Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

The Very Breath of God
Every Word from God is "God breathed"—it is connected to His very nature and life. Today we learn more about how God gave His Word to man and see the amazing proofs of divine inspiration in the Bible.

What The Bible Says About God’s Word
The Bible is the very Word of God. It is God's special revelation of Himself! The more we seek God in the Scriptures the more we come to know Him personally.

How It’s All Going To End
Come with us to the last page of the Bible. This is how it all ends. Prophecy leads us beyond earth to a new heaven and new earth, beyond time to eternity.

Getting Ready to Meet God
Soon we will see Jesus. There are two main events that believers in heaven will experience, after the rapture of the church, while the tribulation is taking place on earth. Each of us should be getting ready to meet God!

The Worst Time In World History
Our world has never seen tribulation like the tribulation that is coming on this planet at the end of the church age. God's Word explains the rise of anti-christ and the fall of civilization in graphic detail. Christ is our only hope.

When We Get Carried Away
Someday soon God's people are going to get carried away! The next great event in the last days is the coming of Christ for His church. Are you ready to be caught away?

What the Bible Says About the End Times
Scripture is full of prophecy and sincere Bible students must not neglect it. Today, we uncover five definite blessings connected to the study of prophecy. Our goal is to learn more than end time events; it is to know more deeply the eternal God.

The Mission
The church is not called to do everything—it is commanded to do one thing! His purpose must become ours! Every member must find their place in the wonderful work of God in this world.

Is church membership taught in Scripture? In our study of the New Testament the Lord reveals His purpose in belonging to a local church. Membership matters.

Why Go to Church?
You can worship God in many places, but there are some things you can only do as you meet with God's people. Today we discover seven simple, plain Bible reasons to regularly assemble in a local church.

The Simple Structure of God’s Amazing Work
The basic structure of the New Testament church is determined by only one person—the Founder of the church, Jesus Christ! God is a God of order and He has plainly left us the order He desires. The measure of any church is its obedience to Christ.

A Word From the Founder
There is much discussion today about what people think about church. Scripture tells us what Jesus thinks about the church, and how it should affect our thinking. Let's let the Founder speak for Himself...

What the Bible Says About the Church
What is the church? Where did it come from? Why is it so important? Today we begin to look at the church that Jesus started.

My Past, My Present, and My Future
God's perfect salvation takes care of your past, your present, and your future! The eternal Son of God has worked for our salvation. He continues to work at this very moment, and He will finish His work in us! Salvation is more than an event - it is God's perfect work in his children.

Two Things to do With the Gift
Grace is the gift of God. It is a gift to be received and to be shared! Rejoice today in God's grace to you and pass the truth on to someone else.

One little word reveals the greatness of God's salvation. It is a heart word, a word of joy and soberness. "So" both defies definition and, at the same time, reveals how great salvation is!

What the Bible Says About Salvation
The teaching of salvation is wonderfully simple in Scripture. God has made a way for man to be saved from himself, from his sin, from the wrath of God. Nothing else is more important than knowing the answer to the question: "What must I do to be saved?"

Three Word Pictures of Sin
How would you draw sin? Satan and the world draw only a picture of the pleasure of sin. God draws vivid pictures of sin's results. Today we examine three words that picture perfectly what sin is in the eyes of God.

What the Bible Says About Sin
Sin has not gone away; it just doesn't get talked about much. It is a reality in all of our lives and the source of every sorrow in this world. We must learn the truth about our own sin and about the only Savior who can deliver us from it.

Created, Fallen, Restored
Man was created in the image of God. Our sin has marred that image, but our gracious God has made a way that we can be restored! The Bible is the only book that can accurately explain our past, present, and future.

What the Bible Says About Man
Today we examine great questions connected to our own existence. What is man? Where did we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? Only our Creator can give an answer. We must uncover what the Bible says.

Angels, Demons, and the Devil
There are three angels called by name and two "orders" of angels identified in Scripture. Lucifer led a number of angels to rebel against the Lord and these fallen angels now operate as enemies of God. In today's study we see what the Bible says about each of them and about the God who is above all.