Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes


Someone To Hold On To

Habakkuk 1:12-17
God can use evil people and wicked times to accomplish His holy purpose. In an everchanging and always deceiving world, you can hold onto our everlasting and wholly trustworthy God.

What to Do When you Don’t Know What to Do

Habakkuk 1:12-13
Today's circumstances can leave us confused and frustrated. You may not understand or like what is happening, but you can let everything you see lead you to worship a great God.

The World We See and the Lord We Can’t

Habakkuk 1:2-12
Christians have to live in two worlds simultaneously: the one they can see and the one they cannot. This world is full of violence, strife, and contention because the truth of God's Word has been ignored. How can we live in the world to come?

It All Begins with a Burden

Habakkuk 1:1
While God does lift our burden of sin and take the burden of our cares through Christ, He does allow burdens into our lives to drive us to Him. Everything that reminds us of our weaknesses is God's gift to us.

Our Greatest Need

Habakkuk 3:2
People everywhere are tremendously concerned about the need of our world. What is that need? It is not political, financial, or even moral. The need is spiritual.
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I Will Hear

Psalm 85:8
Because God has given us His Word, we should read, receive, and retain it. Sadly, we fail even to prepare to hear Him. We will see the Living Word very soon, but until then, we must give our attention to His written Word.
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The Final Chapter

2 Timothy 4:19
Toward the end of their lives, Aquila and Priscilla are marked by the same thing they were when Scripture first introduces them—faithfulness to the Lord. This faithfulness enabled them to finish well and is still adding fruit to their account.
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Able to Teach Others Also

Acts Acts 18:26-28, Romans 16:5, 1 Corinthians 16:9
We are not just stewards of our time or money but of God's truth. Not all of us are preachers or missionaries, yet we are all called to teach others what the Lord has taught us. Who is someone God has placed in your life that you could pour His truth into?
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A Christian Home and A Church Home

Acts 18:4, 18, 24-26
Strong Christian families and strong local churches cannot be separated. God designed both of these institutions to lean on each other. Choose today to keep your family and church homes connected.
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Seeing God In It All

Acts 18:1-3
Wherever and however you are living, you and your family must determine to serve the Lord to the fullest. Situations or circumstances may stack against you, but you must choose to see the Lord behind and above it all.
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Serving the Lord Together

Acts 18:1-3
Today, we are beginning a special study about Aquila and Priscilla's marriage. Regardless of your season of life, many lessons can be gleaned from this New Testament couple. Join us as we realize the importance of oneness in service.
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The Heart of the Prayer

Psalm 85:4-7
Prayer is the connection between heaven and our hearts. God pays more attention to the sincerity of our hearts than the beauty of our words. Once we align our hearts with His, we are another step closer to revival.

Are You A Joyful Servant?

Deuteronomy 28:47-48
As Christians, joy ought to be a characteristic of our service. We rejoice in service not merely because we accomplish tasks but because of the One Who assigned them to us. Join us as we conclude our study on joy with an exclamation point!

The Joy of A Triumphant Entrance

Jude 24-25
Some day, you can enter triumphantly into the Lord's presence! If you do finish well, it is only because He empowered you to do so. Surrender your fleshly efforts and submit to His enabling.

The Joy of Testing

James 1:2-4
How do you rejoice in the midst of difficulty? You go back to what you know for sure. We know that God is in control of difficulty and has a great cause for all things He permits onto our path.

The Joy of What Is Ahead

Hebrews 12:1-2
While we have joy in the past and present, much more awaits us in what God has prepared ahead of us. This sort of joy motivated Christ in His suffering and empowers us to endure.

The Joy of Christian Friendship and Fellowship

Philemon 5-7, 20
The joy of Christian fellowship is not limited to one day a week. It extends beyond the time we gather together and into all areas of our lives. As a family, we are there through the good and the bad.
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Where Revival Praying Begins

Psalm 85:1-4
There is a great difference between praying for revival and revival praying. Revival praying begins with confession. The renewal we desire is always preceded by repentance.

The Joy of the Local Church

Philippians 4:1
A local church is a small representation of the family of God. Because of our divine relationship with the Father, we can enjoy a delightful fellowship with one another.

The Joy of Unity

Philippians 2:1-2, 17-18
You can have a relationship without having fellowship. Unity does not mean union or uniformity. Christian unity is grounded in sharing the mind of Christ. While the world is full of divisive conflict, Christ is full of uniting consolation.

The Joy of Intercession

Philippians 1:3-4
One of the most Christ-like things we can do is intercede for others. When you pray for others, God will produce great joy in your soul. As you see progress in their lives, you will find another reason to rejoice.

The Joy of Giving

2 Corinthians 8:1-5; 9:7
Giving is more joyful than receiving. The Bible promises great blessings to those who give with expectation and without reservation. Are you faithfully giving to the Lord’s work?

The Joy of Faithful Ministers

2 Corinthians 1:23-24; 2:3
According to Scripture, faithful ministers are helpers of our joy. The Lord made us to need one another. While God gives the joy, faithful ministers simply help build it up.
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Diet and Exercise

1 Timothy 4:4-8
Most men do not fail in their weak points. They fail in their strong points. If you are going to be one of the Lord’s strong men, you must surrender your weaknesses and strengths to Him. Listen to part two of a recent series delivered at a men’s conference.