Broadcast Series
Broadcast Episodes

How to Think About Money
Those who say preachers should not talk about money would not have enjoyed listening to Jesus! He used it to teach about the true riches. In this study we discover the right perspective on money both from the side of those who do not yet know Christ and those who do.

Is There Anything Between You and Jesus?
He had everything and missed eternity. Jesus said to him, "One thing thou lackest." Hear his story today and refuse to allow anything to become the one thing between you and God.

Reaching A New Generation
The devil wants our children. This world is after them. Those who know and love Christ must make it their business to engage young people with the love and truth of God. The only way to change a nation is to reach a generation.

What God Says About Marriage
In a culture where divorce is common and marriage is belittled it is important that we go back to what God's Word says. He created marriage! What was His original intent and what is His perfect will?

Letting God Be Thorough With You
It is so much easier to see the faults in others than the sin in ourselves. In this episode we study the words of Jesus regarding sin, hell, eternity, and what really matters. As we allow the Lord to root the sin out of our lives we become people that can be used by God for good in this world. Ask the Lord to be thorough with you today.

An Attitude Check
We all need an attitude check from time to time! Our attitude toward other believers, fellow workers, and needy people around us easily deteriorate. The secret is found in your attitude toward Christ. Take the test today and ask the Lord to help you align your heart with His.

Lessons Learned In the Valley
Are you in a valley? The lowlands are often Christ’s classroom. Some lessons cannot be learned on the mountain tops of life. It is in the valley where we learn the most about others, about ourselves, and about our God.

The Place of Transformation
It was more than the Mount of Christ’s Transfiguration; it was the place of the disciples’ transformation. In the presence of God we are ALL changed. Listen as Simon Peter testifies of what God did in his life and what He wants to do in you.

Are You Misunderstanding God?
Misunderstandings are a part of life, but when we misunderstand God we often miss what He is trying to teach us. Today we go with the disciples up into a mountain to learn that we are not to focus on people, events, or emotions - all eyes must be on Jesus. Don’t miss Him!

Are You A True Follower of Christ?
What is the one mark of a true follower of Jesus Christ? The Lord answered that question in a conversation with His disciples. How far will you follow?

God’s Progressive Work
The Lord's work in us is always perfect but sometimes progressive. Life is a "construction zone" and Christ is constantly working on us. Allow the Lord to continue His work in you wherever you are!

The Sin of Forgetfulness
How soon we forget! The sin of forgetfulness leads to so many other sins and robs us of victory and joy. Sit in Christ's classroom with the first disciples and learn the lesson we rarely remember.

Be Opened
Sin and Satan close in on a man. Only Jesus can open Him up. Discover the powerful opening work of God today in the life of a deaf and dumb man and then allow the Lord to do the same for you!

Yes, Lord!
The first Gentile convert in our Lord's ministry is an example of how to get your prayers answered. Learn these beautiful secrets to effective prayer. Before He answers with "yes" we must come to place where we say, "Yes, Lord!"

Dealing With the Pharisee in Me
It is easy to spot the hypocrisy in the lives of other people and miss the hypocrisy of our own hearts. I must be willing to deal with the "pharisee" in me first! Allow the Lord to examine your own heart today.

Tradition or Truth?
Traditions are not bad, but they must never take the place of truth! Our commitment must always be to truth over tradition. Our beliefs and behavior must be guided by God's truth alone.

Christ Is Enough!
Another storm?!? Another opportunity to learn the lesson that will help you all through life: Christ is enough! In every place, for every person, through every circumstance: Christ is enough!

Put it All in His Hands
When we get to the end of our resources we learn that God is not at the end of His. Give Him all that you have and you gain access to all that He is! He will do more than meet your needs - He will use you to meet the needs of many others.

Learning to Rest for God
Busy people can become barren people if they do not learn to rest in the Lord. In our Scripture Christ teaches us practical principles for rest and work. Learn the discipline of resting for God.

A Holy Man
What will you be remembered for? One of the most wicked, worldly kings to have every lived remembered one thing about John the Baptist. It was the thing that made him who he was. It should be the thing that every follower of Christ desires.

The People God Uses
Simple families. Simple followers. It is Christ that does the "mighty works." He delights in doing them through ordinary people who are willing to believe Him and obey Him. This is the open secret of those God uses.

Don’t Miss His Word!
Everyone wants to see God do some spectacular miracle, but His greatest work is done through the power of His Word. If we miss His Word we miss every other thing He desires to do in us. Give attention to God's Word in your life and you will see the power of God.