that using certain words in a certain way better persuades God. However, the most effective prayers begin in God's Word.

A Prayer
One indicator of a Christian's spiritual state is their prayer life, revealing their true priorities. Every significant movement of God can be traced back to a person in prayer.

Hear The Word of the Lord
It is possible to be present in a conversation without actually perceiving what is said. In a spiritual sense, God is speaking through His Word, yet we fail to tune into the right frequency to truly hear Him. Join us as we begin a new study through Hosea!

Woe: Idolatry
An idol is anything that takes the place only the Lord is worthy of. There is only one God! Today, we reach the culmination of Habakkuk's "woes."

Woe: Strong Drink
What does God's Word say about alcohol? Drinking leads to drunkenness. You should not be under the control of anything but that which leads to holiness.

Woe: Violence
The spike in violence all around the world is astounding. Violence is a mark of Satan's work. How should Christians approach something so inexcusable?

Woe: Greed
Greed within our hearts eventually infiltrates our homes. The negative consequences affect us and others around us. Simply put, to covet is to desire something God does not desire for us.

Woe: Desire
At some point, we all have wondered if God will ever respond to the wickedness around us. Habakkuk shared a similar concern in his day. We can be sure that God deals with sin wherever, whenever, and in whomever He finds it.

Did you know there is only one verse in the Bible that has the word "eternity"? Similar terms like everlasting and eternal are used frequently, but the Holy Spirit reserved the word eternity for one passage in Isaiah 57:15: Today we study the only time "eternity" is used in the Bible. For more on eternity visit us at: If you are not sure where you will spend eternity, click here to learn more or contact us: To order our "Eternity" gospel tract visit:

Look What God Says Four Times!
When God repeats Himself, it is never because He forgot He said it the first time. He uses repetition so we will not forget what He has said. Notice in today's episode how the just live by their faith.

The Christian life is a faith life from start to finish. There is no substitute for faith, for it is the only thing that accesses divine resources. When we believe in God, He sends revival.

What are the great hindrances to revival? What is it that is blocking our blessing? Perhaps at the top of the list is our pride, preventing us from drawing near to God.