Daily Broadcast

True and lasting joy is only found in Jesus Christ. An all-wise God has designed the Christian life so that those who follow Him will not only enjoy the destination, they can also enjoy the journey. We are all travelers in this world, and God has so many wonderful truths to teach us along the way. Open your copy of God’s Word and let’s study together…

Broadcast Series

Broadcast Episodes

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The Place of Transformation

Mark 9:9-13
It was more than the Mount of Christ’s Transfiguration; it was the place of the disciples’ transformation. In the presence of God we are ALL changed. Listen as Simon Peter testifies of what God did in his life and what He wants to do in you.
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Are You Misunderstanding God?

Mark 9:1-8
Misunderstandings are a part of life, but when we misunderstand God we often miss what He is trying to teach us. Today we go with the disciples up into a mountain to learn that we are not to focus on people, events, or emotions - all eyes must be on Jesus. Don’t miss Him!
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Are You A True Follower of Christ?

Mark 8:32-38
What is the one mark of a true follower of Jesus Christ? The Lord answered that question in a conversation with His disciples. How far will you follow?
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God’s Progressive Work

Mark 8:22-31
The Lord's work in us is always perfect but sometimes progressive. Life is a "construction zone" and Christ is constantly working on us. Allow the Lord to continue His work in you wherever you are!
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The Sin of Forgetfulness

Mark 8:1-21
How soon we forget! The sin of forgetfulness leads to so many other sins and robs us of victory and joy. Sit in Christ's classroom with the first disciples and learn the lesson we rarely remember.
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Be Opened

Mark 7:31-37
Sin and Satan close in on a man. Only Jesus can open Him up. Discover the powerful opening work of God today in the life of a deaf and dumb man and then allow the Lord to do the same for you!
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Yes, Lord!

Mark 7:24-30
The first Gentile convert in our Lord's ministry is an example of how to get your prayers answered. Learn these beautiful secrets to effective prayer. Before He answers with "yes" we must come to place where we say, "Yes, Lord!"
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Dealing With the Pharisee in Me

Mark 7:14-23
It is easy to spot the hypocrisy in the lives of other people and miss the hypocrisy of our own hearts. I must be willing to deal with the "pharisee" in me first! Allow the Lord to examine your own heart today.
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Tradition or Truth?

Mark 7:1-13
Traditions are not bad, but they must never take the place of truth! Our commitment must always be to truth over tradition. Our beliefs and behavior must be guided by God's truth alone.
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Christ Is Enough!

Mark 6:45-56
Another storm?!? Another opportunity to learn the lesson that will help you all through life: Christ is enough! In every place, for every person, through every circumstance: Christ is enough!
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Put it All in His Hands

Mark 6:35-44
When we get to the end of our resources we learn that God is not at the end of His. Give Him all that you have and you gain access to all that He is! He will do more than meet your needs - He will use you to meet the needs of many others.
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Learning to Rest for God

Mark 6:30-34
Busy people can become barren people if they do not learn to rest in the Lord. In our Scripture Christ teaches us practical principles for rest and work. Learn the discipline of resting for God.
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A Holy Man

Mark 6:14-29
What will you be remembered for? One of the most wicked, worldly kings to have every lived remembered one thing about John the Baptist. It was the thing that made him who he was. It should be the thing that every follower of Christ desires.
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The People God Uses

Mark 6:3-14
Simple families. Simple followers. It is Christ that does the "mighty works." He delights in doing them through ordinary people who are willing to believe Him and obey Him. This is the open secret of those God uses.
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Don’t Miss His Word!

Mark 6:1-6
Everyone wants to see God do some spectacular miracle, but His greatest work is done through the power of His Word. If we miss His Word we miss every other thing He desires to do in us. Give attention to God's Word in your life and you will see the power of God.
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God at Work

Mark 6:1
God is at work in simple places among common people. In fact, in the most ungodly, unlikely places He loves to show up! Don't miss the Lord in your Nazareth.
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Only Believe

Mark 5:35-43
In the greatest stress, strain, and struggle of your life, how will you respond to God? One father learned that God cares more than we do, and that He can be trusted. "Be not afraid, only believe."
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The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nothing but the Truth

Mark 5:21-34
The Lord Jesus reveals the truth about us and about God. In this amazing story we see the perfect wisdom, love, and power of our Saviour. Tell Him the truth. He knows it already.
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Start at Home

Mark 5:1-20
Do you want to do something big for the Lord? Jesus tells us where to start. His words to a man He had just changed would change the lives of many others..."Go home." Begin your work for the Lord right where you are today.
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What to Do In Your Storm

Mark 4:35-41
It is inevitable. Storms are going to come into every life. How will you respond? As we discover three things Christ did not do when a vicious storm came it will help us to see the one thing that we must do.
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Becoming Teachers

Mark 4:30-34
Today we examine Christ's message and how He delivered it. Learning to communicate as Christ did will help us all to better messengers for Him. The students must become the teachers.
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Better Hearers

Mark 4:21-29
Are you a good listener? Christ tells us that the way we "hear" God has everything to do with how much He can accomplish in us. Learn to be a better listener today - especially when it is God who is speaking!
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Which Are You?

Mark 4:14-20
There are four types of hearers, four types of hearts. Today we examine each and they examine us. Which of the four are you?
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Christ’s Most Important Story

Mark 4:1-13
Jesus frequently told stories to teach truth. There is one story that He said was the foundation of every other one. If we understand and apply this parable we will be ready for every truth He wants us to know.